Chapter Eleven; Quincy
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Aisuri POV 

The last few weeks have been a drain on my mental fortitude. Kaatei is continuously pushing me to get an assignment, but I'm not like vice-captain Matsumoto, pushing off my work whenever I get the chance. I'm only in the third seat, but still; I should take my work seriously. 

But every time I almost get done with my paperwork, Renji comes along and slaps another big stack down! I wanted to be a soul reaper for field assignments, not be a bureaucrat,  Dammit! The only bright side to my predicament is that I get to be savvy with the motions of balance. 

Within these reports and files are the motions of the Quincy, as well as the corresponding consequences of their actions. You are, Shinigami are responsible for preserving the balance between Hueco Mundo; the world of the hollows, The world of the living, and the Soul Society, which comprises the Rukongai, the Gotei 13, as well as the Soul King's palace. 

When a shinigami fights a hollow and kills it, the Zanpakuto purifies its soul and allows it to pass on to the soul society. 

Quincy destroy the soul, rather than purify it, causing an imbalance in the world. Disasters strike, causing spatial anomalies, stronger or more numerous hollows, and chain reactions that cause more people to be unable to pass on which would require more shinigami to be dispatched to the world of the living to perform Konso on them. 

This imbalance affects the world of the living most of the time but as a consequence of our dealing with it, can leave the Soul Society weakened and at risk. 

All this to say, the fact that any Quincy is making moves to fight Hollows is cause for concern.  Of course, Kaatei wants to go fight them. 

I mean, I do, too, but... 

My pen hits the table a bit too hard, and I stand and stretch, feeling my back and shoulders pop.  I grunt with relief before I leave my office, only to flinch at the dreaded sight of Vice-Captain Abarai approaching me. 

"No... Not more paperwork!" 

He holds his hands up defensively. "Hold on, don't put this all on me. Who's the one who wanted to skip right to being an officer instead of working their way up to it?" 

Briefly, my ire turns to my katana, who sheepishly pretends not to notice the situation. 

Renji continues, "No, the captain has an assignment for you. His little sister Rukia is going on an assignment and you're to be her supervisor. Make sure she doesn't mess up too much but don't coddle her."

Rukia Kuchiki, huh? She's got some talent, she was in class 2, while I was in class four. The classing system is based on talent, so supposedly, she was two grades my superior. Then again, the strange powers of my Zanpakuto have caused me to be able to match Renji in terms of power. 

Over the last few weeks, my knowledge and skill in all four practices have grown by leaps and bounds, so much so that I feel confident challenging Renji for his spot. 

"Umu- I can handle babysitting." 

He snickers at my words, "Don't let Rukia catch you saying that. She's a bit defensive around her height." 

I chuckle, and Renji gives me the location where Rukia is waiting, and I head out. 

As I reached the designated meeting point, I spotted Rukia standing there, her petite figure silhouetted by the fading sunlight. Her distinct Shinigami uniform marked her as a member of the Gotei 13, just like me.


Rukia turned to face me as I approached, her expression a mix of curiosity and determination. I noted that she carried herself with a sense of purpose, a trait that had undoubtedly contributed to her success.


"Aisuri Ketsueki, I presume?" Rukia greeted me, her voice confident and unwavering.


I nodded in response. "That's right. I've been assigned as your supervisor for this mission."


Rukia's eyes sparkled with a hint of intrigue. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Aisuri. I've heard some impressive things about your skills."


I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at her words. It seemed my reputation had preceded me, and I was determined to live up to any expectations she might have.


"Likewise, Rukia," I replied with a friendly smile. "We're here to investigate Quincy activity in the world of the living. The reports indicate an increase in their presence and potential disruptions in the balance. Our mission is to assess the situation and take appropriate action."


Rukia nodded, her gaze focused and resolute. "Understood. I'm ready to get started."


With Rukia's readiness echoing my determination, we set out on our mission. The Seireitei faded into the distance as we crossed over into the world of the living. The night had fallen, and the quiet streets of Karakura Town lay before us.


As we walked through the dimly lit streets, our senses alert, I couldn't help but reflect on the significance of this mission. It was my chance to prove my worth beyond paperwork and office duties and to demonstrate my capabilities as a Shinigami in the field.



 As we set out, we stood in the air, or I did. My Hoho expertise allowed me to use my Reishi to create solid footholds, doing my job of watching over her.  Her steps echoed softly on the deserted streets, a stark contrast to the bustling world of the living during the day. 

Eventually, our search following the unique reiatsu signature of the Quincy led us to a forest clearing, and it's there we came upon a figure, a man, wearing a white uniform, bow in hand. 

Rukia took her stance, while I floated above, our hands instinctively reaching for our Zanpakuto. Emerging from the shadows of the park, a figure clad in Quincy attire revealed themselves, bow in hand, an ominous smile on their face. 

"So, Shinigami," the Quincy declared, their voice dripping with confidence. "You've come to interfere with our plans, have you?"

A volley of reishi arrows assaulted me, but such an attack was easily swatted aside. "Rukia. Take care of it." 

She shouted an affirmative and rushed forward. Kaatei and I both watching with interest.