7. No Such Thing As Foolproof
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"I'm a catgirl..." my best friend repeated quietly as she stared into the mirror.

"Yeah I know!" I grinned. "It's really cool, and you look great!"

I was still smiling as I added, "I wouldn't have guessed that was your ideal form, but it kind of suits you, you know? Especially with your name right? Like Tabby, tabby cat? You even have the markings in your hair now, like a ginger tabby!"

She slowly shook her head, then twisted and looked back at her tail. It was sticking out above the waist of her jeans, which had slipped down as far as her hips. Her tail was twitching back and forth, but she reached back and caught hold of it in her right hand.

"Holy shit," she gasped as she slowly pulled her tail around in front where she could get a better look at the end of it. "It's real, and I can actually feel it. I have a tail."

I nodded, "It sure looks cool. Is it ok if I touch it? Or pet it?"

Tabby turned towards me and gave me a look that was a combination of shock and disbelief. She slowly shook her head, "Cheryl this isn't what I was expecting. I wasn't trying to turn myself into a catgirl!"

"What?" I frowned. "But you said you were going to get your ideal form. Isn't this it?"

"No!" she stated. "My ideal form does not have a tail!"

I asked, "So just the cat ears, but no tail?"

"No cat parts at all!" she almost shouted.

"Oh," I cringed as it finally dawned on me that she might be upset. "So this isn't your ideal form? Are you ok? Are you upset or freaking out? Is there anything I can do to help?"

My best friend was still holding her tail, it almost looked like she was hugging it to her chest as she turned back to face the mirror again. We were both quiet for the next couple seconds, while she stared at her reflection and I watched her.

Then Tabby took a deep breath then in a forced-calm voice asked, "May I have a few minutes alone here please Cheryl? I'm sorry I snapped at you a moment ago, but I'm a tiny bit uptight right now."

"Yeah of course Tabs!" I nodded as I stepped out of the bathroom into the upstairs hall. "I'll be in my bedroom, take all the time you want."

"Thank you," she replied.

I turned and headed back to my room, while I heard Tabby close and lock the bathroom door behind me. In my room I ended up just flopping onto my bed, then lay there staring at the ceiling while I waited. I couldn't help worrying that my best friend was upset or that she was freaking out or something. I also wondered if the curse she just used on herself could be reversed, because then maybe we could fix things.

So while I waited I picked up the book and flipped through the last half of it until I found the transformation curse she used. I hadn't read that one before, I didn't even realize it was in there until she found it. Then I got to the warnings and stuff and let out a sigh as I found the bit that said it couldn't be reversed or undone. Like the two curses I did on myself, it was permanent and couldn't be revoked.

I was still looking at that when the bathroom door finally opened and Tabby emerged. I sat up and looked over, then blushed when I realized she wasn't wearing her pants. She had them in her hand, along with her bra, sneakers, and socks. Basically all she had on was her panties and her t-shirt, and even those didn't really fit her new body that well.

The shirt was a generic dark-grey unisex tee. It used to fit her pretty good, but now it was a little long and a little loose on her. Her modest black cotton panties were more of a boy-shorts style that didn't really fit her new curves. Meanwhile her strong shapely legs were on full display, and there was some noticeable jiggling going on under her shirt. Her long orange and white tail was swishing back and forth behind her, sort of moving in time with her hips as she walked.

"Hey Tabs," I said quietly as she came into my room. "Are you ok? What's wrong with your pants and stuff?"

She left her clothes on the floor by the foot of the bed as she slumped down next to me, then immediately jumped back up again with a little yelp. Her tail was twitching around and the fur on it poofed out, while her face went bright red.

"What happened?!" I gasped.

Tabby sat back down again, but carefully this time. She was still blushing and looked embarrassed as she admitted, "I just sat on my tail. I'm still getting used to it."

"And yeah, I think I'm going to be ok?" she added quietly. "As for my clothes, they don't fit anymore. My shoes are a couple sizes too big, my bra's too small, my jeans are too long and the waist is too loose. But even if they fit I couldn't really wear them anyways, thanks to the tail. In fact none of my clothes fit anymore. I'm about ten centimetres shorter than I used to be, and my waist is narrower while my hips and butt and boobs are all bigger."

I frowned, "Are you sure you're ok though? You said this wasn't your ideal form, it's not what you wanted."

She smiled and admitted, "It's actually pretty darn close to perfect Cheryl? My body, my voice, my face, all the stuff that I got dysphoria about is fixed. My body's almost as if I'd been born a cis girl. It's better than I could have got with HRT and surgery, and it was free and instant."

"What about the tail and the ears though?" I asked quietly.

She took a deep breath then sighed, "I wasn't expecting them, and they weren't part of my 'ideal body'. But I don't hate them? To be honest I've always liked the catgirl aesthetic. I just never considered it might be possible to be a catgirl for real."

"And it's definitely going to cause me some issues," she added with another sigh.

I watched her for a couple more seconds before asking, "So you think you'll be ok like this? No freaking out or anything?"

"Yeah Cheryl," she nodded. She gave me a little smile and added, "Thanks for worrying about me. I'm ok though, and now that I'm over the initial shock I'm actually pretty darn happy."

Before I could respond she reached over and pulled me into a side hug. Then as she held me she added, "You said you were ok with how it turned out for you, right? You're happy being a girl, happy being Cheryl? Well I'm happy being a catgirl. Mistakes and surprises aside, we're both cute hot sexy girls, and I'm glad we get to be girls together."

That got me blushing, but I slowly reached out and wrapped my arm around her too so I could return the hug.

"I'm glad Tabby," I replied with a blushy smile of my own. "I'm glad you're happy. I am too, even though all of this has been like one big surprise after another."

We kept holding each other for another minute or so, until I asked "So why do you figure you got turned into a catgirl? You were pretty sure the spell was foolproof, right?"

Tabby took a deep breath then sighed, "I don't know. Let me think about it for a minute ok?"

"Ok Tabs," I nodded.

She reached over and picked up the magic book again, so she could review the curse she tried. I stayed quiet while she read through all the text once more, then she sighed and shook her head. "I don't get it. I'm positive I did everything right. I cursed myself to transform into my own ideal form. I even used my full name and everything, so I don't see where it could have gone wrong."

"Uh," I grimaced slightly. "Actually if I remember right, you used one of your nicknames? Like you called yourself Tabby when you started, then used your full name at the end. I don't know if that makes a difference though? Like uh, do you know any catgirls named Tabby?"

She stared at me for a second, then her eyes widened and she facepalmed before slumping back across my bed. And as she lay there she groaned, "Oh my gods I'm such a dope!"

"Tabs?" I asked, "What's wrong?"

She shook her head as she sat back up, "Nothing's wrong. You're right, that's exactly what I screwed up. Tabby is one of my nicknames, but I also used that name for the lead character in some fanfiction I've been writing. She's a ginger tabby catgirl named Tabby, and she's basically my self-insert. She's practically me, or an idealized version of me, but with the tabby cat ears and tail."

Tabs sounded frustrated and maybe a bit upset as she muttered to herself, "I can't believe I turned myself into a character I created for some smutty fanfic site!"

As her best friend I naturally focused on the most important part, "I didn't know you wrote fanfiction! Can I read it? What's it called? What site are you posting it on?"

She glanced at me then groaned again as she buried her face in her hands, "Please forget I said that ok? Maybe I'll tell you about it later."

"Aww you can't tease me like that then leave me hanging!" I protested. "At least tell me what kind of story it is? Like if it's fanfiction then what's it based on? Anime? A game? Or a movie?"

Tabby sighed, "It's a sci-fi story, based on a webnovel. I doubt you've ever heard of it though. The original is about a trans lesbian foxgirl who becomes the navigator for an old freighter with some other trans lesbians. They end up in a polycule, and -"

"Oh I know this one!" I exclaimed with a wide smile. "What's it called again? Spacefox? Foxgirl in Space? Something like that anyways. The captain's a tough ex-space-marine and the engineer's a cute blonde. And there's an AI who's kind of a prude but ends up with a sexbot android body, right?"

My best friend groaned again as she kept her hands over her face, "How do you know this story?"

That was my cue to blush again too, "I uh, read a lot of stuff in that genre. Anyways that's super exciting and I can't wait to read your fanfic!"

She just grumbled something about her story being too embarrassing to share with me.

"Ok Tabs," I sighed, but I was definitely going to keep asking. I knew if I did it enough she'd eventually relent. For now I changed the subject back to her, "Are you going to be ok? You're not too upset by all this, are you?"

"I'm ok Cheryl," she said as she lowered her hands and gave me a weak smile. "I'm feeling a bit silly for screwing up something so simple, but like I said I'm happy with the results."

"Good. I'm glad you're not upset or anything," I replied quietly.

A second or two later I added, "I'm also glad this wasn't my fault."

That actually made her laugh. She pulled me into another side-hug and replied, "Nope, this one was all on me."

We were both quiet for a bit after that, just sitting next to each other on my bed. I couldn't help feeling a little strange about the situation, considering she wasn't wearing anything apart from a t-shirt and panties.

Eventually Tabby sighed, "What am I going to tell my parents? Even if I didn't have the ears and tail, I never stopped to think about how I'd explain my sudden transformation. And what am I going to do about clothes? Nothing I own will fit anymore, it's not just the stuff I was wearing tonight but everything I own's the wrong size."

I hesitated a moment then shrugged. "I'd just tell your folks the truth. There's no point trying to lie about it right? They might not want to believe it, but I can't think of any other way to explain it without magic."

"It's still going to be a rough conversation," she replied with a frown. After a second or two she grabbed her phone to check the time, then looked at me and asked "Hey do you mind if I crash here tonight? It's already kind of late, if I go home and try to talk to my folks now they'll be up half the night freaking out."

I nodded, "Yeah of course! You're always welcome here, you know that Tabs."

"Thanks Cheryl," she smiled as she started tapping out a text to her folks, so they'd know she was staying over tonight. As she did that she grimaced, "It's going to be weird going back to classes on Monday. For both of us."

I cringed a bit but decided that was a problem I could worry about later.

After Tabby sent her text she set her phone aside then frowned, "So that's one thing taken care of. Or at least, that's one problem I don't have to deal with until I go home and see my folks tomorrow. That still leaves the issue of not having any clothes that fit me."

"I'd let you borrow some of mine but all my stuff's too small now, since Avery cursed everything to fit my new body?" I responded. "Except my bras, but they might be too big?"

Then after a half second I added, "Maybe this isn't really a good idea, but you could always use that same curse on all your clothes too? It was a bit of a 'gotcha' for me, but maybe you can figure out a better way of phrasing things than Avery did."

"So you're suggesting the best way to fix one curse is with a second curse?" Tabby asked with a smile. Then she teased, "Isn't that how you turned into a short hot cute girl with a lot of sexy clothes?"

I blushed, "I might be a short cute girl with lots of sexy clothes, but at least my sexy clothes actually fit? At least I assume they fit, I haven't actually tried anything on yet apart from the leggings. This hoodie seems kind of tight..."

She rolled her eyes then picked up the curse book again. The two sticky note flags Avery left in it were still there, so it only took Tabby a second to find the curse that worked on belongings.

After a minute or two of reading the details I noticed my friend's ears twitched and turned, until they were pointing towards my bedroom door. Then a second or two later I heard my sister coming up the stairs. It was only about ten o'clock, but I figured Avery might have decided to call it an early night for some reason. Or maybe she was just coming to check on me and Tabs.

Sure enough a half minute later my sister was at my bedroom door, where she stopped in her tracks and stared at the two of us. Or more specifically, she was staring at my best friend. Who had recently become shorter and softer and curvier, and was currently half naked, and who now had a long furry tail and cat ears.

"What did I tell you two about not messing with that book anymore?" Avery demanded as she frowned at me and Tabs. "Tabitha, are you ok? I'm assuming Cheryl is somehow responsible for this."

"It's ok Avery, I'm fine. I promise," my friend replied with a bit of a smile. She was also blushing slightly as she added, "And this is completely on me. Your little sister is innocent. This time."

My sister was still frowning as she pointed out, "You've grown cat ears and a tail, that doesn't seem 'ok' to me. What have you two been up to?"

"Nothing," I replied. "Tabs tested the horny curse on me, then she cursed herself to have her ideal body but due to a slight miscalculation she became a Tabby catgirl instead. But she says she's ok with it."

Avery stared at me for another second or two before she facepalmed, while Tabby cringed slightly. My friend kept quiet though, and she remained focused on the book.

My sister sighed and gently rubbed her forehead for a second or two then stated, "And after all that, you two are still messing around with the Hexinomicon. What sort of trouble are you about to get into next?"

"Tabby's looking at the spell you used to mess with my clothes," I replied. "She needs to update her wardrobe. Apart from that we haven't got into any trouble. Mostly."

"Mostly?" Avery asked as she looked at me with one arched eyebrow. "You just said she used a 'horny curse' on you, sis. How'd that work out?"

I cringed a bit, "It felt really awkward for a while, but then it wore off."

My sister stared at me for a second or two then sighed, "Please be careful you two, ok? And try to keep the noise down? I'm going to bed, I have an early shift tomorrow at work."

"Ok sis," I replied. "Good night!"

"Good night Cheryl," Avery replied. "And good night Tabitha."

She pulled my door closed as she left, probably to make sure we didn't disturb her after she was in bed. Then I glanced at my friend again and gave her a questioning look.

"Are you still thinking about that curse to fix your clothes?" I asked.

"Yeah," Tabby nodded. "I just need a bit more time to figure out the best way to do it."

For those of you who don't recognize the references, the story Tabby and Cheryl are talking about is actually called Daughters of Demeter, but it may as well be called Space Fox or Foxgirl in Space! ^^

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