Chapter 50 ‘A stunning reflection’
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The armour was different today.

It was heavier.

The carriage that ferried White towards her goal was a lavish one. Its polished mahogany panels gleamed under the daylight, and golden filigree adorned its edges. The wheels were silver-rimmed, and the horses wore plumes of midnight feathers.

Over the top and unnecessary.

“Don’t worry White, the plan will work. This is merely the beginning. Trust in yourself”(L)

White lifted her gaze and faced the woman that carried a motherly aura. A warm smile was plastered on her.

She shouldn’t be relying on such people. Her weakness was disgusting.

“Worry?! I, of all people shouldn’t worry!”(W)

Shouldn’t. What a lovely word.

White let out a boisterous laugh. A laugh she imagined her commander would be proud of. Letting the laugh die down into an arrogant grin, she had finally found the words to continue.

“I have no reason to worry. A few setbacks are nothing in the grand scheme of things”(W)

The plan may not be going all according to how White desired, but it was still entirely feasible. It would just be three times as harder. Marcey completely rejecting the plan was a heavy blow. One that made White almost call off the entire operation. He was more than instrumental which made White more than furious. While his reason for doing so was sound, it didn’t make White any less annoyed.

The plan was admittedly bold. It risked a lot, but it also promised more. It was a plan that could make or break Afia forever. It was one that threatened to tip the balance of power while establishing a new world order. It was one that could ruin her commander’s sacrifice.

“Very well”(L)

White could see the sadness within the mother’s eyes.

She simply couldn’t afford failure.




Ignavus could only clutch his head with both hands as the throbbing came back in full force.

“~No covering your head my little niece, that’s cheating~”(C)

Slowly lowering his hands, Ignavus could only glare at his dear aunt Cura. He was sure that last hit was slightly harder than the last.

“Focus Navy. Try again”(G.Q)

A voice with barely restrained anger caught his attention. Swallowing his internal grumblings, Ignavus begun to refocus his attention. His head couldn’t withstand another hit without him being completely knocked out.

‘How is she even able to move her tail like that?’

The tail in question wielded a small wooden paddle, striking him with a speed that outpaced his attempts to shield himself. Its usefulness combined with its ability to listen to the body it was attached to made it an enviable item. Ignavus could only compare the thing to his own, which when not giving away his emotions, was busy being a liability everyone exploited.

‘Life is truly not fair, if I had a tail like that…’

Ignavus could already imagine all the applications such a reliable thing could provide.


With his eyes drawn to the tail, he had utterly forgotten what he was supposed to be doing. Turning his attention to his queen mother revealed golden eyes that were prime for discipline. It was clear she was still mad. Must be about what had occurred last night.

Quickly shutting his eyes, Ignavus tried to follow the instructions he was given.

'I guess even the mighty queen doesn't always get what she wants'

Ignavus would be lying if he were to say that seeing her frustrated didn't bring him joy. It was nice for someone else to finally be on the receiving side. Especially her.

"OW! I-I hadn't even done anything yet?!"(I)

Ignavus really hated just how whiney his voice came out.


It was at that moment Ignavus felt it.

They were starting to come.

'Oh no'

The tears.

'No! No! No!'

The hit hurt but it wasn't that bad. There was no real reason to cry.

While biting his bottom lip and clutching the afflicted area, Ignavus tried with all his might to hold back the flood gates.

It was a futile effort.

He was already crying. His body wouldn't listen to him.

Suddenly, a tail gently curled around his chest, lifting him up and out of his seated position. Before he knew what was going on, he was already in the lap of his queen mother who was softly stroking his hair while glaring at his aunt.

This... was an odd situation.

It was one that was increasingly becoming common place though. The queen's attitude towards Ignavus seemed to have taken a more... caring nature. A nature that was off putting. Having your kidnapper act sappy and mushy was jarring. Ignavus was not so quick to forget what she had done to him. After all, it was still his demented reality.

Quickly wiping the tears way, Ignavus hurried to get back at the task hand. He could already feel his body start to relax in the tight embrace.

"I'm ready to continue!"(I)

The one bright side of Ignavus' current situation was that Marie hadn’t witnessed him crying once more. She was apparently too busy cleaning something vague.

It appeared that they were even secrets Marie was not allowed in on.

Ignavus was set once again opposite his queen mother.

"Sister, how soft have you grown?"(C)

Instead of answering, the queen turned and faced Ignavus with an expected gaze.

'Right, it's about time I sorted this problem'

Last night's dinner had been filled with much tension. It was primarily caused by Ignavus' refusal to share the intimate details regarding his little mana problem. He was not exactly sure what transpired when his aunt talked with his queen mother, but it left both of them fuming.

'There was no way I could tell them. If the first thing that comes to their minds is what Marie thought...'

Ignavus needed to reassure himself of his own decision because of all the tension it was causing. He couldn't afford to gamble with how they would react to such news. Being punished for it would be much worse than all the tension it was causing. At least, that was what he thought.

'Damn it! I'm getting side tracked again!'

Only a few seconds passed, he still had a few more before this try would be considered a failure.

Focusing intently, Ignavus traced the path his mana travelled throughout his body. From his extremities to his innards. No place was left untouched. For good reason.  Ignavus was given an objective. One that should help sort out his problem. Find the source of his mana and have a proper heart to heart with her. It sounded like a joke and Ignavus even thought it was because the information was provided by his ever so reliable aunt. It was only when it was backed up by his queen mother did he take it seriously.

'Shit! This is taking too long!'

From what he understood, finding the source of his mana could only be achieved in the first ten seconds of searching. The reason as to why was simple. It didn't give the mana enough time to prepare false trails. If it didn't want to be found, it simply wouldn't.

'Ah! There!'

Ignavus felt it.

The golden essence that was running amuck in his body.

Quickly reaching out with his senses he tried to grasp it. She maybe fast, but he was just better.

'Haha! Got you, you little-'

The feeling disappeared.

'Not again!'

Ignavus quickly raised his hands in an effort to protect himself from the incoming blow. A few seconds passed by with him frozen in this position. Muscles tensed.

It was only when his hands finally got tired and gave out did he drop them, his guard still high alert. He wouldn't put it past his dear aunt to smack him the moment he thought he was safe. So, with his eyes still closed, he waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Finally, he got bored and gave up. If it was coming, it was coming.

Opening his eyes Ignavus was greeted by an odd sight.

It was the twisted red forest.

'What the heck...'

"What are you doing here bossy?! Get lost!!"

A light high-pitched voice squeaked from behind Ignavus startling him. It sounded familiar. Too familiar.

"I said, get lost!!"

Turning around revealed a unique sight. Peaking from behind one of the trees stood a small girl, her golden eyes piercing through the air. Her short silver-white hair framed her face, and her bat-like wings twitched impatiently. Four horn stubs adorned her forehead, and a lizard tail trailed behind her. She wore a white silk dress, its fabric flowing around her like a ghostly mist. Her vicious glare held a promise of danger.

It was Navy, or more accurately, it was him.