Chapter 60: Loaded Questions
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It was an exhausting morning. In total I fought six different knights before it was time for me to leave for training with Sir Aborisey. Each bout seemed more difficult than the last, but luckily four of the six used physical strengthening magic. It seemed that they felt they needed to give their all to defeat me. Which was perfect as without their addition of mana, I would have certainly lost several times over.

“The queen has summoned you today Elliot,” Sir Aborisey said as he met me outside his office. “We will be heading there now.”

Heading to see the queen! But I wasn’t prepared. I had just finished training. I was in no state to meet the queen.

“I understand,” I said hesitantly. “is there any chance there’s enough time to change into more fitting clothing?”

With a shake of his head, Sir Aborisey informed me that the meeting was requested at the beginning of my political training. And that in the political circles I should always be prepared to meet with nobility.

In other words, ‘too bad.’

“Can you give me any hints as to the reason for the meeting,” I asked to Sir Aborisey’s disappointment.

With a sigh he responded, “I imagine it has to do with your relationship to her daughter. I thought you had a trait called Insight?”

Oh, yeah. Duh.

We walked the rest of the way in silence. Passing paintings and carvings and ornate decorations of every type. The red and white color scheme was heavily emphasized in the palace walls.

I was also taken by how few guards there were patrolling the palace itself. Perhaps the guards outside the palace were deemed sufficient. Maybe the royal family cared more for privacy than security. I wasn’t sure.

Finally we arrived at a large ornate wooden door. It was a thick and heavy looking door elaborately carved with the royal crest. Two armed guards standing watch. With a door like that I imagined this was the throne room and my destination. But I was wrong. We continued slightly down the hallway to a much smaller door guarded by a single knight with a halberd.

Still quite intimidating.

“We are here in response to a summons from her royal majesty,” Sir Aborisey declared.

With a bow, the guard stepped to the side, knocked on the door and announced Sir Aborisey and me.

A muted “enter” was the response.

The door was opened by a tall fair looking man with short blond hair with silver highlights and long pointed ears. A full-blooded elf I presumed.

Inside was a combination working and sitting room. Laid out with ornate furniture and a large desk. Behind which the queen sat folding up a piece of parchment. Her blue hair reminding me of my conversation regarding Laeanna. Could this have anything to do with Fiena finding out about the princess? Oh no.

“Please enter Elliot. Have a seat,” the queen said motioning to a sitting area within the office.

Sir Aborisey and I gave formal greetings the moment we entered the room.

“That will be all Theobald,” She said to Sir Aborisey before he excused himself.

The door was closed. Now it was just me, the queen, and the attendant.


The queen moved from behind her desk and to a seat within the sitting area of the room. She motioned for me to take a seat directly in front of her.

Nervously I sat. The attendant remained by the door as if keeping watch.

From this distance I could see pools of mana around the queen’s head. It was something I had seen before. A purplish mana similar to the mana which pooled around Fiena. Originally I had assumed this to be a quirk of her species, but now that I know I am the only one who can see mana in this way, I wondered if it was something else.

“How have you been adjusting to Acone?” the queen asked. Her face soft yet unexpressive.

“It has been challenging,” I admitted. “Although I have very much appreciated the support given by everyone at the palace.”

“Everyone including my dear Alea?” The queen said.

Yup this was definitely about my relationship with Alea.

“Yes,” I said carefully, “Alea has been training with me for the past several days. And even graciously agreed to be my guide to Kaland. She is an excellent partner.”

“Partner…” the queen repeated.

“I mean training partner. Acquaintance,” I tried to correct.

“You know why I asked you here,” she said with a raised eyebrow.

“I believe so,” I replied. “But let me assure you that the rumors are unfounded and the duel with Sir Belethier was based on a misunderstanding.”

“Oh? Then you are not attracted to my daughter Alea.”

That was a loaded question.

This was it. I had to be clear and concise. Explain my position and gain the queen’s support.

“Princess Alea and I may have the beginnings to a friendship, but at this time there is nothing more to our relationship than that,” I calmly explained.

Would she believe me? Would this get me off the hook?

“I see,” the queen responded. “Then you are claiming Wichard took unwarranted action against you in declaring a duel?”

That seemed like another loaded question. If I answered no, I admit to improper actions toward the princess. If I answered yes, then I risk making matters worse between Wichard and I.

“I can understand Sir Belethier’s concerns regarding his fiancé,” I began. “But those concerns were unfounded.”

“I suppose Wichard can be a bit rash,” the queen admitted. “And Alea did say as much. Still, you accepted his duel and even defeated him in a duel for Alea. What are your expectations regarding the outcome of these actions?”

“Sir Aborisey and I discussed several possible outcomes,” I answered. “However, without a full understanding of Acone politics it is impossible for me to answer that. I honestly don’t know what will happen.”

“Then,” she said, “what do you hope to be the outcome?”

Hope? I hope that nothing changes. That I am not punished for something I didn’t do. That’s all I hope.

“I have no particular expectations,” I repeated. “But I hope that I might continue to train as I have done for the past week.”

“I see,” the queen said with deep thought. “Then you wish for Alea to return to training with you instead of her brother.”

That wasn’t exactly what I meant, but yeah I would like for things to get back to normal…well as normal as things in another world can get.

The queen continued to ask me her loaded questions for some time. Asking about my relationship with Bella, Fiena and Alea. The queen asked about my training and impressions of Acone and its people. The prospect of going to war in Picham and whether or not I felt any obligation to help Acone. The entire time the attendant simply stood as if ready to pounce at any moment.

Strangely his mana stretched out slightly lopsided toward the queen. It was as if it were being pushed toward her in some way. It was all I could do to keep from staring at the oddly shaped mana. Perhaps this was something unique to elves?

I was made even more curious by the appearance of a slight distortion in the air between him and the queen. It was strange, but not my greatest concern at the moment.

It felt like I gave a report of everything I had done since I arrived in Praecantio. Every response I gave was filled with thought and careful intention. To clarify misunderstandings and to prevent further misunderstandings. I knew that the queen likely knew I wasn’t an actual hero, but hopefully I was still seen as useful to the nation. Useful enough to overlook these unfounded rumors.

She was the only person I have spoken to thus far who didn’t seem overly concerned with Earth confining her questions solely to the past Praecantian week. Perhaps it was an attempt to avoid discussing the summoning which put her daughter in a coma. Perhaps she just focused on her own nation.

“I think I have a good idea about the situation now,” the queen said standing. “Thank you for your time Elliot.”

I immediately rose. Does that mean she believes me? Is this whole thing behind me now? Can I finally move on?

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” I replied with a bow.

That went really well..