Chapter 5 – Apprenticeship
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Minor change to the Spellcasting Genius perk. From one in a thousand to one in a hundred.

"Heeheeheehee! An interesting pair has entered my web!" The headmistress cackled like a bonafide witch, contrasting her enchanting look. Tenta and Cornelia found it disturbingly charming.

Euphenia, on the other hand, started shivering, with cold sweat on her forehead and back, since it was the first time she saw the headmistress act like this. She wanted to take Cornelia and Tenta out of the study and even the academy and city but knew it was impossible. From the principal, she learned that the headmistress is an incredibly calm character, and few things can pique her interest. But there was something that the principal warned about in case she took interest in something.

"Although the headmistress is calm-headed most of the time, and few things can catch her eye, she acts like a child when seeing things that interest her, often treating them as toys. And as with any other child, she tends to break her toys, not out of malice but pure, naive curiosity. When dealing with her, you should treat her like a force of nature, calm most of the time yet unpredictable, uncontrollable, and destructive. When she is interested in something, never obstruct her since not only will you inevitably fail, you might make things worse or even pay the ultimate price."

That was why she didn't dare say a word. She could only pray in her heart. "Oh, Great Zeztris, protect these two..."

A few moments later, after the headmistress calmed down, she looked at Euphenia.

"Thank you for bringing me these two interesting guys. You may excuse yourself." She said.

"Yes, headmistress." Euphenia lightly bowed and glanced at Cornelia and Tenta. "Good luck..." She muttered, the only thing she could offer, and left.

As Cornelia stood there holding Tenta, looking at the calm, pearly grin and narrowed and playful eyes of the headmistress locking on Tenta, she couldn't help but start feeling that the atmosphere was wrong.

"The headmistress wouldn't hurt Tenta... right?" That thought crossed her mind, subconsciously hugging Tenta tighter.

Tenta, on the other hand, was less naive than Cornelia. The knowledge of a 34-year-old who watched countless TV shows and read books and manga told him that this headmistress might be bad news and had likely seen through all his perks.

Although the perverted perks were embarrassing, it wasn't on the level he could get blackmailed. Being a reincarnated otherworlder was also not a problem since the phenomenon is well-known. What did bother him, however, was that he has the True Hero, Second Class, and I Choose To Be A Monster perks. Each one of them was absurd and rarer than the last. And the I Choose To Be A Monster perk was probably unique to him, never seen before.

If an ancient several-centuries-old entity like the headmistress, who is probably beyond good and evil at this point, sees his ridiculous perks, she might strap him to a surgery table and dissect him.

"Great System, Reality Smuggler, please help..." Tenta prayed.

Finally, after another minute of awkward silence, the headmistress spoke.

"You are quite the interesting specimen, aren't you, Tenta? If that is your real name." The headmistress playfully spoke.

Tenta's heart couldn't help but tighten. He knew she saw through him.

"Hidden, my ass! Someone saw through it within an hour of reincarnation!" Tenta complained.

Meanwhile, Cornelia felt something was wrong.

"What does she mean by that? Is he perhaps a..." A rising suspicion rose in her mind.

Ignoring their thoughts, the headmistress continued speaking.

"You know, reincarnated otherworlders are ridiculous and unfair existences." She started playing with a lock of her hair. "People of this world are born with perks, both good and bad. About a third of the population is born with slightly or overly negative stat bonuses, and another sixth is born without overall advantage. The other half is born with mostly or only positive perks, with at least an Overall 10% bonus, and a fifth of them, or a tenth of the population, are born with an overall 50% bonus distributed in all or one of the stats, and one in a hundred has a 100% bonus. From there, every ten times increase has an increase of 100%. 

That means one in a thousand has a 200% bonus, one in a million has a 500% bonus, and one in a billion has an 800% bonus. The highest recorded bonus was some prince born with 990% some 5,000 years ago, but was ironically, and literally, killed in the crib by an assassin from an enemy kingdom. Of course, others had such high stats, but they either died early or never revealed it in their lifetime due to fear.

Now, Reincarnated Existences, on the other hand, are born with a minimum of 300% bonus, with a tenth surpassing the 500% mark, making them gifted prodigies. Less than 1% had over 600%, and less than 10 had over 700%. All the True Heroes were over 700%, by the way.

Now, for comparison's sake, a Chosen Hero has, at the minimum, a 500% overall bonus, and that is after his awakening. I, a super prodigy, was born with a 720% bonus, and the hero I followed had a 610% bonus, which is fine for a Chosen Hero.

And that brings me to the following point..."

She then narrowed her eyes while looking at Tenta.

"You were born with a 930% bonus..." And then she flashed a charming smile and said playfully. "You bloody monster~"

"What?! 930%?!" Cornelia's mouth went slack as she stared at Tenta.

{...} Tenta remained silent.

The headmistress was unbothered by their reactions as she continued.

"Of course, if that was all, although you would be interesting, I could still understand you. After all, although impressive, it is not something unachievable through experiences, research, training, and other avenues for growth. The Great System is fair, and it gives anyone a chance to grow." She calmly said.

It was then that the headmistress's eyes narrowed, and her smile deepened.

"However, in all my years of endless studying and research, I never found an intriguing existence like yours. You have an Anti-God Perk to resist divinity and a Rule-Breaking Perk giving a second class to a mortal, something even I, a half-millennia-old transcendent, only heard stories about. Even funnier, you can grant that second class to all party members as if it were nothing. The Great System even went to great lengths to fashion a silly Tentacle Monster subspecies just for you. By far, you are the most ludicrous little thing I have ever seen!" It was then that her facade broke. A contorted and hungry grin appeared as her eyes widened with an endless curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

"It makes me want to BREAK you and see what's inside!" She declared, her voice soaked with deep and ancient insanity.

At that moment, Tenta and Cornelia had the illusion of being trapped in a giant web, stared at by a colossal and salivating spider.

Cornelia shivered uncontrollably, unable to control her thoughts and body, but Tenta was composed, perhaps because of his resistance to psychological effects and pressure.

"Shit, I'm dead. Sorry, Cornelia. I dragged you into this mess." Tenta thought in despair.

Tenta, in reality, had little qualms about dying. Sure, he wanted to live, but he already lived a previous life, even if he forgot who he was. But Cornelia was different. She was innocent and had a bright future ahead of her. He didn't want to drag her down with him.

But contrary to what he envisioned, the headmistress then had a look of disappointment as the illusion dissipated.

"Unfortunately, the Great System is protecting you. Trancendants such as myself will suffer a harsh punishment if we intentionally take action against you, directly or not... at least without provocation." She said, and then a hint of fear flashed in her eyes, "And I wouldn't want to anger that existence behind you."

"Ah... So that was the thing about the Great Systems Protection. Thank you, Great System, and thank you, Reality Smuggler." Tenta thought in relief.

"However..." The headmistress smiled again, unconcealed amusement in her eyes. "It is interesting, your perk descriptions, I mean. It tells quite the hilarious story." She said with great amusement. "I wonder what heroic deed you performed in your previous life to be given such a prestigious perk as True Hero."

At this time, Cornelia finally woke up from her stupor.

"Previous life?! You are a reincarnated otherworlder?! And a True Hero?! And what is all this about that Second Class thing?!" Cornelia asked Tenta through their mental link, confused rather than ecstatic.

{It's... complicated.} Tenta awkwardly replied.

"So." The headmistress smiled. "Let me introduce myself. I am Feriae Vandran al Mutasim, the 5th headmistress of Eslelmiara, the all-girl Academy Of Witchcraft, also known as the Spider Arch-Witch, Apostle of the Spider Goddess, Last Princess of the fallen Mutasim Kingdom, She Who Was Raised By Spiders, Green King Slayer, Contractor of the Legendary Arachne Matriarch, and 7th Grand Elder of the Global Occult Coalition." She said a list of impressive titles, paused and then spoke. "But you may call me Fary." She added. "And who are you, reincarnated one? What is your life story?" She asked Tenta.

{... Honestly, I don't know, not even my name. My previous self requested that my past life be deleted save for knowledge. My entire existence here is solely due to the whim of a powerful entity named The Reality Smuggler. As for how I died... I prefer not to say it.} Tenta honestly said.

"Heh... Now I am even MORE interested in how you died." Fary smirked and leaned over, looking like a curious child wanting to know a secret. But then her expression relaxed before looking at Cornelia, "But I guess you have your secrets, like all of us. Isn't that right, little Cornelia?" She asked with a meaningful smile.

"..." Cornelia blushed and looked down.

Now was Tenta's turn to be curious. {What secret?} Tenta asked.

"I... prefer not to say it..." Her blush deepened.

"Hehe... how adorable." Fary chuckled. "But you should get out of that shell soon, deary. There is nothing to be ashamed of, and we all have our fantasies and desires. It is a natural thing, like breathing, eating, or going to the toilet. When you learn to embrace those desires, you will see that perk of yours gone or replaced with something better." She said.

"... Thank you for the advice..." Cornelia replied, feeling ashamed her secret was exposed.

Tenta was dying to know what that perk was since it sounded erotic. However, he knew better than to ask.

"Now then, on to business," Fary said, relaxing back on her chair. "You see, regular witches, such as Cornelia, are taught by their teacher or self-teach themselves. However, there is an exception to this rule, and that is to either have outstanding talent that can draw my attention or to perform a Greater Summon and succeed in its contract. When either of these situations happens, I take it upon myself to guide them, as tradition demands." She said with a light smile.

{So you're going to teach us?} Tenta asked.

"Correct." She nodded. "A standard curriculum is inapplicable to you and will limit your growth rate. And also..." Her eyes slowly narrowed, "I need to teach you how to hide your status, or you will get yourself killed."

"Killed?! But we didn't do anything wrong!" Cornelia exclaimed.

"Riches invite temptation, and talent invites attention, good or bad. Remember that prince I mentioned?" Fary meaningfully asked.

{... The information got leaked or publicized, so others took action early to get rid of trouble, hah? Or was it out of jealousy or fear from one of the relatives?} Tenta asked.

"Good deduction." Fary nodded, "If you were a demi-human, you might just survive in the messy waters known as court politics." She said. "He was born to a concubine, and the king shifted his love and attention to that concubine, so the official wife rightfully felt her position was in danger and leaked the information to an enemy kingdom. The rest is as you might expect."

"She ended the life of a super prodigy because of such a petty reason?!" Cornelia exclaimed.

"Silly girl, the hearts of men are a complicated mess, and nothing is ever black and white." Fary's smile waned, "In this regard, you are lucky to have summoned a knowledgable familiar who experienced society, or you might have gotten sold yet counted the money." She said and glanced at Tenta. "Do keep an eye on her. I don't want to see another girl with the Innocent Soul perk ending as a slave."

{I'll protect her.} Tenta seriously replied.

"... I won't sell myself..." Cornelia muttered, her face burning with shame.

"Now then." Fary smiled, ignoring Cornelia, "Before we begin your training, there is one final thing." Her face suddenly became serious. " Cornelia Le Torneau, are you willing to accept me as your master and become my disciple?"

It was then that Cornelia received a message from the Great System.


Feriae Vandran al Mutasim, the lvl 257 Legendary Transcendent Human, has requested a master-disciple contract with you as the disciple.

As the disciple, you will get the following effects:

  • Learning Efficiency from your master is enhanced by 20%
  • You and your master can't intentionally harm each other outside training and can't intentionally kill or cripple the other, or you will suffer the Oath Breaker Perk. After the contract ends, this effect lasts twice the amount of time the contract lasted, with a minimum of 1 month, or both sides agree to terminate it early.
  • Your master needs to inform you of the nature of the training and establish the apprenticeship context.
  • You are more compelled to listen to your master's orders and tasks, but they need to be within the reason and context of the apprenticeship.
  • The master may punish you for insubordination and mistakes but within reason.
  • The apprenticeship ends when either side decides to conclude it.
  • Until the contract ends, you can't be apprenticed to anyone else.


"Eh..." Cornelia felt overwhelmed. In her wildest dreams, she never saw herself getting apprenticed to a Transcendent. It is a great honor and privilege few enjoy, one no amount of money or power can buy.

{Cornelia, did you receive something?} Tenta asked.

"I got a master-disciple contract offer," Cornelia numbly replied.

{Oh? What is that?} Tenta asked both Cornelia and Fary.

"It is a standard and flexible contract between a master and disciple, such as between a knight and his page, a craftsman and his successor, or a parent and his child. It isn't anything harmful and can be terminated with a thought." Fary said. "With that said, it does come with implications and obligations. For one, we can't intentionally harm each other outside of training, and when we do, we can't seek to cripple or kill the other. Within the apprenticeship goals, I can also order my disciples and punish them for failure, but within reason. The underline is that it is a contract of trust." Fary explained.

{Is that so, Cornelia?} Tenta asked.

"Yes, it is standard. I had such a contract when I was younger." Cornelia said.

{Ah, figures. If it isn't anything harmful, go ahead and accept it.}

"Right." Cornelia nodded and bowed to Fary. "Cornelia greets Master."


You have accepted the master disciple contract.

You gained the perk: Disciple of Feriae Vandran al Mutasim.


Fary's smile widened. "Good! You are now officially my 27th disciple! Our training will begin tomorrow, and I will inform your teachers and change your curriculum accordingly."

"Thank you, master," Cornelia replied.

{So... What about me?} Tenta asked.

Cornelia got apprenticed, but he didn't.

"You are a monster, so I can't teach you. But..." Fary smiled and suddenly snapped her finger.

Snap* Hum*

Humming sounds were heard as a magical circle materialized next to Fary. From within, a silhouette emerged, revealing a young woman who looked like Fary's identical twin, except that her clothes and hair were white instead of black.

The "twin" looked at Fary with a hint of dissatisfaction and complained with a voice identical to Fary's. "What is it, Fary? I am busy." 

"Heeheehee." Fary mischievously cackled. "You will understand when you see the little munchkin first, Kary." She said and pointed at Tenta.

{Hey! Who are you calling a munchkin!?} Tenta complained.

"Even if it's true..." He sulked in his heart.

Ignoring his protests, Kary looked at Tenta and Cornelia. Again, the feeling of being seen through happened. After a disinterested glance at Cornelia, she focused on Tenta, looking at him for close to a minute.

And finally...

"PFFT!!! Hahahahah!!! What is that ridiculous thing?! Is the Great System playing a prank?!" Kary broke into wild laughter while pointing at Tenta.

"Dammit..." Tenta mentally cried.

"As you can see, Tenta is a bit special." Fary said, "And I think he meets even your stringent requirements."

"Hahaha..." Kary wiped a tear from her eye, her laughing smile ever present. "Yeah, he certainly does."

She then looked at Tenta, "Sorry about that, little fellow. It's just that I never thought anyone could have something as ridiculous as THAT." She apologetically said, but it sounded somewhat insincere with her undisguised smile.

{... It's fine...} Tenta sulkily replied.

"Anyway, I am Karlina, Fary's lifetime familiar, and I have known her since we were little, but you can call me Kary." She cheerily said.

{I'm Tenta, Cornelia's familiar. Nice to meet you, too.}

"So, now that we are acquainted, let's not beat around the bush. Want to be my disciple?" Kary asked.

Tenta then received a notification.


Karlina, the lvl 256 Legendary Transcendent Arachne Matriarch, has requested a master-disciple contract with you as the disciple.



Tenta then proceeded to read the contents before agreeing.

{Okay! I agree to be your disciple.}


You have accepted the master-disciple contract.

You gained the perk: Disciple of Karlina.