Chapter 9: Stephanie Gets A Little Carried Away
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The light was too bright, so I delved further beneath the covers, only to feel them pulled off me. I looked up to blearly see the one who had done that-- a girl, wait, Mika, specifically. She stared down at me. "Hey. You're only allowed to eat with specific permission, so you should get up before Stephanie leaves for work. Regina left earlier this morning."

"...ugh... are you going to make sure I follow the rule?"

Mika smirked, and flicked me in the forehead. "Of course not, stupid. You can do whatever you want while it's just the two of us. I don't care if you follow your training program enough to police you on it. Although if you don't think getting trained like this is working, I don't see why you're bothering at all?" A little shrug, and she rolled over, and up on to her feet outside the door, with a lithe grace that I didn't really expect.

I got up and followed her to the kitchen, rubbing my eyes, and Stephanie glanced over to me. "Y'know, Princess, I know didn't tell you to put on makeup or anything, but you should at least brush your hair. You don't have specific orders to come here as quickly as possible, so it should be your goal to always be presentable in your owner's presence unless you specifically know they don't like that."

"Oh, yeah, um, sorry."

Stephanie was looking at me expectantly now, ears perked up a bit.

"...sorry, Mistress?"

She smiled. "That's my good girl. Go brush your hair quick."

I flushed and nodded, and hurried off to brush my hair and borrow some deodorant... there were three different ones, so I sniffed at each, and used the one that smelled like Mika... I don't know if it was the pet deodorant, or if I just wanted to smell more like her so that she'd accept me.

...was I thinking of her as a wild animal now? Well, I felt like she would be a little feral, if not for Stephanie and Regina's presence.

I got back to the kitchen soon enough, and Mika was sitting on the counter eating from a bowl of cereal she was holding in one hand.

Stephanie was leaning against the counter, frowning down at something on her phone.

They didn't really have a table, persay.

I started to climb up the counter to sit, and Mika looked to me, raising an eyebrow... she wasn't going to comment, I guess, except through body language. I sighed softly and sat down on the ground next to Stephanie, and waited for her to look up from her phone.

When Stephanie finally did look away from her phone, she glanced down at me, then smiled, petting my head. "Good girl... you didn't interrupt me, but you did need to eat before I left, so you sat down next to me, huh...?" She scritched under my chin and grinned wider. "Wanna give me a blowjob before you eat?"

I was increasingly hungry, but I was getting aroused as Stephanie treated me like this and casually asked for a blowjob, and I remembered Regina saying last night that my owner's small desires were more important than my big desires, or something?

I kneeled down and nuzzled against her sheath, and she pulled her panties aside as her cock started to emerge, and I softly licked it, putting my hand down between my legs.

"Ugh, do you have to do that while I'm eating breakfast?" Mika sounded annoyed... maybe she was jealous, although if so, I wasn't sure which one of us she was jealous of.

"You don't have to eat in the kitchen," noted Stephanie, "besides, you've done this for me even while Regina was still eating. Princess is being a very good pet for sucking my cock so eagerly, yes she is, such a good girl, such a precious little slut." She was petting my cheeks, then reaching down a bit further to grope my breast.

I felt a bit embarrassed and used, but maybe that's part of what was turning me on... regardless, I was sucking eagerly... half of her cock was in my mouth now, and more was slowly emerging and pushing back, and I was tempted to take her down my throat, but it's not like I had zero gag reflex, so I had to slowly back up, stroking the shaft of her canine cock that didn't fit in my mouth with one hand.

I wondered if Mika had a gag reflex.

I wondered if mine would be trained out of me, either by the training facility or my new owner.

"Oh... hey now, Princess, what have we said about touching yourself?" Stephanie's voice was suddenly stern.

I quickly pulled my fingers from between my legs, and pulled my mouth back for just a moment, continuing to stroke her cock as I called out a quick "Sorry, Mistress!" before returning to my task.

"Hmm... I think I changed my mind. Stand up and bend over the table and wait for me." She got up and left the room, and I swallowed, what was going to happen to me now?

I cleared the table of plates and the cereal box Mika had left behind -- I guess she had left too -- and bent over the table.

"Naked!" came the call from the other room, and I was confused, thinking Stephanie was declaring she was naked, before realizing it was an order... I stripped naked rather efficiently, it's not like anyone was watching, and crossed my arms to rest them and my breasts down against the cool hard possibly-stone surface of the counter... she was going to fuck me, right? I was just getting wetter.

She came back and started sliding two very slippery fingers -- okay, no doubt lubed up -- against my back entrance. I let out a little squeak of surprise, and she patted my butt. "You used to anal, Princess?"

"I've... done it a few times...."

"Okay, we'll go slow at first, then..." She started fingerfucking my ass, as she groped my butt with her other hand, slapping it too. I yelped and started at the slap, squeezing down inadvertently on her fingers.

She patted my ass softly, groping it more lightly until I managed to loosen up again and she was back to fingerfucking me enthusiastically. "Sorry, didn't know you'd hate that. We'll get you more used to it, but I shouldn't spring lotsa new things on you at once... hey, I shouldn't be apologizing to you, should I? Apologize to me, come to think of it?" I could almost hear the smile in her voice.

It was kinda hard to think of a really good apology with her fingers sliding in and out of me, so I just went for "Sorry, Mistress!"

"Why are you sorry, pet?"

"Um... because my body belongs to you?" I flushed as I said that, but luckily my face wasn't visible this time... of course, I had been told my blushes sometimes reached all the way up to my ears.

"That's right! You're just my cute little pet and sex toy... I'm just lubing you up and getting you ready because I want to make sure I don't hurt my precious little toy... you think you can take me inside now?"

Why was I feeling so aroused by being treated as Stephanie's property? I felt safer pretending she was my owner, somehow... regardless, my ass had loosened up a bit from all the fingerfucking, so I nodded. "Yes, Mistress, if you--"

Before I could complete the sentence, Stephanie was already slowly pressing the head of her cock into my ass, and I moaned.

A few slow thrusts, and then she was pounding my ass pretty hard, and I had to shift my arms and weight so she didn't drive my head into a cupboard or something.

"I'm going to slap your ass now, so relax."

Didn't she just say she wasn't going to introduce multiple-- ow! Fuck, that hurt, that was an actual serious slap. I whimpered. "Did I do something wrong, Mistress?"

"No, no, Princess-- if I'm punishing you, you'll know it." Her voice was filled with pleasure now as she held onto my hips and thrust in again and again, and it felt good and like I could just melt against the counter, but I wasn't anywhere near cumming by the time her knot started swelling inside me as she spilled hot semen deep into my ass.

"Hey, aren't you-- you have work!"

"Oh, wait, fuck, you're right!" Stephanie tried to pull her thickening knot out of me, but it wasn't that easy to get out now, and I cried out, and she stopped trying, just leaning over me and rubbing my belly as her cum continued to fill up my ass.

"Fuck I love you, Phoebe... you were made to be a pet."

That was really weird to hear right now, but it was also super arousing to hear, and I whimpered needily. "Can... can I touch myself, Mistress?"

"Mmm... no." A moment after she said this, though, her lubed up fingers-- other hand, from the angle, I think -- was rubbing against my pussy lips, then thrusting up inside me as her knot slowly pulsed, releasing more and more of her hot seed deep inside my ass.

Other than a little bit of experimentation during masturbation, I had never really been double-penetrated before, and I moaned and relaxed into it as she started finger-fucking me, her hand rubbing up against my clit a little, although that wasn't her focus.

"Mmm, fuck... is it okay if I just make you cum over and over again, Princess? Please?"

I whimpered softly, my body shuddering in pleasure, but, fuck, that sounded so good. "My... my body belongs to you, Mistress... but maybe we should move somewhere else? I don't think I can support my weight like this if I keep cumming...." My knees were already trembling, after all.

"Mmm..." Stephanie picked me up with her cock still inside me, and ordered me to bring my knees up, which I did, as best as I could. She carried me over to her and Regina's bed, and flopped down on it, me on top of her, the force burying her knot just a bit deeper into my ass, causing me to moan.

She started caressing my body, still quite sensitive from having to cum, sliding her hands along my side and groping my breasts and sliding her fingers into my mouth and making me sucking on them as she played with my nipple with the other hand, then went down to rub my clit and start to thrust inside me, her cock still deep in my ass as she fingerfucked my pussy and fucked my mouth with her fingers.

Already I had graduated from double penetration to triple penetration, and while her fingers in my mouth wasn't quite as pleasurable as those in my pussy or her cock in my ass, it made me feel even more used, owned, nothing more than a pet for her to use however she wanted.

I could trust Stephanie to take care of me, she was my friend, after all, even if right now she was making me cum a second time and I don't know if I was crying because I was cumming so hard as she forced me into a second climax, or because I knew she wasn't going to be my Mistress, not for long.

She was humping up with her hips a little up into me, as she started to caress me more generally, no doubt building for a third orgasm for me as she said things like, "You're still doing okay, right, pet?" and so forth, full of affection even as she clearly wanted to utterly overwhelm my body in pleasure.

I whimpered... then realized her cock was moving inside me pretty easily now... her knot had died down a little. "Mistress...."

Before I could complete that thought, she grabbed my head, turned it, and awkwardly kissed me as best she could from that angle. I kissed back, finding it hard to fight against her or complete my thought.

As soon as the kiss broke, I tried again. "Mistress... work...."

"But my cock is stuck inside... oh, fuck, you're right." She rolled me over, and pulled her cock out of my ass, giving the back of my neck a soft little bite.

Fuck, I was just getting a deeper primal urge to submit... or I assumed it was primal, I just knew she was biting my neck and I belonged to her and... she was getting up off top of me, and I was whimpering softly.

"Sorry, Princess, but I'm already going to be half an hour late. But you are very cute... I adore you... you make a great little pet, okay...?" She ruffled my hair, then wiped her cock clean-ish with the skirt she had been wearing, and put on a new skirt as I watched her, panting, as I relaxed on her bed, cum oozing out of my ass.

In a moment, she was out the bedroom door, and, panting and overwhelmed as I was by her vigorous fucking, I suddenly felt very alone.