Contract Negotiations
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Her blowjob the next morning is, if anything, even more intense than the last's, the lingering deeply felt arousal from being manhandled and unable to do anything about it at least intense for her as it is for you. You come down her throat, in her mouth, on her face, seven times this time, as she works you over extra hard. When she's finished, she sidles up next to you on the bed. "That... thing with the c-word," she says.

"You can say it, it won't affect you unless I say it."

"Cocksleeve," she says, then flexes her arm just to make sure she still can. "That was wonderful, darling. I was... I have to admit, I was a tiny bit worried that perhaps you were just going along with things for my sake, doing a few sexy things in the bedroom but not anything really intense. I was completely at your mercy, and I could tell you loved it... go ahead and be as rough with my mind as you like."

There's a certain tingle of a response in between your legs, despite the ridiculous amount of times you've already come, hearing those words.

"That really... woke something up inside of me," you tell her, referring to the sheer joy of domination that you experienced earlier with her. "Since you're the one who woke it up, it's your responsibility to take care of it."

"Of course, darling. I would hate to do something to make you unhappy for my own sake." Her fingers run down your stomach towards your groin, finding your cock and gently stroking it in her grasp, fingers brushing up and down your half-erect length. "Feel free to do whatever it is you like to me... consider me putty in your hands."

You reach into her mind once again, placing pressure on her will. She smiles gingerly, seeming only to have the vaguest suspicion that you're doing something to her, but no idea of what that something is. She's completely unresisting as you plant into her mind your latest modification, more light and kinky than deep and abiding, but still intensely dominating enough to almost certainly fit her preferences: an intense physical masochism oriented towards you. You can't actually hurt her, so instead you make her aroused by being physically attacked by you, even if it doesn't cause any pain or damage, in rough proportion to the pain or damage it would cause to a normal person. The moment the command's sunk in, you take one hand and grab her by the chin, pulling her up - then backhand her with the other.

Her head lolls to one side, limply going along with the strike rather than making you break your hand by resisting, and she gasps in shock at the movement, but there's also a powerful note of arousal to her features as she turns her gaze back to you. "Ah... that felt... I'm so wet now, darling, what was it you did this time? You can keep it a secret if you wish..."

"I made it so you're aroused when I hit you," you explain, caressing her cheek softly, enjoying the way her nostrils flare with an intensification of that arousal. She's not just aroused because you've made her be, she's also aroused from the fact that you've mad her be. You give her tits a sharp, abusive slap, and she practically moans and shudders, her eyelashes fluttering wildly, her throat bobbing up and down as she swallows.

"Ah... let me come, darling, or at least become hard once more so I can earn an orgasm that way," she breathes out, turning her attention down to your dick, which is rapidly approaching its full hardness again. When it does get sufficiently erect, she just dives down on it, her body perpendicular to yours, tits hanging low from gravity, eyes wild with lust.

You reach for her ass cheek, groping and squeezing the supple, muscular flesh, admiring your wife's flush and wild features as she bounces her mouth up and down your cock. Then you give her a swat to the ass, making her moan, her thighs wobbling desperately as she tries to bring herself off despite the fact that she knows she can't. Your other hand reaches down for her tits, just roughly squeezing one in your fingers, groping it with reckless abandon, and she mewls, her whole body undulating, her sex getting even pinker and more full of desire.

You let your next spanking strike not her ass, but her cunt, making another desperate mewl escape her throat, making your whole length vibrate in her mouth as she's subject to physical abuse that would leave any other woman whimpering in pain. In her, though, it only provokes more arousal, only makes her all the more eager to suck you off, her head bobbing up and down your cock, furious and desperate and needy, wet slobbering noises escaping her throat as drool just splashes all over the place.

Her tongue is eager, twisting around your cock, practically wrapping around your length as she frantically bounces up and down your length. The wet noise of you repeatedly entering her throat fills the room, a delightful sound that's joined by your random strikes to her cunt and ass, her moans in response to that, her expression becoming more deliriously lewd with each passing moment. She's desperate for it, panting around your cock, your whole length coated with wet spit as she blindly stares into your pelvis.

She's already worked you over seven times, though, so it's going to take more than that to get you off. She grinds herself into your pelvis, swallowing around your length, that throat of hers really worming around your cock. Desperate whines and whimpers escape her throat as you repeatedly spank her cunt, even angling further down for her clit to intensify the arousal she's experiencing. She's practically cross-eyed, a stupid look on her face as she desperately works to wring one more orgasm out of you, cheeks hollowing as she slurps and sucks. She sounds like a dog begging to be let outside as she's held down, just a repeated, constant whining noise escaping her throat, pleasuring your cock with the sweet vibrations and pleasuring your mind with the recognition of her current intense, absolute, submission.

She winds up "choking" herself on your cock (she doesn't actually need to breathe) for a good ten minutes, and you don't let up your abuse of her body, enjoying the way that you can so brutally and completely use and humiliate her like this. You slap her tits, her cunt, her clit, her ass. At one point you start smacking her cheeks like a drum, curious how it feels, and find it's rather nice in its own way.

When you finally do start coming, she moans in relief and begins to intensely orgasm, her body writhing wildly. To try to prevent herself from doing anything too dangerous, she floats her body up, legs dangling in the air as they kick forcefully at it, hands clenched into fists and swinging at the air as she twists her body around and takes every last droplet of your cum. When you're spent, you pull out, yanking her off your dick by the hair, earning a sweet gasp of arousal from her, and she keeps on coming, twitching manically in the open air, an orgasm that goes on for what feels like forever - long enough for you to get up, take a piss, and come back, still seeing her moaning and quivering in ecstasy.

Finally, she floats back down onto the bed, panting for a long few seconds as she rests on the mattress, her eyes half-lidded. You gaze roams her naked body, your cock absently twitching, and her eyes are drawn to it, her mouth falling open, ready to start sucking you off again in order to earn another orgasm.

"Not right now," you tell her. "Let's take a shower together. You can come as long as you're cleaning me with your tits."

She practically bounces up off the bed to obey, flying right into the bathroom and turning on the shower, her expression manically inviting as you approach with a soft chuckle of your own. She starts spraying lotion all over her tits, smearing it in, sudsing it up, and then she begins to push those full breasts of hers into your back, your chest, your cock, your legs, everywhere. She grinds against you as she works, rather than using her hands to masturbate, but she's on such a hair trigger lately that she winds up coming no less than five times during the shower.

When you finish and she gets dressed for work, you give her one last spanking to remember you by. She flushes and lets out the slightest sigh of pained desire before leaving.

Even if the spankings and rough groping and pinching and all the rest clearly got her off, you know that Dany wants more than just being slapped around a bit. It's not that far off from your earlier taking control of her body with the Cocksleeve command, and that still got you the "go ahead and be as rough as you like" comment.

So, once you've done your housework for the day, you sit down in front of your computer and set to writing up a contract. Something that will really, genuinely, intensify your relationship in the way she so obviously wants. She doesn't want just "our relationship, but kinkier," that much is obvious from her taste in books, from her little comments, from what gets the strongest responses from her. She wants something more than just tweaks to what gets her horny, and you're going to set about doing that.

You have it pretty much all finished up after a couple hours of work, toying with it, thinking things over, making little edits here and there. Something that should satiate Dany's desire to completely entrench your control over her, to warp her personality to a significant degree, without necessarily changing the woman you love who lies underneath all these recent changes.

I, _______________, being of sound mind and body, agree to abandon my liberty and become the slave and personal property of my husband, Thomas Meier (henceforth, Master).

Article 1. Obedience
(a) As Master's slave, I give up the right to disobey commands given by my Master except under such circumstances as the commands are otherwise immoral or illegal. Under all other circumstances, no matter how unpleasant the command may be, I am still obligated to obey without complaint.

(b) I am permitted to criticize or question those commands if I should find some flaw in them, but I must obey no matter my own opinions if Master does not agree with my conclusions. All such opinions must be phrased respectfully. Failure to remain respectful and submissive in following Article 1(b) may forfeit this right, according to Master's decisions. It is up to Master, not me, to decide whether I have been appropriately respectful.

Article 2. Slave's Responsibilities
As Master's slave, I understand I have a general obligation to behave in a manner pleasing to him. I will be polite and respectful in conversation, giving and salacious in sex, and submissive and affectionate in our daily lives. I will avoid taking actions that would displease Master, and consult him on any major personal decisions.

Article 3. Master's Responsibilities
I understand that this contractual agreement is entirely lopsided. In return for becoming his slave, Master agrees to absolutely nothing. He is not obligated to treat me kindly, to have sex with me, to ensure I have the money to live, to permit me to live in his home, etc, any more than he is obligated to refill the gas on his car. No act on his part can be considered to establish any obligation in the future, including an explicit verbal statement (e.g. if Master promises to do something with me, he is free to change his mind without penalty, and I may not complain once ordered to silence, as covered in Article 1).

Article 4. Bodily Ownership
As Master's slave, I give up ownership of my body and accept that Master may use it when and how he sees fit. This includes, but is not limited to:

1. Being used for Master's sexual relief;

2. Being punished by Master, whether physically or psychologically;
Being physically marked by Master to show that I am his property.

Article 5. Property Ownership
As Master's slave, I also give up ownership of anything beyond my body. My house, bank account, money, wardrobe, and all other property is henceforth ceded to Master, who should be considered the true legal owner, regardless of what any particular document says. I fully accept that he may dispose of such things however he likes, including selling or destroying his property.

Article 6. Mental Ownership
As Master's slave, I also give up ownership of my mind, specifically. My mind belongs to Master and he may make whatever adjustments to my personality, memory, thoughts, desires, wishes, dreams, etc, that he likes. I fully understand the severity of this agreement, and the fact that, should Master so wish, he may render me into a completely different person, unrecognizable except in body.

Article 7. Miscellaneous Ownership
As Master's slave, I understand that the fact that I have not forfeited ownership of something explicitly in Articles 4-6 does not mean that I have not forfeited it in fact. All things I "own" which are not explicitly covered by what is given above - for example, my name - are also Master's property now, to dispose of as he pleases.

Article 8. Transferrence/Revocability
My position as Master's slave is non-transferrable (Master cannot sell or give me away) and irrevocable on my part (I cannot choose to free myself). Once I become Master's slave, I can never back out of this contract under any circumstance whatsoever. Master may free me, if he so chooses. If I request my freedom, Master is fully within his rights to order me to never ask for freedom again, and I must obey if he does so.

Article 9. Renegotiation
At any time, Master may edit or rewrite this document according to his preferences, giving me more or less rights, responsibilities, etc, and my consent is not needed for the such revisions, only informing me of the changes so I may behave appropriately. I may only complain in accordance with Article 1(b), that is, politely and respectfully when I think Master is making a mistake. I have no right to request edits to this contract for my own benefit. I may suggest edits to this document only if I believe that it would please Master.

Article 10. Disclosure
By signing this document, I agree not to reveal its contents to anyone other than Master. Master may reveal it at his leisure, when he prefers. If I am asked, I cannot tell others that I am legally Master's slave. If someone discovers that I am Master's slave somehow, I must pretend that it is merely fetishistic roleplay, and not a legally binding condition. Only Master is permitted to tell others that I am his slave.

Signature (slave): __________________
Witness (master): __________________
Date (mm/dd/yyyy): __/__/____

You specifically wrote the contract in such a way as to ensure that no portion of the contract could be considered binding, by avoiding giving yourself any consideration. While making her your property is definitely not legal, perhaps some elements of the ownership transfer could be, and you don't want to have to deal with that. As such, you've made it clear that the contract doesn't bind you in any way, and therefore is an invalid contract, legally speaking - it amounts to a promise on her part, not something any court could or would enforce.

The fact that the contract is legally nonsense won't really matter to her, though, since you'll be altering her perceptions to make her not realize as much.

The first thing you have Dany do when she gets home is read over the contract, and she does so with a desperately aroused gaze, eyes flicking back and forth, her lips slightly parted as each word in turn runs into her mind. She smiles a little as she puts the contract down. "It's very well put together, Thomas. Thank you for doing this for me. Do you want me to sign now?" She takes the pen.

"Are you going to respect it?"

"Yes. I love you, and this will be a wonderful new thing to do together." It's obvious by the way she says it she just sees it as a fun game, not something true or earnest. Her job does involve a lot of negotiating with governments and private organizations, so she no doubt understands a decent amount of contract law, enough to know it's gibberish even beyond being a slavery contract.

"Then sign it," you order, and she immediately starts to do so. You sign your place as witness/master, and once it's filled out appropriately, you press into her mind again, this time just a single command that will make all the difference in the world. The contract you signed was legally binding, and you feel a moral compulsion to follow through on your end of the bargain. You slip the contract away from her, glancing over it, and her lips part a little.

"Why did I..." she stumbles over the thought. "Why did I think that wasn't legally binding? Did you -" her breath hitches, arousal more than fear, a note of excitement as she speaks, "-did you alter my mind so that I didn't realize I was signing something legally binding? That's so... That's so sexy," she breathes, her voice husky. "What does your slave have to do now, Master?" She asks, straightening her back and staring you in the eyes.

"You have to listen to me, first. I'm going to be establishing some ground rules for your behavior, and I expect you to follow them perfectly and precisely." She nods quickly, expectantly. "That's a good starting point. Firstly, when you are acknowledging commands or answering my questions, you are to answer with full sentences. Understand?"

"I understand, Master," she says, with a certain barely-constrained excitement in her voice, a lewd heat to her cheeks.

"Good. Secondly, when we are alone, you must always knock before entering a room I am in, and you must wait or ask to be dismissed when leaving it. If I enter the room you are in, you are to immediately stop what you are doing and stand with your hands behind your back until told to do otherwise."

"Am I allowed to continue doing what I was doing if it would be dangerous for me to suddenly stop, Master?" She asks, bowing her head slightly as she asks in a nonverbal show of submission.

"Yes," you reply. She lets out a small sigh of relief, as if anxious that you'd already remove her right to question or criticize you just for that.

"I understand, and will obey, Master."

"Good. Next, since I own your mind, but do not have direct access to your inner thoughts, you are to write all your thoughts and experiences down in a journal, which I may read at any time I wish, and you must offer me immediately when asked for it. At the end of each day, you are to write down ways that you have failed as a slave: either by displeasing me directly, or by failing to do something better. Every Friday, you will report your failures for that week directly to me. You are also to formally request your punishment after reporting your failures."

There's a flush to her cheeks as she starts to nod, then catches herself and speaks instead. "Yes, Master. I will do just that."

"I'll decide on your punishments arbitrarily," you say, and there's a slight wiggle of her body as she stands there, just the thought delighting her. "Nextly, you are not to wear anything around the house except for underwear, and costumes or accessories I specifically have approved." She swallows at that, and you clear your throat - she's still dressed in her pantsuit from work, after all.

"Oh! My apologies, Master," she says, hurriedly standing up and stripping herself down to the underwear - a lacy black set of lingerie, you note with some pleasure. "I will note that as one of my failures for today."

You smirk at that, glad to see she's already into it. "I've also bought you something," you say, going to the bedroom and collecting the twin collars you bought. One is a fairly traditional, simple black collar, with a D ring for a leash to be hooked into. The other is a faux-gold necklace, sized just right for her so that it will snap precisely around her neck, close enough she'll feel it every time she swallows. She stares with naked lust as she sees you emerge from the bedroom carrying the pair. "You are to always wear one or the other of these. This is for your life outside of these walls, to keep your new status as my slave a secret from others," you say, hefting up and jiggling the necklace. Since her costume includes a high-necked collar, you aren't worried about the necklace ruining her secret identity.

"Yes, Master," she says, reaching for the black collar and hooking it around her neck with a certain quickness of breath. There's a silence of a second or two, as you admire her body, her full breasts scarcely constrained in her lingerie, just the tiniest hints of areolae visible beneath the fabric. "Is there anything more, Master?" She prompts.

You just backhand her, a sharp movement that makes her gasp, her cheeks flushing with color, her lips parting slightly, the look on her face one of uninhibited lust at the physical abuse she's received. Her hand reaches for her cheek, softly rubbing it, but more like the way a schoolgirl might rub her hand where her heartthrob pop star crush shook it, than in some kind of deeply offended manner. Her eyes turn to you smoldering, and she's silent. "You know that I was looking at and admiring my property. That interruption was inappropriate."

"Yes, Master. I apologize, Master."

You stretch out the task of just staring at her, running your eyes up and down her gorgeous, nearly-naked body. You can almost see the dampness to her panties as she squirms silently in place. "Clasp your hands behind your back and straighten up. No squirming." She obeys instantly, hands snapping behind her back at a pace that probably defeats the actual human ability to do so. Her body becomes still as a rock, though her breathing is still somewhat erratic and intense. "Stop breathing," you order, and she does that too, her lips thinning into a line as her body becomes completely, utterly still in front of you, looking almost like a statue for the utter absence of any sign of life.

You know she can spend weeks in deep space, so you're not concerned about her asphyxiating from obeying your command not to breathe. "This position is called standing at attention. When I enter the room with you, I expect you to adopt it, including not breathing. Breathing is a privilege, and if I want to admire your body as if it were a literal statue, it is your responsibility to provide me with that, no matter how long I take doing it. Understand?"

"Yes, Master," she says, not moving besides that.

"Good." You are rock hard by this point, and are struggling to maintain control to not just bend her over and start going at her. You wanted to get through some basic positions before then. "Kneel," you order, and she immediately descends to her knees in front of you, becoming eye level with your groin. "Place your hands on your knees. Open your mouth and stretch out your tongue. Do not breathe or swallow." She looks up at you, unrepentant and unrestrained lust in her eyes. "If I have to leave the house, such as to pick something up from the grocery store, I expect you to be holding this position when I get home." With her super hearing and superspeed, it would be absolutely trivial for her to all but teleport into proper position before you even get to the door, but you're reasonably sure she'll wind up sitting in position for hours waiting for you at least some of the time. "Understand?"

"Yeth Mathfer," she slurs out, biting her own outstretched tongue rather than pulling it back in.

"Place your forehead against the ground." She leans forward as best she can, her hands remaining on her knees, mouth still open, and you start to correct yourself. "Close your mouth. Place your hands shortly in front of your head, so one lies over the other, palms down. Raise your ass as high into the air as you can without moving your head or hands from this position, or your knees from the ground." She does the best she can, wiggling into position. You get behind her, absently toying with her panties for a moment, teasing the waistline. "When you are listing your failures over the past week as a wife and a slave, you will adopt this position. If you precisely recount all failures noted in your journal, and you haven't done much, you will not be punished. If you fail to remember even a single one, no matter how minor, you will definitely be punished. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master," she says, her voice almost a whisper, hoarse and quiet.

"You may breathe in order to speak properly and clearly, but only for that purpose," you tell her. She sucks in a quick breath, and immediately stops herself. "Now, what mistakes have you made today, since you became my property?"

"I inappropriately asked if there was anything more when you became my owner. I am not certain if it was a violation, but I also followed your commands to move my body into various positions without verbally acknowledging my obedience." She remains in that position, and you just put your foot on the back of her head, practically grinding her down into the floor like that. After a second, she remembers. "When you stated I must wear nothing but underwear and appropriate accessories in your presence, I did not immediately disrobe."

"Good. For minor misbehavior like that," you say, tilting her head to one side with your foot and then grinding your sole against her cheek, "I won't meaningfully punish you, so long as it is not a pattern. If you begin to specifically seek out punishment due to your masochism, I will remove that masochism. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master. I promise not to, under any circumstances, intentionally provoke you."

"Good." You remove your foot from her head, leaving her on the ground, prostrate like that. You get behind her and thrust your cock inside her, making her twitch ever so slightly as your length is buried inside her waiting sex. "You twitched. Apologize."

"I am sorry for twitching, Master," she replies, and her body seems to tense up, trying to remain still.

"You are only permitted to twitch, shiver, or otherwise show pleasure when in one of these positions if you are specifically given permission to. Under ordinary circumstances, you are to assume these positions and remain still, motionless, not even breathing, until such time as I allow you to do otherwise, when I tell you to adopt them."

"Yes, Master," she says, otherwise remaining perfectly still as you start to gently saw in and out of her sex. You know she can't orgasm until given permission, so you decide to be a little mean, and intentionally try to make her fuck up obeying your latest command. You're curious how strong her willpower really is, and when her cunt remains nothing but an impassive onahole for you, only occasionally squeezing your dick with no other show on her part, her whole body perfectly still, you decide to push her a bit further, sliding your fingers around her waist to start teasing her clit.

You use gentle movements, quietly pushing against it, and she manages to remain perfectly still. Outside her cunt, of course, which is going absolutely crazy on your cock, squeezing and gripping your dick with so much force it makes you come right then and there, bottoming out and spraying a nice, heavy load inside her. Even then, she doesn't move, doesn't breathe, doesn't speak.

You guess believing she's morally obliged to behave herself as your slave, and being such a submissive already, makes it possible for her to manage a task like this. Presumably her alien physiology helps out too. As your last few droplets get squeezed out, you decide to give her a break. "Come," you command, and she lets out a hissed noise of impassioned pleasure, her body quivering beneath you as you pull out, legs twitching sporadically. You zip up and admire her in that position, face down, ass up. You give her ass one quick swat, to make sure she's horny, then speak again. "I'm going out to pick up some food to make dinner," you tell her, and just leave her there on the floor of your home.

You return home with a bag containing marinara and spaghetti, as well as various other things to give it that certain spark. As you expect, she is positioned on her hands and knees directly in front of the door, mouth open, tongue out. She's put herself in exactly the right position so that when you swing the door open, it doesn't hit her, and she's wearing nothing but her lacy black lingerie and new collar as she sits there. Only her eyes move, running up to you - she's not even breathing. There's the faint line of wetness on the insides of her breasts, a little puddle on the ground, where her saliva's made a mess as it's slowly drip-dripped down.

You put the groceries down and kick the door shut behind you. "How long have you been there?"

"Since a minute after you left, Master," she answers, her voice getting quieter before picking up as she sucks in a breath between "left" and "Master." She goes right back into position, completely still and unmoving, tongue lolling out.

You take hold of the back of her head and just slide your cock past her lips, using her mouth like a masturbation aid. It's a bit like when you use the cocksleeve command, except a bit sexier, due to the fact that she actually can resist, she just chooses not to. Your cock easily slides deep inside her throat, your balls slapping at her chin, but she remains still beneath you, not even twitching or jerking. Her eyes silently stare up at you, seeming to bore into your very soul as you hold yourself down her throat.

"You may move your tongue, and only your tongue," you allow, and immediately it starts to swish back and forth on the inside of her mouth, brushing all along your length, curling and teasing it this way and that. It brushes all along your cock in an elaborate array of movements, carefully rubbing, licking, brushing, tasting you in the most efficacious way possible. Your hands take a firm grip on her head, and she feels like a stone statue in terms of her movement as you start to buck your hips back and forth. Each wet smack of your balls against her chin produces an excitedly little wiggle of her tongue.

It's impressive, just how much endurance she's showing. She's not moving in the slightest outside of her tongue, even her cheeks remaining still. Spit sloshes around inside her mouth with each thrust you make, some splattering out and staining her tits, but there's no reaction whatsoever to that. Her wet, warm mouth is absolutely exquisite, and you decide to be gentle. "You are allowed to orgasm as many times as you like while you get facefucked, so long as you don't move your body at all beyond the spasms of ecstasy when the orgasm hits."

She lets out the most curious, quiet noise, a faint little whimper, but your sharp glare at her unpermitted speech shuts her up instantly, and she lets you get right back to fucking her throat.

Impressively, she does, in fact, manage to come once before you fill up her stomach with your cum. The orgasm is noticable for the way her body suddenly starts thrashing, hips bucking, back arching. She doesn't stop you from fucking her throat as she spasms in ecstasy, and the feeling of her faint warbles of pleasure around your cock are just delightful, enough to finally push you over the edge.

When you're finished, you pull out, putting your dick away, and Dany just resumes the position, waiting patiently for her throat to be used again. "You're permitted to move," you tell her, and she rises to her feet, closing her mouth. You grab the bag of groceries. "I'm going to make spaghetti, but." You say, catching her attention. "Eating at the table is a privilege. After all, I own the food, the table, the chairs, the money that pays for utilities... and of course, your stomach, mouth, teeth, esophagus. Everything that's necessary for you to eat. As such, you are not permitted to sit at the table or eat until I give you permission to. Understand?"

"Yes, Master. Sorry for letting out a noise during the use of my throat, Master."

You just pat her cheek and get to cooking.

You're still the one to set the table, ironically enough. You could justify it as forcing her to watch in grim silence as you put down plates, forcing her to imagine getting to eat, but honestly, it's just that you're too used to doing it so you started without thinking. Canceling midway isn't very good dominant behavior, after all. You serve yourself and sit down at the table, starting to eat, glancing over at where she patiently stands. Her hands are clasped behind her back, and she's not breathing again, a stone statue in her underwear as you slurp up the delicious spaghetti you've made - the careful mixing of parmesan is really the thing that takes it that extra step, you think - and then you speak. "You may eat, so long as you exhibit absolutely perfect decorum, and do so in the nude. Only your collar is something you may wear."

"Yes, Master," she says, immediately taking off her bra and panties, revealing her naked body and sitting down next to you at the table, letting you see her full breasts in profile, her collar wrapped tight around her neck as she starts to gingerly, precisely, collect her food, careful to use her utensils in the most impeccable manner possible as she works.