Chapter 19 – Breakfast Bonding
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My eyes slowly cracked open as the nightmares faded away. They were common for me lately, and I was starting to grow accustomed to their unwelcome presence in my mind.

Maybe I should talk to Alder about them later. He might know what to do.

Glancing around at my surroundings, I knew that someone had brought me back after last night. The scent of flowers still clung to my clothing, and brought to mind images of the Lady Azalea.

My cheeks turned warm as I thought of her carrying me from the gardens to my own bedroom, and my mind couldn’t help but wander to whatever else she might do to me in a bedroom setting…

I shook my head and slapped my cheeks a couple of time to dispel those thoughts. Sure, she’d offered me a job as a Maid, but wouldn’t that be jumping ahead too quickly?

And why do I Want her to do those things to me?

My thoughts wandered back to that meeting in her office, and her gently pressing her lips against my own. At the time, I had no idea how to respond to it, and my chest tightened as I recalled my breakdown. The conflicting feelings played in my mind over and over, like a cyclical loop.

An empty feeling in my stomach, coupled with its rumbling made me realize that I was very hungry. I recalled that I had slept through the previous day, and only had some snacks in the garden late at night. That, combined with the magic coursing through my body, inducing changes, probably wasn’t helping matters.

I should probably get up, and make something to eat.

So I thought. But my limbs didn’t respond to the commands I was issuing them. The hunger was motivating me to get up, but the starvation didn’t provide me with enough energy to make it actually happen. It was fine though. I would just lay here until I mustered up the willpower to get up.

A knocking at the door caught my attention, and the muffled voice from beyond the portal belonged to Lilia.

“Iris? Excuse me, but I’m coming in…”

The door opened, and in stepped the beautiful Maid, with her bright blue eyes, and blonde hair tied to the side in a ponytail. She was carrying a silver tray, loaded with a pot of tea, and a breakfast assortment, including eggs, toast, and some crispy bacon. The smell was heavenly, and I leaned forward in bed to catch more of the scent.

A melodious giggle escaped from the Maid, and she set the tray down on my chest, before reaching a hand over to gently rub at my ears. With a blush, I realized they had perked up when she had entered.

“Do you know just how irresistibly adorable you are, Iris? I could just tease you all day long.”

My cheeks were flush, and I buried my nose under the covers, so she wouldn’t be able to see it. My empty stomach compelled me to relent in my attempts at hiding, to begin eating the offered food.

Notcute…” I grumbled before taking a bite of the egg. My eyes widened, and a pleasured moan escaped my lips. “So gooooood! Thank you so much Lilia!”

Her face beamed and another giggle issued forth from her beautiful lips. “Aww, thank you so much Iris! Please, enjoy the breakfast. You need more meat on your bones.”

I blinked, and spared a quick glance down at my body. Had I really grown that thin?

Oh crap, I did. And that made me even more aware of just how hungry I felt.

“Your cooking is amazing, better than any I’ve had before.”

Her smile remained as she sat herself down on the foot of my bed and happily watched me eat.

“Well given that you’re from the Capital, I will take that as a high compliment~”

Nostalgia washed over me as I remembered Matthew serving me breakfast in bed when I was sick, and a sensation of deja vu followed the nostalgia.

“This… this is really nice Lilia. Thank you so much for this.” I could feel my bushy tail wagging behind me as I devoured the breakfast platter.

She reached a hand over to gently pat my head, which only intensified my wagging tail. “I’m more than happy to do so~ It’s so gratifying to see you enjoying my food like this.”

I finished off the plate before too long, and it was only then that I noticed the two cups with the pot of tea. The head maid poured us both a cup, and set the remaining tray off to the side.

“So… uhm…”

An uncomfortable silence hung between us for a few moments. Thoughts of last night’s conversation swirled in my head, and Lilia was looking at me with a concerned expression.

“I’m sorry, Iris.”

My eyes blinked, and I looked up to her and tilted my head. “What are you sorry for?”

“For… well, everything. I’m sorry that the Academy and your Uncle were so terrible to you-”

A rush of panic shot through  me and I shook my head. “N-No, you don’t understand. My Uncle was kind to me! He took me in, and even let me be myself in his home.”

Lilia pursed her lips, then took another sip of her tea. “He didn’t let you be yourself all the time though. From the sounds of it, he never tried. Instead, he forced you to hide who you were, for the sake of his own image.”

Her words hit me like a hammer, and I felt the walls around my heart begin to falter, and the dam of emotions beginning to slip through. My Uncle wasn’t a bad person… right?

“B-But, I was in the Academy! What else was he supposed to-”

The Head Maid reached over and placed a hand on my head. “I’m sorry too, that I’m bringing all of this up right now. I realize it’s improper of me to do so, but clearly there is something that bothers you about your relationship with your Uncle.”

I paused at that, and searched deep inside myself, to find the emotions threatening to burst through the dam. Icy cold frost began to whirl around me, and the Head Maid pulled me tightly into her embrace. My face pressed against her ample breasts, and my cheeks flushed, at the warmth, and the closeness to her.

Is it true though? Did my Uncle wrong me?

As I thought back on his words, his insistence that I keep my… Condition, hidden from everyone else, more questions popped into my mind, thoughts I had suppressed.

Why couldn’t we have just blamed the shift on magic? Why didn’t he even try to think up of an excuse for me? Was his legacy that much more important to him, than my own happiness?
As the thoughts came to me, one after another, the intensity of the chilling frost surrounding me intensified, as I tried to keep them under control. Then I felt warm lips on my forehead, and I froze in place. My eyes looked up, and an uncontrollable yearning crept into my chest and flooded my entire body with giddiness. I leaned in closer, my heart hammering so hard that I heard it pounding in my ears. And then…

I kissed her on the lips.

Thank you for reading Chapter 19 of Getting Comfortable!

A spicy ending this time around, I hope you all are ready for the next chapter~

I've been doing other smaller projects in the background, I find it helpful to work on other things sometimes, and not just keep plugging away at the same project.

I hope you all have a wonderful week, remember not to work too hard and drink lots of water with your hormones.