Chapter 3 – Weak
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"Shit..." I curse at myself. 

I talked with Arianne too much and now I feel incredibly dizzy. Not only the headaches from my head forcefully translating her language onto me, but now I feel myself getting warmer and warmer.

I'm having a fever.

Seriously, I got a fever from thinking too much. If this isn't pathetic I dunno what is.

But I must endure, I finished my revenge and died. I don't want to do it again in this life, not when there's another soul stuck with me.

"ᛁ×ᛘ ᛋᚩᚱᚱᛁ..." 

I still couldn't understand but from the context alone I understand that she's apologizing.

"No worries, we just need to endure until someone comes."

Seriously. I really need help right now.


"My Lady!" The scented man came running once he saw Arianne. "In god's name, she's sick!" His face paled once he saw her condition.

"Quickly call the other servants and get them some warm water, now!" The scented man quickly pulled the blanket and then brought a towel to brush off the sweat on her body.

"I have some potions with me, I'll carry her to the apothecary room and you should be able to call upon the servants better than I am." The robed man says.

"...fine!" The scented man quickly ran out and began alerting the nearby maids and servants.

The robed man then carefully grab hold of the Lady before giving her some potions. 

"Arianne." The robed man was conflicted. "This is the last straw, Albrecht needs to stop being—"

The remarks of the robed man was suddenly interrupted by Arianne,


She was speaking gibberish.

"Elf?" The robed man imitated what Arianne said. "Why yes I am an elf Arianne. A half-elf specifically. I thought you knew."

"...ᚾᚩ ᚻᛖᛚᛈ ᛘᛖ..." 

Once again. It was gibberish.

The robed man's face paled. Is she hallucinating? He thought. So he quickly quickened his pace towards the apothecary room.



How can I communicate with this man?

I quickly shut up when I realized that I cannot speak to him. The theory forming right now is that due to me and Arianne sharing the same brain, our shared mind somehow automatically understands each other due to our shared mind understanding what each other was saying. Something along those lines

But with this guy that's carrying me there was absolutely no automatic translation that's ringing in my head. It isn't any form of magic that auto translates foreign words to me.

So this is the reality of reincarnating huh. I thought of the various fictional 'isekai' works I've read over the years and realized that this whole translation issue was too annoying and so all of them just used some kind of magical excuse to not bother with it. It's never simple being plopped to an alien word with no connection back on Earth.

Anyways, I'm honestly screwed. I cannot communicate with this person at all and furthermore, they'll think I'm either insane or possessed, which is technically true but I have no intention of revealing that to them.

So what can I do?

Unless...shit, again.

Is there a way for me to communicate with Arianne without my mouth speaking?

I dare not to speak to make sure that I don't raise anymore suspicion.

But damn it, I should have talked to Arianne more before this. Then again I really have no choice on the matter as the stinging headache and fever forced me in this situation in the first place.

"Ugh..." I feel it hitting my head again before falling unconscious.

I'm so goddamn weak.

Those are my last thoughts before I rest under this man's arms.


"Her condition's stable for now my lord." The scented man apologetically said.

Arianne has been sent to the apothecary, with all the enchantments and spells in that room they hoped it would make her condition more stable.

"Albrecht, my friend." The robed man spoke. "I feel like she needs to go back, let my mother take care of her again. She's even hallucinating now, this one was particularly bad, she needs help, and it isn't here in this cold palace."


Both the robed man and the scented man are talking to a middle aged, slightly thin but still good looking man wearing a luxurious outfit. Both of them are asking for his opinion.

"I, Albrecht Megen Geistein, would like to have a talk with my daughter, please."



""Yes, my lord."" Both of them silently bowed before leaving.

Now, only father and daughter were left in the room, with the daughter still unconscious.

"Aria." In almost a kneeling position, he talks to himself.

"Just...just what do I need to do at this point?" Albrecht is lost. "Is he right? Should I just let her go?" Behind the stoic exterior of his, his mind is a mess.

He could do nothing more then just cover his face in shame, for being such a failure as a father.

That was until. "...Who—" He saw a delicate his hand touching his wrist.

It was Arianne. She's crying. Sobbing even. "P-papa...." Her hands shaking, clearly in pain still she says. "....It hurts. Why does everything hurt papa?"

At this point, he couldn't hold it anymore as well. "Arianne—!" He really wanted to hug her, but worried she might get hurt he holds her hand instead.


So, this is still her body huh.

I watched the soap opera happening right at the front seat as Arianne, the original owner of this body somehow, through her sheer will and restless emotions, took control and is now the one talking to her father.

This was a shocking but fortunate development as there is a solution to my translation dilemma from earlier. But the fundamental problem of communicating with her without speaking myself still persists.

To be honest, I was awake for a while but I pretended to sleep. I don't understand what their saying at all so I figured I'd close my eyes and wait for them to leave, as it would be troublesome if they started asking questions and I would have no way to answer them. Even moving my head up and down and left to right for a yes or a no or saying OK wouldn't have the same meaning so I couldn't risk it.

But the man in front of me, though I'm clueless said something that moved the original Arianne to respond.

Although I couldn't understand a lick of what he's saying, thankfully I could understand Arianne. It's weird being on the receiving end of this translation power, it's like having a third person, or AI in my head automatically translating what she's saying but from what I could pick up on her said the good looking man with sunken eyes is her father, or well technically my father now too. 

Maybe they had an argument or something but the tone was very apologetic. Also, from what I could pick up from the other two, this guy's name seems to be Albert? Albret? Or is it Albreck. Something along those lines.

Since we share the same body I could somewhat feel her feelings. And right now it's very heavy, her heart's beating really fast and from her tears it's a very emotional conversation. 

"ᛈᚪᛈᚪ, ᚹᚻᛁ ᛞᚩᛖᛋ ᛖᚠᛖᚱᛁᚦᛁᛝ ᚻᚢᚱᛏ? ᛘᛁ ᛒᚩᛞᛁ ᚻᚢᚱᛏᛋ, ᛘᛁ ᚻᛠᛞ ᚻᚢᚱᛏᛋ, ᛘᛁ ᚻᛠᚱᛏ ᚻᚢᚱᛏᛋ. ᛁ ᛞᚩᚾ×ᛏ ᚳᚾᚩᚹ ᚹᚻᚪᛏ ᛏᚩ ᛞᚩ ᚪᚾᛁᛘᚩᚱᛖ."

Here's what she said. "Papa, why does everything hurt? My body hurts, my head hurts, my heart hurts. I don't know what to do anymore."

Damn. Also my head hurts again but thankfully it wasn't as bad on my side. But damn, this family is really screwed up.

All I wanna say is I'm here for her, but I can't say it out loud without causing suspicion. This really fucking sucks as I wanna shout my support for her, help her as best I can to support her and getting back on her feet, as it would benefit both of us but right now I can't.

This is so pathetic. Me, I'm so pathetic. I'm the richest man in my past life, able to enrich the lives of millions and now I can't even console a little girl in front of me.

Some of this frustration manifested itself into Arianne's body, her palms closed and she clinched her teeth. But all it did is make a man in front of me feel even more pity.

Which I hate. The worst feeling in the world for me is somebody else having pity for me.

"...Arianne." The only word, no the only thing so far that I could understand was my name. And her father said it to me while patting my head.

"ᛞᚩ ᛁᚩᚢ ᚹᚪᚾᛏ ᛏᚩ ᚱᛖᛏᚢᚱᚾ ᛏᚩ ᛁᚩᚢᚱ ᚪᚢᚾᛏᛁᛖ?" He said in a questioning tone.

"ᛁ-ᛁ ᛞᚩᚾ×ᛏ ᚳᚾᚩᚹ" She responded, which means. "I don't know."

"...ᛄᚢᛋᛏ ᚦᛁᚾᚳ ᚪᛒᚩᚢᛏ ᛁᛏ ᚳᚪᚱᛖᚠᚢᛚᛚᛁ ᚩᚳᚪᛁ?" He brushed my hair a bit more.

Looking at him, as someone who was also a father, my impressions of him are he seems like a good person, but couldn't stop what was happening which is why he look so defeated and apologetic right now. Just my speculation I guess. At the very least it's doubtful that this guy would have hurt me directly, assuming from what Arianne is feeling right now.

"ᛁ×ᛚᛚ ᚻᛠᛞ ᚩᚢᛏ ᚪ ᛒᛁᛏ ᚩᚳᚪᛁ?" He made a gesture to indicate that he was leaving.

Finally, I need to sort something out with my soul-neighbor of mine. We cannot be in this shitty situation any longer. We're both incredibly weak, and that's unacceptable if I want a new life for the both of us.

Hey! It's me longe chapter, and more of a complex chapter from many perspectives so yeah. This whole language barrier thing is really fascinating as it is one aspect that many stories just bullshit away with magic or ignore entirely, but this one I made it a focal challenge for the MC. It really isn't going his way at all isn't it lol, and yes I made a little meta commentary there. Also, I wasn't comfortable with the structure of separate dialogue so I stitched them together this time but yeah, major characters in this chapter I might want to flesh out Albrecht in the next chapters lol but yeah. Arigatou guys! :D :3 :P