Chapter 1 – Reincarnated as a tentacle familiar
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After being momentarily blinded, the little tentacle monster found itself in an occultic room full of beautiful girls, animals, monsters, and creatures looking at it weirdly.

And in its head were three messages.


Human lvl 6 has summoned you.

You are not bound to this world. Please form a contract before the mana sustaining you is exhausted. When it runs out, you will get banished.

Currently at 100% mana

Congratulations on reincarnating, man!

Time is tight, so we'll make this brief. You need to get a contract with that silver-haired chick over there, or you get banished soon. I predict the closet-pervert little witch is (Understandably) disgusted with you and isn't trying to form a contract, so use Telepathy. I gave you that skill at lvl 5, but it is enough to make a simple conversation. I also gave you Common Language lvl 5 so you can understand what she is saying. This should be enough to impress her and clear any misunderstandings. If she still doesn't want you, try using the pity card and praise her. Beg if you have to. She is a softie, so convincing her would be easy.

Be polite and try not to be a creep, since if you fail and are banished, I will summon you again to this world in your original body(A fat and ugly 34-year-old) with the unique and unremovable class Ugly Bastard. (If you fuck this up, you earned it, buddy)

I'm cheering for you!



As the tentacle monster read through the messages, it suddenly panicked!

"Shit! I have to form a contract!" The tentacle monster thought.

The thought of being summoned as a fat, ugly, 34-year-old man with that ominous-sounding class sent shivers down its tendrils.

It quickly looked around and found its summoner, a silver-gray-haired curly-haired beauty with purple eyes. Her body wasn't explosive, but it wasn't completely lacking, having modest assets covered by her dark robe.

At that moment, she was looking at it with disgust.

"Shit... She hates me..."

"Professor!" The silver-haired beauty called, pointing at the tentacle monster. "I don't want this! Let me try again!"

"That... Is a bit inappropriate, Miss Torneau." Professor Euphenia frowned. "It is tradition to form a contract with what you summoned." She paused, looking at the cat-sized tentacle monster before adding, "No matter how grotesque it may be."

"B-But, it's a mindless tentacle monster! A rape-friendly, man-eating, tentacle monster!" Euphenia pointed at the sentient tentacle monster.

"Well... That's true..." Euphenia frowned as she looked at the tentacle monster.

The other girls also started talking between themselves.

"That's a tentacle monster?"

"Ew, gross."

"Isn't it, like, super bad?"

"Yeah. I think Cornelia should abandon it and summon another one."

The sentient tentacle monster, who understood everything they were saying, panicked even more.

"Shit! I have to do something... Wait... That's it!" The tentacle monster thought as it looked at a specific word.

"Telepathy!" It tried to use it.

It suddenly felt like it could pass on messages to other creatures through its mind, so it tried connecting with the young witch.

{H-Hello!} The monster meekly conveyed.

"W-Wha?! I-It talked?!" The young witch jumped back in surprise.

"What are you talking about, Miss Torneau." Euphenia frowned. "Familiars can't speak without forming a contract."

"B-But..." Cornelia hesitantly looked at the purple octopus-shaped tentacle monster.

{I can talk through Telepathy.} The tentacle monster said.

"It said it can talk through telepathy!" Cornelia said with astonishment.

"Telepathy?! Few creatures can use Telepathy without training... Is it an innate skill of tentacle monsters? Rather, it can talk?! Is it intelligent enough to convey speech?" Euphenia skeptically looked at the little monster.

Feeling her distrust, the reincarnated tentacle monster tried speaking to them both.

{No, I think it is a unique trait of mine.} The tentacle monster said half-truthfully. 

"It talked?!" "It talked again?!" Euphenia and Cornelia flinched back.

"Wait, we both heard it?!"Eiphenia widened her eyes. "Its Telepathy skill must be at least level 5! And it used the Common Language, at least level 3! And it is intelligent enough to form a conversation!" Euphenia exclaimed.

"I told you!" Cornelia helplessly said.

The exchange caused a commotion among the girls.

"Wait, it's smart? A tentacle monster can be smart?"

"It can even use Telepathy! So it should be talented!"

"It even knows the Common Language? Isn't that a larvae?"

"Maybe it's worth keeping after all?"

Ignoring their conversation, the tentacle monster received another notification.


You are not bound to this world. Please form a contract before the mana sustaining you is exhausted. When it runs out, you will get banished.

Currently at 50% mana


With that, the tentacle monster started panicking again as it began urging.

{Erm, I don't mean to interrupt, but can you please form a contract with me? I am running out of time.} It said to the student and teacher as politely as possible.

"Ah!" Cornelia widened her eyes, remembering her situation.

Euphenia was also woken up by its words and looked at Cornelia.

"Cornelia, I suggest you form a contract with it! It is a unique monster! I also hear tentacle monsters have high growth potential but are limited due to their mindlessness and instincts! This a rare opportunity that wouldn't show in ten solar eclipses!"

Cornelia seemed moved by this but shivered as she looked at the creature on the ground.

"No! I want a handsome guy! Not this... Thing! But, it is talented..." Cornelia hesitated, having an internal struggle.

As the clock ticked, the nameless tentacle monster became more anxious as it received a notification, reminding it that its time was running out.


You are not bound to this world. Please form a contract before the mana sustaining you is exhausted. When it runs out, you will get banished.

Currently at 30% mana


"Shit! I must use the last resort..." It steeled its mind.

With a deep breath, it initiated its final and most desperate move...!

{Please! Form a contract with me, kind mistress! I don't want to return to that awful place!} It mentally cried to the hopefully kind-hearted girl.

"E-Eh?!" Cornelia flinched back.

{If I return to that dark place, I will suffer from hunger or even get eaten! Please, please, please! I will do anything!} The tentacle tearfully said, lying through its metaphorical teeth.

"I..." Cornelia's face scrunched up.


You are not bound to this world. Please form a contract before the mana sustaining you is exhausted. When it runs out, you will get banished.

Currently at 20% mana


{Please, oh beautiful, talented, and benevolent mistress! Please! I will do anything!} The tentacle started boot-licking in desperation.

"Uuuhh... FINE!" Cornelia's defenses crumbled as she stamped her feet.

She then took out a needle and pricked her finger, letting out a drop of blood as she began to chant.

"My name is Cornelia Le Torneau! O honorable spirit, I implore you. With my blood as the medium, please form a contract with me, bind yourself to this world, and become my life-bound familiar."

As she said that, the tentacle monster saw the drop of blood floating toward it, landing on top of its forehead.


Cornelia Le Torneau, the Human lvl 6, has initiated a life-bound contract with you.

If you agree, you will be bound to her for life as her familiar, and your life, power, and lifespan will be linked until death. This contract cannot be undone without paying a heavy (Potentially Deadly) price.

Do you accept? Yes/No?

You are not bound to this world. Please form a contract before the mana sustaining you is exhausted. When it runs out, you will get banished.

Currently at 10% mana


"Yes! I accept!" The tentacle monster screamed, adamant about not becoming an ugly bastard.

The moment it did, a magical mark formed on its forehead as a special connection formed between it and Cornelia. Several notifications then appeared.


You have formed a life-bound familiar contract with Cornelia Le Torneau, the Human lvl 6
Gained the Perk Familiar Contract(Cornelia Le Torneau)

Due to the skill Familiar Contract(Cornelia Le Torneau), you are bound to this world and won't get banished.

Congratulations on forming a contract, man!

Since your immediate danger is now over, let me give you a recap of what happened.

Despite being a fat and ugly 34-year-old virgin shut-in who barely went to the gym, you risked your life to save a helpless woman from a mugger... Or at least tried but failed miserably and tripped before breaking your skull on a protruding pavement block(Ouch) and got the poor mugger involved with unintended murder charges. Still, I was impressed, amused, and (very) bored, so I gathered your soul before it dissipated and reincarnated you into this game-like sword and magic world. (You wanted it)

As you requested, I deleted the memories of yourself and your family (You didn't have friends, so yeah) but kept your other 34 years' worth of shut-in virgin life knowledge intact. I can also understand why because your life was downright awful. (You would have died in your mid-forties from cardiac arrest from all the pizzas and double cheese hamburgers you kept chugging either way.)
Anyway, I let you get summoned as a sentient tentacle monster straight out of a porn comic. (You begged for it, you sexual deviant. You could have been a giga-chad with an isekai harem but begged to become a perverted tentacle monster instead, even after threatening that I will force you to become a familiar and turn you into an ugly bastard if you fail... I respect that.)
I also hacked into this garbage system and set you up with a few initial skills and cheats to help you thrive while not making you too OP(Seriously, you don't want to be too OP too quickly. From experience.), so have fun.

Oh, and do treat that Cornelia chick kindly. She might be a closet pervert, an airhead, and a pushover, and she might get rude sometimes, but she is a good girl. She had to go through a lot, so I hope you can help her.

Best Regards, The Reality Smuggler

PS: This world isn't a game. It is a real world, and it will be your new home. Everyone has souls, needs, feelings, beliefs, and lives no less than that of your previous life. I am keeping tabs on you, so if you start doing ultra-evil and unspeakable things(Raping innocent women, killing entire villages for shits and giggles, etc. Use common sense), I am deleting your existence. Painfully. SUPER painfully. So stay a consentacle and in line with the rules of this world, yeah? But don't be afraid to use despicable and sexual means to protect your life, win a battle, or even earn money as a gigolo. Go nuts. Follow your heart and do what you think is right.


"... Wow. The previous me was fucking pathetic..." The tentacle monster lamented. "And why the fuck did you want to be a tentacle monster? Geez. He had to have a few screws loose."

At the same time, Cornelia received her expected notification.


You have formed a life-bound familiar contract with {Unnamed}, the Tentacle Monster Larvae lvl 1.
Gained the Perk Familiar Contract({Unnamed})
You have gained the qualifications to class-change to Apprentice Witch.


"Hm? Unnamed?" Cornelia frowned.

"Good job, Cornelia! Now, please return with your new familiar." Euphenia said.

"Ah, right." Cornelia nodded and turned to the little Tentacle Monster. "Well, come with me, er..." Cornelia squinted, stumped for words.

The little Tentacle Monster saw her plight, so it suggested, {How about calling me Tenta for now?}

"That can work. Come with me, Tenta." Cornelia lightly smiled and gestured for it to move.

The Tentacle Monster then received a message.


Your name has been changed to Tenta.


"Hah... Yeah. Saw that coming." Tenta thought and tried slithering to Cornelia.

Surprisingly, it was easier and much smoother than expected, almost natural. Its memories were that of a bipedal human, but it somehow crawled as an eight-legged monster without issue. Of course, being an octopus-shaped creature, its crawling speed was low.

"Can't you crawl faster?" Cornelia frowned in dissatisfaction.

{I can't. My body is too small, and my limbs are unsuitable for moving fast.} Tenta replied with their connection. It then hesitated before adding. {Can you please carry me?}

"What?! Ew... I..." Cornelia cringed.

{Please, my kind and most beautiful mistress?} Tenta pleaded with its pitiful, watery eye.

"Ugh... Fine..." Unable to endure the lip service, Cornelia reluctantly picked up Tenta with both hands, feeling its oily skin on her hands. However, she didn't hug it but kept an arm's distance away as she walked back.

{This is quite uncomfortable. I wish you could hug me...} Tenta commented, genuinely feeling uncomfortable.

"Shut up! Not doing it!" Cornelia pursed her lips as she returned to the crowd of curious girls.

"Wow, so that's a Tentacle Monster?" Zoe approached with her familiar on her shoulder, curious. "It's kinda cute... Right, Anyanti?" She asked the blue cat on her shoulder.

"Meow," Anyanti replied, its eyes expressing a disagreeing answer.

"It's not cute! It's all oily and gross..." Cornelia cringed, wanting to drop Tenta but enduring it.

"Well, it's your familiar now, so you better start getting used to it!" Zoe replied.

{Right! Right!} Tenta voiced its agreement with both women.

"Ah! It really can talk!" Zoe said, amazed.

"So that is a Tentacle Monster..." A pale girl with twin-braided black hair, freckles, glasses, a rack bigger than Zoe's despite her short stature, and a vampire bat sitting on her shoulder said.

Both the girl and the bat on her shoulder inquisitively looked at Tenta.

"Hey, Willow," Cornelia said but kept her vigilance up.

Willow Crypt, the genius of the Crypt family, was a known research fanatic who liked dissecting the dead.

"Why are you holding your familiar like that? I think it is uncomfortable." Willow asked.

"None of your business how I treat my familiar!" Cornelia defensively replied.

"Hm... If you don't care about your Familiar that much, how about giving a tentacle for research?" Willow asked, almost salivating while adjusting her thick glasses.

"No!" Cornelia instinctively replied, protectively hugging Tenta to her chest.

"Ah... Comfy..." Tenta thought, feeling Cornelia's modest chest pressing against it.

"Eh... Too bad. I only wanted one tentacle... Such a rare experimental material..." The girl longingly looked at Tenta, making it shiver.

"Willow, stop it. No sane witch would let anyone harm her familiar." Zoe replied, displeased.

"But Tentacle Monsters can regenerate their limbs, though..." Willow retorted.

"How about asking Tenta? It can answer for itself." Zoe pointed.

"Ah! Right! Can I have one of your tentacles, Tenta?" Willow asked with clasped hands and a hopeful gaze.

{That sounds painful, so no.} Tenta directly rejected.

"Tsk..." Willow clicked her tongue, her shoulders slumped.

"Squeak*" The bat on her shoulder comfortingly patted her head.

"Girls, silence!" Euphenia called, making the girls stand at attention.

"Now that you have all signed a familiar contract, it is time for you to class change and officially become Apprentice Witches."

Hm... I wonder which cheat will our kind reality smuggler grant?

Job changer? Muti jobs? Jobless? Increased skill mastery? Evolution Control?

I honestly plan on doing a system similar to Growth Cheat, just more refined. Decisions, decisions...