This Cult Lacks a Personality (2)
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A guttural screech echoes throughout the dark alleyway. Blood runs freely from the stump of what used to connect to a perfectly healthy leg. A young woman’s face grows ghostly pale from lack of blood. Her eyes are glossing over from pain and terror, but yet she cannot wrench her eyes off the ghastly form in front of her. 

The beak lined with teeth seems only able to snap at the remains of her leg, cracking the bones. Consuming her flesh is a long and arduous process for the deformed creature. Its humanoid limbs grasp at the leg still clenched in its maw, ripping away the excess. It smashes its twisted hand down its own throat, shoving in the mangled flesh. As it removes its hand and opens its beak to repeat the process, it coughs up a mixture of blood. The same blood can be seen on its long claws— red from the human woman and a rotten rusty black from its own. With each bite and shove it cuts its own throat, but the creature does not have the capacity to care. The horrible hunger is the worst pain of all. The bursting stomach of the creature, pierced by the bones of its victims, cannot digest the unsavory meal, and so it continues to grow ever more stretched and bloated. 

With a flash of silver, the neck of the horrid homunculus is split from the body. 

A voice that can only be described as empty rings out into the night.

“I surrender myself to the Deities. I thank them for allowing my body to deliver their holiness to this realm. I offer my kill to the Spirit of Solitude, Deity of the Temple of Lonely Souls. I pray that your followers shall earn redemption of their own accord as I have through yours.”

The body of the creature bubbles and dissolved into the ground, leaving behind the digested bones and flesh. The woman drags herself forward to grasp the edge of a long silver robe. Eyes silver and unfocused like those of the blind gaze down upon her. Turning away, the figure walks out of the narrow alleyway, leaving behind the woman and the bones. The woman’s hands tremble and the word “help” dies out as her last breath leaves her body. 

The deities did not speak of saving any humans, only of sacrificing the demonic creature in their name.