3. It’s Probably Safe
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"Dinner's ready!" I shouted at the stairs. "What do you want to drink?"

Avery called back a moment later, "Cola's fine, I'll be right down!"

I opened a couple cans of soda then poured us both glasses, and set them out on the kitchen table along with the food. Not that I'd done anything special, I just heated up a frozen pizza then cut it into slices. I also put out some plates and napkins and stuff, then I sat down and waited.

My sister joined me a minute later, she'd got changed into a pair of track pants and an old t-shirt. She was carrying the curse book with her too, and I noticed there were a couple little sticky-note arrows sticking out from the pages in different spots.

She set the book on the table as she slipped into the seat across from me then smiled, "Thanks baby sis."

That sent some more happy flutters through me and I smiled and blushed, "You're welcome big sis. I know you wanted eggs, but we don't actually have any so I hope you're ok with pizza instead."

She gave me a funny look, then helped herself to a slice as we both started eating.

"So did you find anything that might help?" I asked after munching on some pizza.

"Yep," Avery nodded. "I found a curse that can mess with someone's property or belongings? The way it's written it seems to be like, you could make a rich person's fancy clothes turn into cheap rags? Or turn their expensive car into an old junker."

She paused for a gulp of cola then continued, "According to the instructions the curse lets the caster control how stuff gets changed, and I figured I could use that to fix all your clothes. So you'll have things that actually fit your new body."

"Maybe I could even use it to update your ID?" she added. "It's worth a shot anyways."

I looked back at her in surprise, "I thought you were trying to figure out a way to turn me back to normal?"

Avery rolled her eyes again, "You know what 'permanent' means, right Cheryl? And are you familiar with the word 'irrevocable'? You said yourself that curse you accidentally used on yourself can't be undone."

"Yeah, but..." I frowned as my voice trailed off.

"Do you want me to try and figure out how turn you back to normal?" she asked. "I got the impression you were kind of happy with this. Isn't that why you asked me to call you Cheryl, and sister, and use she her pronouns for you?"

I felt my cheeks colouring again, and my lips curled into a little smile.

"Uh," I hesitated. "Yeah I guess? I mean, if this is permanent and I'm stuck this way forever then maybe you're right? Maybe I should uh, just make the most of it?"

"It sure is too bad you're not trans," she stated in a flat deadpan voice as she watched me. "We'll just have to make the most of this. I know it must be tough, but we can only hope that someday you'll get used to being my little sister."

I ended up biting my lower lip as I tried not to smile too much. I quickly had a gulp of soda then tried to keep a straight face as I nodded, "Right. I'll uh, tough it out. So you figure you can curse all my clothes and stuff?"

"Later sis," she stated with a smirk. "There's still a few more things I need to check in that magic book of yours. So for now let's just focus on dinner, ok?"

"Ok Avery. Thank you!" I grinned.

Before long we both finished our first slices, and we both went in for a second. I only got about a third of the way through it before I was full though.

"Huh," I frowned as I stared at the half-eaten slice on my plate. "Normally I can polish off half a pizza on my own."

My sister reminded me, "Normally you aren't a cute coed."

That got my cheeks heating up again as I grinned, "Oh yeah, right."

She rolled her eyes and asked, "Maybe there's a curse in that book that'll make you bigger again? Even if you're stuck as a girl, that doesn't necessarily mean you can't be your regular height."

"Oh. Uh, maybe?" I frowned as I thought about that.

I didn't actually mind being smaller, even if it was going to take a bit of getting used to. But maybe she was right. And I definitely didn't want people to think I was going out of my way to be cute or girly, when I really wasn't either of those things.

Avery finally said, "I'll have a look through it again and see what I find."

"Yeah. Ok," I mumbled as I continued frowning.

When she was finished eating I put the rest of the pizza in the fridge then rinsed off the dishes and left them in the sink. Meanwhile Avery took the book and her soda and went downstairs to the living-room.

Then after I was done in the kitchen I went back upstairs and gathered up all my clothes from the bathroom floor and dumped them on my bedroom floor instead. I grabbed my phone, and finally went back down again to join my sister in the living-room. She was sitting on one end of our old blue sofa as she quietly read something in that curse book, so I sat down on the other end.

While I waited for my sister to figure stuff out I opened up my social media app and killed some time looking at stuff in there. I was tempted to post a selfie but I figured I should hold off until after Avery decided what we were going to do.

Fortunately that didn't take too long. She looked up from the book and had a gulp of her soda then said, "Ok sis. I've found something else that might help. Have a look at this?"

She offered me the book, already open to a specific page. I put my phone down on the coffee table and took the book and started looking at what she'd found.

"That one looks like it ought to be able to change your height," she commented as I skimmed past all the instructions and warnings and stuff until I got to the good part.

There were only two lines of gibberish text that you were supposed to say out loud, and it indicated that after the second line you were supposed to say the name of the intended target. So naturally that's what I did.

"Ji fojivedr muuhzaq af mu yizaqji podr zaqbn jizaq.
Dafojiyi zaq vezaq foyifo mukozaqda ko zazaq veyi.
Cheryl Weaver!"

Avery's eyes widened and she face-palmed, then she reached out and grabbed the book back out of my hands. At the same time I felt a little wave of dizziness go through me, but it only lasted a half second then everything felt fine again.

"I can't believe you just did that!" my sister exclaimed. "Did you even read the instructions first? Or the warnings?!"

I shrugged, "I figured it was probably safe, or you wouldn't have showed it to me."

She just groaned in exasperation, then asked "Well did it do what you wanted? Did it make you taller? Stand up so we can see what happened."

"Oh right," I grimaced as I got to my feet.

My hoodie still seemed massive on me, and if I let the sleeves slip down they hung well past my hands. Then my sister stood up next to me so we could compare, and my eyes widened again.

Avery was staring at me with her own wide-eyed expression of amazement. She mumbled to herself, "Holy shit. Magic is real. I've seen it with my own eyes and it's really real."

"Yeah it is," I frowned as I stared back up at her. "But I think I screwed something up sis? I thought that one would make me taller, but somehow the curse made you taller instead! I don't get it though, I used my new name and everything..."

My sister sighed and rolled her eyes once more, "I'm the same height as always, sis. You didn't make either of us taller, you made yourself even shorter!"

"I did?" I gasped.

Then I looked down at myself again, and realized the hem on my hoodie was now just a bit above my knees. Then I looked back up at my sister again to try and compare the difference between us. Instead of being a dozen centimetres taller she had to be more like twenty centimetres above me.

I gulped again and blushed, "Oh..."

Avery nodded slowly, "Yeah you did. Magic is real, but I'm starting to think maybe you shouldn't be allowed to play with it anymore. Little sis."

She made sure to put extra emphasis on the word 'little', which only made my cheeks brighter. And for some strange reason made my lips want to curl into a smile.

We both sat back down on the sofa as Avery added, "I suppose the good news is I haven't tried to curse your clothes yet. Otherwise you'd have ended up without anything that fit you. Again."

"Sorry Avery," I mumbled as I shifted on the sofa so my legs were curled up underneath me while I sat sideways at the opposite end. My hoodie was big enough I literally could just disappear inside of it now.

She shrugged, "No need to apologize to me sis. It's not like you made me tiny. I just hope you're not freaking out about this."

"Uh," I hesitated, "I guess we could try and re-do that one maybe? If we have to, I mean. If you think it's important?"

She rolled her eyes yet again as she responded, "If you'd read the instructions and warnings you'd know that was another permanent curse. Sorry Cheryl, you're stuck with it. In a single evening you've turned yourself into a cute busty blonde girl, and now you're fun-size too."

"Oh. Oops?" I grimaced.

Avery watched me for another couple seconds then deadpanned, "I can see you're completely torn up about this. It's a terrible calamity. Too bad there's nothing we can do but accept it and move on. I can only hope that someday you'll get over the mental and emotional trauma."

My cheeks were bright red again by the time she was done, and I had to resist the urge to duck my head inside my big hoodie and disappear completely. Instead I mumbled, "So uh, what about fixing my clothes?"

"Right," she replied as she flipped through the curse book to one of the sticky tags she left in it. For a half second it looked like she was about to hand the book to me again, then she decided to keep it. "Maybe it's safer if I do this one?"

That made me grimace again. I nodded, "Yeah ok sis."

Instead of just diving straight in and reading out the gibberish magic words like I would have done, Avery took two or three minutes to carefully re-read all the accompanying text first. Then she drained the last of her soda and asked, "Ready?"

"I guess," I nodded. "So you're going to make all my clothes fit the new me?"

"I sure hope so," she replied. "If this works like it claims, it's not just going to fix your clothes. It should also update your ID cards too? Basically it's going to impact all your stuff, so everything you own adapts to fit the new you."

Then she added to herself, "If this backfires and screws up my wardrobe instead I'm not going to be very happy."

I cringed, "Fingers crossed?"

"Here goes," Avery stated. Then she took a deep breath, and with a look of concentration on her face she started reading out the funky words.

At one point I heard her say my new name, before there were more of the magic words. When she finished we were both almost holding our breath as we waited for something to happen. And fortunately we only had to wait a moment for the results.

My big huge hoodie seemed to contract around me, while the dark grey colour gradually became lighter and brighter. Within another second or so I was wearing a tight pastel purple hoodie that barely came down past my waist. During the transformation the zipper slid down partway to reveal my cleavage, while the tight lilac coloured material did an excellent job of showing off the size and shape of my boobs. And that reminded both of us that I had absolutely nothing on underneath, since I was once again stark naked from the waist down.

My sister frowned, "Well... It's not quite what I expected, but I suppose it worked."

"Why don't you go upstairs and check the rest of your clothes," she suggested a moment later. "And maybe put some of them on before you come back down?"

"Yeah ok," I agreed as I got up and hurried for the stairs.

The clothes I was wearing earlier were still on my bedroom floor where I left them. I'd been in my favourite blue jeans and a t-shirt with the college logo, and I was expecting to find pretty much the same thing only in smaller sizes. I also figured my underwear might have turned into panties, and my socks would be smaller too.

That's not what I found.

I felt confused and maybe a bit excited as I bent over and scooped up my clothes. My socks were now thigh-highs. They were mostly white, but there were pink and light-blue bands of colour at the toes and the thighs. I recognized the white-pink-blue combination of course, a lot of my trans friends really liked those colours. My boring old white boxers had turned into a pair of cute lacy pink panties and a matching pink bra. My favourite jeans were now a navy blue pleated mini-skirt. And my college t-shirt was now a small stretchy purple blouse with a deep scoop neck.

"Huh," I frowned as I looked at the skimpy sexy clothes in my hands.

With a nervous flutter in my stomach I checked my closet. There were only two pairs of jeans, one was blue and the other black. They were tiny though, like the skinniest skinny jeans I could imagine. Most of my pants were now skirts and a few skimpy dresses. My collection of dark dull t-shirts were now an assortment of tight or revealing tops. And my two pairs of beat-up old black sneakers had become small and cute.

I looked in my dresser next and found it was full of lingerie, like more sexy panties and bras. My collection of boring black tube-socks were now colourful thigh-highs and leggings, and a half dozen pairs of cute footie socks. And finally, my three old pairs of pyjamas had become two nightshirts and a see-through pink babydoll.

"Uh..." I mumbled to myself as I took in what had become of my plain dark nondescript fade-into-the-background wardrobe.

I'd been expecting all my clothes to stay the same as before, I thought the only thing that would change was the size. Instead it's like I had a whole new style, and that style was sexy-cute. I wasn't sure if Avery meant to do that, or if it was just how the curse worked.

Either way it left me overwhelmed enough that I almost forgot I needed to actually put something on. Then I wasn't sure what to try, but after a few seconds I decided leggings were a safe bet. I figured they were basically just tight track pants, and I knew how to deal with that. So I picked out what I thought were a cute pair, with a white and pink 'camo' pattern.

It felt a little strange sliding them up over my smooth shapely legs, but it was a good kind of strange. And I thought they looked nice, especially the way they hugged my hips and highlighted some of my curves.

Rather than putting on some socks I decided to stay barefoot for now, since I wasn't planning on going out tonight. Between the tight pink leggings and the tight lavender hoodie I figured I was dressed enough to head back downstairs again without Avery complaining.

I was just on my way out of my room when I suddenly remembered that last curse was supposed to do more than just update my clothes. I stopped and turned around, and this time I was paying attention to the rest of my bedroom. Like my bed, my bookcase, my desk, and my computer.

And sure enough, things were different.

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