Chapter Eighteen; “To war, Aatrox!”
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This Garganta spell is truly a work of art. The formulation of the Kido spell was such that it prevented either side of the portal from detecting Reiatsu signatures, allowing for travel between either side to be as inconspicuous as possible. Looking at the other side of the portal, Aisuri put a hand to her chin in thought. "Are you sure about this, Kaatei? There are a lot of Gillians in the forest." 

"Of course, I'm sure. Fighting in the sands of Hueco Mundo would attract Vasto Lorde, or worse, Arrancar. We can't fight those guys. Yet."

Aisuri nodded, acknowledging the wisdom in Kaatei's words. She took a deep breath, centering herself before stepping through the Garganta, the swirling vortex of energy enveloping her. On the other side, the desolate landscape of Hueco Mundo stretched before her, the white sands seemingly endless.

As Aisuri emerged, her presence masked by the well-crafted Kido, they found themselves in the Menos Forest. The towering trees made of Gillian-class Hollows loomed overhead, casting eerie shadows across the barren landscape. Aisuri clenched her zanpakuto, feeling a mix of anticipation and caution.

The air in Hueco Mundo was thick with spiritual energy, and Aisuri couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Kaatei spoke up in her mind. "Alright, we stick to the plan. Take down the normal Hollows, avoid the Gillians, flee if we run into anything we can't handle."

Kaatei responded with a silent nod, his metallic presence emanating confidence. The two ventured deeper into the Menos Forest, their movements agile and deliberate. Aisuri's senses were heightened, ready to react to any potential threats.

As they progressed, they encountered a group of standard Hollows. Aisuri dispatched them with swift and precise strikes, her movements a testament to her training. However, the real challenge lay ahead — avoiding the attention of the more formidable Gillians.

Inside the inner world, Kane grinned at the hundreds of Blood Tokens flooding into his metaphorical wallet for each base rank hollow destroyed. The pair concluded that they shouldn't activate their Shikai, lest the rampant Reishi attract the horde of Menos Grande that haunt around in this forest. Kane also knew that there is a Shinigami here. Ashido Kanō supposedly had been lost within the Menos Forest for centuries, but how long ago that event was from now was unknown to him. 

Well, not like it had anything to do with him. Turning his attention to the store, he looked through the options he'd have, interested in growing in strength.

Hollow Mask: Provides a temporary boost in speed, strength, and spiritual energy. Cost: 300 Blood Tokens.

Quincy Bow Mastery: Grants proficiency in the use of Quincy bows, enabling powerful ranged attacks. Cost: 700 Blood Tokens.

Varus' Corruption: Bestows the ability to corrupt and control enemies through dark energy, immobilizing them. Cost: 900 Blood Tokens.

Hierro: Forms a durable spiritual skin, providing enhanced defense against physical and spiritual attacks. Cost: 800 Blood Tokens.

Cero: Unleashes a concentrated blast of spiritual energy, capable of devastating attacks. Cost: 700 Blood Tokens.

Zanjutsu Training: Bestows the user and it's wielder with an instant increase in Shinigami sword techniques. Cost: 10 Blood Tokens per year.

Hakuda Mastery: Enhances the user's and wielder's proficiency in hand-to-hand combat. Cost: 8 Blood Tokens per year.

Kido Sorcery: Grants the user and its wielder's proficiency in Kido. Cost: 12 Blood Tokens per year.

Shunpo Prowess: Grants the user and it's wielder proficiency in Shunpo. Cost: 10 Blood Tokens per year.

Reiryoku Capacity: Enhances the overall spiritual power of the user. Cost: 35 Blood Tokens per year.

Kane looked these, the only noteworthy options, over. Cero was always badass, but it would be hard to explain to his wielder, a shinigami. Other Darkin abilities were just Aatrox's abilities rehashed. Like Rhaast's Bloodlust, which is just what Aatrox does, assimilating blood and flesh to heal and enhance the body, with a few exceptions. Honestly, all four of the Shinigami Arts would benefit from Reiryoku.


Think of Reiryoku like a container. Some people, like Rukia, have bucket sized containers, while others, like Yhwach, Ichigo, and Genryusai Yamamoto, have swimming pool sized containers. Reishi is what these containers are filled with, and Reiatsu is the output of pressure of your Reiryoku.  

Having over two thousand Blood Tokens, Kane immediately purchased fifty-seven years of Reiryoku capacity. 

A foolish decision, he'll come to realize. Aisuri's Reiatsu surged out of her control, surprising her with a yell.




A chorus of shrieks answered her.