8. Just Normal Friendship Stuff
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content warning: a little bit lewd

"So I think I can just specify that I want all my clothes to fit my new body as Tabby Gardner," my best friend said after a few more minutes of studying the curse book. "It's not too complicated, and it should be relatively foolproof."

I frowned, "Isn't that kind of what you said about the transformation curse? The one that unexpectedly turned you into a catgirl?"

Tabby blushed, "Yeah but I already said I'm ok with it right? It was a surprise, but it's not unpleasant. And I'm not going to change all my belongings, this will only change my clothes."

"What about your ID?" I asked. "Maybe you could update that too?"

Tabs considered for a second, "I've already done the legal name change stuff, and updated my gender marker. So all I really need to change is my picture I think?"

"Maybe your height too? That appears on your drivers license," I reminded her.

She nodded, "Right. My ID can be a separate curse though. I think it's probably safer to do two simple and specific curses, rather than combine them into one that's maybe a little more complicated."

That made me grimace, "Avery did all my stuff at once. Maybe that's part of the reason there were some unexpected effects."

"Maybe," Tabby smiled. "I think I'm ready to give this one a shot."

I gave her a worried look, "Just be careful Tabs. And good luck."

"Thanks Cheryl," she smiled, before focusing on the curse book again.

While she was concentrating on that I made sure to keep myself quiet. I didn't want to risk disturbing her or distracting her or anything. So I just sat next to her on the bed while I watched and waited.

It took her another couple minutes before she was ready, then she quietly read out the gibberish words from the book. She glanced at me, and finally looked down at her clothes and shoes where she left them on the floor.

While she looked at the stuff on the floor I was watching her, and after a second or two I saw her clothes change. She was still only dressed in her loose black cotton panties and t-shirt, and right before my eyes they both started to shrink and change colour.

A couple seconds later Tabby was dressed in nothing but a tiny lacy thong the same shade of orange as her hair, and a tight stretchy black crop-top. The updated outfit left a lot more of her perfect body on display.

The clothing on the floor had changed too, but the changes there weren't quite as drastic. Her bra was now orange and lacy and matched the thong, but her jeans were still jeans. They just looked smaller and tighter than before, plus they did up at the back instead of the front and they had a gap for her tail. Her sneakers were a few sizes smaller, and they changed colour to white with pink highlights.

The last change was another surprise, in the form of new jewelry. A choker appeared around her neck, in the same shade of orange as her hair and fur. I wasn't sure what it was made of, but it didn't look like leather. Some kind of nylon maybe. There didn't seem to be any kind of buckle or closure on it but there was a little metal ring at the front, where a small shiny chrome-coloured bell-shaped thing was attached.

For a second or two I wondered why someone would put a bell on a choker, and I was about to ask my friend about that when it suddenly hit me. It wasn't a choker at all, it was a collar. I figured I'd pretend not to notice that, and let Tabby deal with it however she wanted.

"Eep!" she suddenly gasped as she realized what had happened to her panties and t-shirt.

She reached back and grabbed one of my pillows and held it over her lap as she blushed. "Ok that was mostly a success I think? Based on the clothes I brought with me anyways. I'm equal parts curious and anxious to see what happened to everything back home in my closet and dresser."

"If you say so Tabs," I replied as I looked at her clothes on the floor. "I mean, apart from the fact that your jeans are still jeans, it seems like your clothes got kind of skimpy too right? Same as mine did?"

"Or is that the sort of stuff your catgirl character wears?" I added as I looked at her again.

She grimaced as she glanced down at the pillow on her lap, and her cheeks flushed a bit brighter. Then she admitted, "My Tabby character is a lot less modest and less self-conscious than me, especially when it comes to what she wears."

I frowned, "Then why would you make all your clothes like hers? If you knew they'd be more uh, revealing or whatever?"

"I don't know," she replied with a shrug. She was still blushing though, and after another awkward second or two she sighed and admitted the truth. "I have her body now Cheryl. I told you she was like a self insert right? She was an idealized version of me? So she's less self-conscious about her body, and I guess I want to be less self-conscious too."

Then she took a deep breath and sort of braced herself, before she moved my pillow back where it came from. Her cheeks got brighter but she didn't try and cover up as she stood up, then turned around to face me. The tight form-hugging crop-top didn't leave much to the imagination about the size and shape of her chest. And the only other thing on her was the small orange thong, which meant an awful lot of her smooth perfect skin was on full display.

I felt my own cheeks colouring as well, and I forced myself not to stare. I looked up and focused on her eyes as I offered, "If you want to get dressed I can go wait in the hall? Or I can close my eyes or turn around and look at the wall or something..."

Tabby shook her head, "I'm not getting dressed Cheryl. Not right now anyways, I'll dress in the morning before I go home."

"Then what are you doing?" I asked.

My best friend bit her lower lip as she watched me for a few seconds.

She finally shrugged, "We're both girls Cheryl. And we're best friends, right? I'm trying to get used to not being embarrassed or ashamed of my body. So um, it's ok if you want to look at me. You have my permission."

I kept my eyes on hers while my blush continued slowly spreading over my face as I tried to process what she was telling me. I was worried about coming to the wrong conclusions though, so I decided to ask her to clarify a few more details for me.

"Wait, you mean you want me to look at you?" I asked quietly. "And uh, does that mean you want to look at me too?"

Then my cheeks got brighter as I added, "Hold on a sec, just how far are you thinking of going with this?"

She was biting her lower lip again as she stared down at me for a second or two. Then she shrugged, "We'll see how it goes?"

Tabby watched me for a bit before adding, "If I say or do anything to make you uncomfortable please say so, ok Cheryl? Right now I'm feeling a little adventurous, I feel like pushing some of my boundaries? And I might end up pushing some of yours too, but I don't want to do anything that might upset you. So like I said, speak up if I'm pushing too hard ok? Or if I'm moving too fast."

"Ok Tabs," I replied quietly. My heart was racing a bit though as I asked, "What sort of boundaries are you talking about? You're not uh, you're not into me are you? I thought you weren't into guys."

She stifled a laugh as she shook her head, "I'm not into guys Cheryl, but I am into you. And that's got nothing to do with you turning yourself into a cute coed today, silly girl."

I frowned, "Huh?"

"If you still haven't figured it out for yourself by Monday then I'll give you another hint," she promised. "Now let's do something naughty."

Before I could ask about any of that stuff Tabby grabbed the hem of her small tight top, then pulled it up and over her head in one smooth motion. Her boobs jiggled free as soon as they were clear of the stretchy fabric, and for the next couple seconds my mind was slowly rebooting.

My best friend was standing in front of me wearing nothing but a tiny orange thong. She was topless, and I was staring at her beautiful naked boobs which were practically at eye-level with me sitting on the bed while she stood before me.

Her breasts were perfectly proportioned for her lithe athletic body, shaped like beautiful rounded teardrops. They were large enough to be more than a handful, especially for someone with small delicate hands like mine, but not too big for her figure. Her nipples were a darker pink than mine, and they were already tightening up, standing up tall and proud.

I was just regaining the power of speech when Tabby hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her thong. Then with her eyes on mine she leaned forward towards me which left her boobs hanging down and swaying a bit, while she pulled her thong all the way down past her knees. She straightened back up again as she let go of the skimpy bit of orange fabric, and it dropped to her ankles so she could step out of it.

Now my best friend was completely naked, apart from the little orange collar around her neck. Her cat ears were standing up tall and proud above her head while her tail swished back and forth behind her legs. Her new body was almost completely hairless like mine. Apart from the regular hair on her head, eyebrows and eyelashes, she just had the fur on her ears and her tail. The only other hair I could see was a small neatly-trimmed strip of light orange between her legs.

And I was once again completely lost for words as I sat there on the edge of my bed, staring and trying not to stare at the same time.

"Well Cheryl?" Tabby asked nervously as she watched me staring at her.

She was still blushing, and she sounded a little breathless. Her ears were still standing up on her head, maybe pointing a bit towards me. And her tail was down low between her legs, with just the tip twitching back and forth. It took me a moment to realize she wasn't just anxious, she was also excited.

I forced myself to look her in the eyes again and replied in a quiet but intense tone, "You're absolutely beautiful, Tabby. But I always thought you were. Now everyone else will see you the same way I do."

"Thank you Cheryl," she smiled. "You really are a big romantic, aren't you? And you always say the nicest things to me."

Then her smile shifted to more of a naughty grin as she added, "But right now I'm feeling a little too naughty for romance."

Before I had a chance to respond to that, Tabby reached out and took my hands in hers. She pulled me up off the bed onto my feet so we were standing face to face, more or less. We were close enough I had to tilt my head up a bit to meet her gaze due to the height difference between us, and the look in her eyes as she smiled down at me made me gulp.

Then I felt her hands on my hoodie as she reached for the zipper. A moment later she had it unzipped, and the small purple garment was suddenly a lot less tight as my best friend opened it up fully. I gulped again as I realized my chest was now fully exposed.

With her eyes still on mine Tabby gently slipped my hoodie off my shoulders, then slid it down until it came free of my arms. Just like that I was completely topless in front of her, while she tossed my hoodie onto the small pile of her clothes on the floor. I could also feel my nipples growing hard, partially from being exposed to the cool air but there was also more than a little excitement too.

Tabby's hands came to rest on my waist as she looked me in the eyes and asked, "How are you doing Cheryl?"

"Uh," I hesitated a moment before nodding, "I think I'm doing ok. How about you?"

She smiled, "I'm good. Nervous. And excited."

"Yeah. Me too," I responded with a nervous smile of my own.

Her smile got a little wider. She still had her hands on my waist as she asked, "How about we get these leggings off you?"

I gulped but nodded, "Oh uh... Ok."

"Good answer," she grinned. Then she took hold of the waistband and started sliding my pink camo leggings down.

My heart sped up again as I felt the fabric slide over my rounded behind, then down past my hips. They easily slid the rest of the way down to my ankles, and suddenly I was standing there naked in front of my best friend. Who was also naked. And practically kneeling on the floor in front of me, now that she'd pulled my leggings all the way down.

I found myself staring at the adorable cat ears ontop of her head, and I could see her tail slowly swishing back and forth behind her. She was leaning forward slightly, her hands still holding onto my leggings that were pooled around my ankles. That brought her face dangerously close to my new womanhood, and she wasn't shy about staring.

After two or three long seconds she glanced up at me and whispered, "You're absolutely gorgeous Cheryl."

"You too Tabs," I whispered back. Then without really thinking what I was doing I reached out and gave her a couple headpats, before scritching one of her ears.

Tabby's eyes half closed as she leaned ever closer, pressing her head upwards against my hand as I continued petting her and rubbing the backs of her ears. After another second or two a low rumbling sound started coming from somewhere near her chest, and that caught both of us by surprise.

"Holy shit," she mumbled as her eyes snapped open wide. "That feels so damn good I'm actually purring!"

I stopped petting her and pulled my hand back as I gulped, "Sorry Tabs. I didn't mean..."

"Don't stop!" she gasped, in a tone that sounded one part demanding and one part pleading. Then her cheeks went bright red and she seemed to decide to pretend that didn't happen. Instead she tapped my left ankle and suggested, "Let's finish getting these leggings out of the way, so you don't end up tripping on them or something."

"Yeah," I mumbled as I shifted my weight to my right foot, then back to the left, so Tabby could pull the pink camo fabric clear. Then they joined the rest of our clothes in the small pile on my bedroom floor.

I was sort of expecting my friend to get back up again now that she'd finished undressing me. Instead she remained on her knees in front of me, and leaned closer once again. Then she tilted her head forward, which brought her face even more dangerously close to my new anatomy. Then she just sort of waited, while I just stared down at her with my heart racing and my mind almost empty.

After a couple seconds she finally spoke up. She sounded embarrassed as she asked softly, "Cheryl? Please pet me some more?"

"Oh!" I grimaced as I finally understood what she'd been waiting for. "Yeah of course Tabs."

I took a step back first and sat back down on the edge of my bed, and she immediately scootched forward to kneel directly in front of my feet. She was still leaning forward with her head tilted down, and I finally put my hand ontop of her head and started giving her more pets and scritches.

She was purring again within a few seconds, and a minute or two later she had her head resting on my lap while her arms were wrapped around me as best she could manage.

Eventually I could feel one of my legs going to sleep so I asked, "Uh, Tabs? Maybe you should get up off the floor? Why don't you join me on the bed here?"

"Ok cutie," she mumbled.

The purring trailed off after I stopped petting her, but Tabby didn't get up like I was expecting. Instead she crawled up onto the bed, with her ears folded back and her tail sticking up. Then taking advantage of her size and strength she 'gently encouraged' me to lay down. And finally she curled up next to me, with her head on my tummy and an arm around my hips. Her tail wrapped around one of my legs. And finally, with both of us comfortable again, she nudged my hand until I started with the pets again.

The whole experience was one part cute, one part tender, and one part sexy. I was a small cute sexy girl, my best friend was a cute sexy catgirl, and we were cuddling naked together on my bed. I was giving her headpats and ear scritches while she held me tight and purred loudly.

After all the shocks and surprises and excitement it was a soothing way to end a very long and bizarre evening. In fact it was so relaxing that both Tabby and I drifted to sleep like that in under ten minutes.

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