Chapter 15 ‘A will of my own’
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A short half turn was all Ignavus needed to make out a familiar towering figure.

Colour drained from his already bone white face.

"I-It wasn't my idea to leave my room! I was tricked by that evil bird over there! He was spouting some nonsense about playing games-"(I)

A tail that seemed a little larger than normal wrapped around his chest, before violently pulling him off his feet.

"Okay! I was lying! I was looking for an escape root! I'm sorry! I won't do it again, I swear!"(I)

Eyes closed and body tensed, Ignavus prepared for the worst the queen was going to throw at him. 

What followed next was unexpected though.


"You're really lucky I found you first, if it was your mother, she would have blown a whole fit."

Finally opening his eyes to take a proper look, Ignavus was surprised at what greeted him. 

Another Yalery.

Slightly larger than his own "mother" but possessing a darker shade.

'What the hell... there's more of them'

Clearing his throat, he proceeded to speak in the most respectful tone he could muster.

"Greetings great Yalery, I am the humble Ignavus. I apologise for my earlier shameful display for I did not know who you are. If I maybe so bold as to request you place me down, I will be on my way. Never bothering you again."(I)

"Lady Navy, it's not good to lie about something as simple as your name..."(V)

'Stupid bird! Shut up! That is not my name!'

Ignavus tried to shoot the bird a glare from his left eye.

"Lady Navy huh, is it a good idea to be lying to someone like me?"

Feeling a hard glare from the Yalery. Ignavus tried to fix the situation.

"I-I wasn't lying great Yalery. That silly large talking bird is merely-"(I)

"Is that anyway to address me?"




"You're quite lucky I like cute things. I'll forgive you this time, your mother probably hasn't told you anything about me..."

"I am Cura. Your lovely aunt."(C)

'Fantastic... absolutely fantastic... another loon to deal with' 

Forcing a smile Ignavus replied.

"Really... that's awesome..."(I)

That unenthusiastic response seemed to upset the Yalery. 

"Vultur, take me to my sister"(C)

"Wait! we can't go!"(I)

'I can't go after being caught red-handed! I don't even want to imagine the consequences...'

"H-how about we spend some quality one on one time..."(I)

An evil smile bloomed upon the Yalery's face. 

'So that's what she wanted'

"If my dear niece is insisting, I don't really have much of a choice"(C)

The Yalery let out a heavy sigh, as if she had lost the exchange of words.


"May I please walk?"(I)


"Auntie Cura, may I please walk?"(I)

Ignavus repeated in a slightly strained voice.

"Oh my gosh! You finally called me auntie!"(C)

"May I walk please!?"(I)

"Nope, I can't have you running off to who knows where!"(C)

They had been moving randomly throughout the palace looking for something.

Ignavus feared what that something was.

"Ah! here it is!!"(C)

They entered a very large room that appeared to be lined with different types of clothes.

'I just noticed, none of the doorways except mine appear to have a door... That queen is really keeping me locked up.'

Ignavus was brought out from his thoughts by the Yalery's quiet musings.

"I've never had someone defenceless enough to do this... Dreams do come true"(C)


Finally dropping Ignavus on the ground, the Yalery started picking clothes from the line up.

'It wouldn't kill you to be gental'

Ignavus eyed the exit, thinking about trying his luck.

"I want you to try on some lovely clothes I prepared for an event like this. And before I forget, If I catch you trying to run, we are immediately going back to your mom to inform her of your excursions of late. Do I make myself clear?"(C)


"Good. Now bring yourself over here."(C)

Slowly making his way over to the Yalery, he noticed to clothing item it had picked out.

"I can't wear that!"(I)

What the Yalery held in hand was a small silk skirt paired with a tiny shirt.

"You can, and you will"(C)

Ignavus stared once more at the items held him before making his plea.

"Can we please try anything else?! That thing looks ridiculous!"(I)

"It appears someone has forgotten their current situation?"(C)

'Being forced to wear a dress constantly was bad enough as it is. I can't keep letting this happen to me! I have to put my foot down!'


Silent resistance answered that question.

"Let me make this clearer for you. Right now, there is nothing stopping me from shoving you into this, and any other thing I want. I am asking you only out of politeness"(C)

Ignavus had been feeling a special kind of helpless brought about by the lack of control in his life. It really didn't matter what he felt about any situation, as his own will was hardly ever considered.

'Why can't I just do what I want?'

That was a question he had asked himself many a time.

'Why must the world remind me of my powerlessness, constantly, over and over again?'

Ignavus, like most people, have their lives planned out by the circumstances they were born in. He was destined to die on the streets as another unfortunate soul. Never amounting to anything but a waste of space. But he, he had somehow managed to overcome those odds. Through hard work, dedication and a lot of luck.

'What the hell am I saying! Since when did I allow such pathetic feelings to crowd my mind?! So what if I feel powerless, that didn't stop me from exerting my own will!'

Yes, Ignavus had suffered set backs, annoyances and failure, but in the end, he still got what he wanted.

'I didn't stop trying then, and there's no reason to start now!'

Feeling his spirits rise, Ignavus said something he came to so dearly regret.

"Listen here you damned monster! I am not some toy you can just play around with! There is no way in hell I am wearing something as awful as that!"(I)

The whole room seemed to shake as soon as the words left his mouth. The crushing dvine aura of a Yalery releasing. 

"~My my my, it appears my little, tiny niece has a lot to say!~"