Chapter 57 ‘The most beautiful monsters’
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There were truly no words.

A place like this didn't feel real.

White stared at the massive white palace.

The palace seemed like the work of dreams, its structure a convergence of elements both tangible and elusive. Walls seemed to ripple like liquid moonlight, adorned with intricate patterns that shimmer and shift, creating a mesmerizing spectacle of ever-changing beauty. The roads that lead up to the palace all shifted from elegant brick work to soft marble looking material. They helped enhance the weird mixture of comforting danger the forested land surrounding the palace created.

"Quite the site, huh?"(L)

White's attention was caught by the woman who sat opposite her. The mostly human looking woman sported brown hair, slit dark yellow eyes and standard instructor military uniform. She carried an aura of an experienced warrior and contrastingly, a warm mother. Instructor Lucy was her name. Her master's teacher, her grand master.

"Truly... I have never seen such a thing"(W)

The woman who sat opposite white didn't look all that surprised. If anything, she appeared slightly annoyed at how long it had taken them to get here. It was almost like she had been here before.

"Have you ever seen a place like this?"(L)

Instructor Lucy turned her gaze outside as she begun to speak, her voice taking on a somber tone,

"No... but that doesn't matter"(L)

Her eyes appeared to spark while she took a pause in speaking,

"As beautiful as this place is, it is not a palace. This is simply a den full of monsters... it would serve you well to remember that"(L)

The words spoke landed with a heavy blow.

'Monsters, huh?'

White should have expected that. It was often said that beauty is used to hide the most horrendous things.

'What... what beautiful monsters'


"Welcome to the home of my mistress, The Golden Queen!"

White was greeted by a monster. One in the guise of a maid.

The monster had met with the envoy at the entrance. She did not bow. She merely nodded at them.

"You may call me Marie. I shall be the one escorting you to my mistress"(M)

 The demon Marie excluded an aura. It was an aura that made whatever slight she committed seem insignificant.

Not a bad intimidation tactic.

"Greetings Marie, I am White. A Mouse kin and reigning hero"(W)

The entire envoy had taken turns introducing themselves. Giving their names, race and positions in the social order. It was a long process due to the sheer amount of people.

'Traitorous scum...'

With the exception of White and Instructor Lucy, who had gone before her, every one of the people present had given a low bow. One to a foreign power.

'Calm yourself, clam yourself'

White took stricter control of her breathing. It helped her relax. Getting angry now would do no good. She needed to let things play out, after all, the bracelets around her hand were not mere decorations. 

"Oh, so you're the hero? How lovely"(M)

The demon Marie gave White a mysterious smile before making a follow gesture with her hands.

"We should be on our way; it is best not keeping my mistress waiting"(M)

The demon turned around and proceeded to walk through the massive entrance. No other escorting guards followed her in.

'How very confident'

What possibly did she have to fear?


The footsteps were echoing across the corridor. In unison, they were starting to sound like a march.

'Too many damn people are here' 

White was walking at the head of the envoy with Instructor Lucy. This was mainly due to the others not liking the idea of walking with her. The noise that was being generated by the steps and sounding from the back was loud. Too loud. It was starting to annoy White's ears.

'I guess such are the joys of politics'

The envoy was originally supposed to be made up of only fifteen people grouped into threes. An ambassador, a young child and a young adult. Nobody knew the age of The Golden Queen's daughter hence the proposal for two children. This base plan allowed for Afia to represent the five most powerful factions while simultaneously entertaining the unknown. It was a plan that didn't allow the most colluding to take place.

Debates where had at the council. Many argued for increased numbers stating that their expertise was needed to broker deals. Their logic was not entirely wrong; it was just that their intension did not match their words. All these people wanted was to get close to the Queen. All forty of them.

"Oy, demon Marie. Why are the rest of the windows blacked out?"(L)

White couldn't help but wince as Instructor Lucy spoke. Her tone was far from respectful.

"Ah, that. The young lady is a very enthusiastic child. Perhaps a little too enthusiastic.... Those just are in place to help rein in some of it"(M)

A little shudder made its way through White's body. The beams that barred the window oozed out an uncomfortable amount of magic. It appeared that it didn't matter if it was a child. A Yalery is still a Yalery. A terrifying monster.

White refocused her gaze ahead. The path they had been travelling was the sole one covered in light. A person didn't have to be clever in order to guess where they were going.

"Ha! As expected I guess, though... that does kind of remind me of a student of mine"(L)

"Does it now?"(M)

"Yes, in fact-"(L)

White kept walking as the two reminisced with each other about the people who had been under their care. Both vague with their words. 

'What the hell is instructor Lucy saying!'

White had long since pieced who it was Instructor Lucy was talking about.

'The Commander is anything but scared!'

There were many times White felt like jumping in and defending him. Instructor Lucy clearly didn't know who she was talking about.

"Oh, we are finally here"(M)

They had arrived at two large gates. It felt like everyone in the envoy took a pause. Marie took that moment to address the crowd.

"Okay everyone! I hope you have prepared yourselves!"(M)

She moved closer to White before whispering into her ear,

"Especially you"(M)


The gates opened up to a room.

A throne room.


The vast expanse of the throne room was adorned with towering pillars of alabaster, each one intricately embellished with ornate patterns that spiral upwards toward the vaulted ceiling. The exterior walls were made of polished white stone that seems to glow softly. A gleaming marble floor, so pristine it mirrors the room's grandeur, extends before White. 

The whole room shone with a brilliance. One that was sadly hidden by its central focus.

The Golden Queen Yalery.

Sat on a massive throne, her gigantic figure observed them for a moment. Her alluring golden eyes flashed for the briefest of seconds before she seemingly lost interest. White's body froze, but she could tell she wasn't the only one affected. The sound of bodies hitting the ground rang around her.

'As beautiful as ever'

White retook control of her body and shifted herself around. She had to check on the envoy. A few of the ambassadors and older children were down, but for the most part everyone was fine. None of the young children seemed affected.

A minute passed as people collected themselves.

It was dead silent. No one was eager to comment about what just happened.

"Mommy... can I... can I... please... just sleep?"

A soft, sweet voice rang out. Its high tone spoke in a slow, tired manner.

'That voice...'

It was coming from The Golden Queen or, more accurately, it was coming from her lap.

Nestled in the lap of The Golden Queen a small figure could be seen. Her tiny hands were clutching at the queen's midsection.

"Now, now, my little one. I can't have you sleeping. Not when there are guests to tend to"(G.Q)

The voice of the queen sounded oddly affectionate and... amused? 

"But... wait. Guests? What guests?"(little one)

The face of the little one was buried into the queen's belly. She slowly turned back and faced the envoy. She looked at the envoy for a split second before turning back. White felt her heart skip a beat.

'What a cute kid! My word!!'

"W-why are there people here!?"(little one)

The low whisper travelled the entire silent room.

"I wish I knew. I really have no idea"(G.Q)

The queen had answered in an overly serious tone. One that when spoken said "there is no room for negotiation". The little one on the queen's lap stared up at her with eyes full of incredulity. Her once doubtful face had twisted into a worried expression as she asked,

"R-really?"(little one)

White watched as the adorably naive child studied the eyes of her parent.

"Unfortunately, yes. Though I do have a few ideas..."(G.Q)

The queen paused her speech as though waiting for something.

"Like... like what?"(little one)

"Young weak Yalery are a rare find. These people here might be merely playing to their advantage..."(G.Q)

The words of the queen sounded heavy around the quiet room. White shouldn't forget herself. 

"Y-you wouldn't let them, r-right?"(little one)

The queen stared at the little one for a moment before letting out a sigh. She flicked her head using her finger.

"Of course, I wouldn't. Stop being so gullible"(G.Q)

They were all in danger.