Chapter 1.02 – The Suit
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Medical Officer Arnaud helped Hera stumble out of the chamber, as the girl needed a moment to adjust and rebalance with the new weight between her legs.

She hadn't paid attention to what she asked for... And now it was there. For at least a decade. Twelve inches, angry, red, girthy, and bulbous. There was nothing delicate or feminine about the cock she had, and the sack of balls between them - currently drained, but she didn't think it would take long before they were full and heavy again. 

If she had to pilot with Octavia, she would at least have a proper tool to shut her up.

As Hera stood leaning on the chamber, waiting for her official, graduated flight suit to be brought to her, a mixture of cum and gel dripping from her cock Octavia climbed out of the other chamber. Her modification wasn't as obvious - Only the First Pilot needed a cock, thankfully. She would have been adapted to be able to handle the length without damage, but it would still be a lot to take. They had tightened up her abs, widened her hips, and made her tits better. As co-pilot her sensitivity implants would have been even more than Hera's. Although she was worried about that maximum sensitivity.

Octavia looked at the enormous tool and blushed slightly. Hera laughed. After so many years of training, she knew what she was signing up for and she blushed. This was stupid - too late to change, but stupid that this woman, clearly unprepared, clueless, and without any knowledge was to be her co-pilot. Hera did her best to ignore that Octavia was objectively the second most qualified trainee not in the station, but in the entire organisation. It was unimportant, but it was fine. They would be flying soon, and they did not have to speak to do so.

Just generate as much ENEG as possible. Using their new modifications. Hera felt blood rush to her new addition and tried her best to ignore it.

"Right, lift your chin please" The stern medical officer approached Hera, and soon to graduate trainee lifted her chin, allowing the woman to fit the suit collar around her neck. The metal collar clinked shut behind her neck but was comfortable to wear. It was self-cleaning and lightweight, which was good as Hera knew it would not come off until they returned. Her interface to their vessel.

As soon as it clicked shit she could feel it whirring slightly, booting up.

Adjusting to pilot Hera Cooper.


Ready to operate - The pilot is currently out of uniform, which uniform is suitable for your current environment? 

'On base' Hera internalized the thought, channeling it to her collar just like how she'd practiced.

Affirmative. Deploying on base sensitivity reduction uniform.

Hera felt it whirr up again, and then a strange sensation as the rubbery fabric of the uniform started materializing from the nape of her neck, down her back. She could feel the narrow strip as a warm sensation down her back, narrowing at her lower back for a moment. Suddenly strands shot out - two on either side, just below her shoulderblades stretching around her ribs, the others reaching out and wrapping around her hips.

A fifth strand of thin fabric shot down between her cheeks, framing them softly around the top before disappearing - clinging to her puckered hole causing a soft breath of surprise as it covered just the hole and nothing else. She only had a moment to react, as it continued over to her vagina, perfectly covering her folds, digging into it slightly - Hera was certain an exact outline of her pussy must be visible to anyone looking at that angle.

The strands coming across her ribs wrapped around her pert tits, causing them to jiggle slightly, creating perfect circles of pink fabric around them, connecting in the middle, little blue accent stripes visible. One strand went up towards the front of her collar, connecting with a soft pink, as four narrow strands on each breast stretched towards her nipple, before encapsulating it in the tight fabric. Caressing it, the nipple stiffening as Hera panted softly, thin pink fabric barely covering her, the stiffness apparent, the nipple itself highlighted in a bright blue against the pink fabric on her pale skin.

She had little time to think as her newly extremely sensitive body reacted strongly to the fabric wrapping around her, as the uniform shot down towards her hips, meeting the last two strands like suspenders across her flat, toned stomach. As they met, they formed a thicker triangle of fabric directly above her cock, suddenly the materializing uniform wrapped her new member and her balls simultaneously. Still sticky from the gel and cum from the modification chamber.

It was tight. Very tight. It wrapped out from her pussy around her balls, squeezing them lightly as they were perfectly encased - the DSDE logo emblazoned in blue on pink on the fabric around her sack, as the pink fabric spun around her cock, wrapping it so tight, every vein and bump, every part of her head, even the hole on the top was fully apparent, squeezing it, forcing it to stay down - preventing it from swelling any further, Hera feeling it desperate to step up. 

Looking down she saw the text "First Pilot" written on the small pink triangle of fabric above the member. On the length itself - DeepDiplo MKIX S-Xplorer - somehow the entire length of text fits. 

At least she knew what vessel they were assigned to. Top of the line. Newest model. 

By all the stars, she wanted to cum. 

The fabric wasn't finished, wrapping in thin straps around her leg before solidifying around her calves, wrapping fully around her shin - the vessel number on either side, as it disappeared underneath her heel and lifted her a couple of inches above the body, creating her flightboots. A thin sole was pushed under her foot, softening her step, and leaving her foot bare on top.

It wrapped around her arms from two new strips coming out of her colour, thin strips splitting and wrapping around her biceps before forming around her lower arm, ending in thin, pink fingerless gloves.

All areas at risk for excess sensitivity cover. On-base uniform applied. 

The voice rang in her head as Hera panted, trying to overcome the intense sensation. She knew what she would be flying now, and she was excited. Pink though, that was annoying. She'd really hoped for black. Or white. She looked over at Octavia.

She was similarly distressed - maybe not quite as sensitive as Hera, but dressed nearly exactly the same. Except hers said Second Pilot and did not have the full model name over her very visible cunt. Hera moaned as her length attempted to stiffen again, the suit suppressing it.

"Fuck. That was intense" Octavia said. The first thing she'd said Hera fully agreed with.
"Why is it pink? I hate pink."

Scratch that, the colour was perfect. Hera was ecstatic and took a step - she'd not walked in heels in... Well ever,  but the suit seemed to assist her, functioning almost as an exoskeleton helping her keep her balance.

"It's perfect. And it wasn't that bad" Hera lied, feeling precum pool in the bottom of her uniform. Cock sock. Whatever it was.

"Now, I'm gonna have a drink. I will see you tomorrow. I will want to look at anyone else for as long as I can." Hera nearly spat, coming out harsher than she probably intended, if she really thought about it. Not that she would ever admit it.

"Fuck you. See you tomorrow, and every day after that." Octavia walked out with a strop. Her ass looked outstanding, her hips framed perfectly, the heels helping push her up as the thin strip lifted her cheeks. Hera moaned as her cock strained again. 

She had to do something - it was getting late, and she wanted to do something other than think about Octa- Mastur- Fuck. She needed to distract herself. Maybe Amelie had finished drinks with Parker - she'd have to have her modification's done but most didn't take as long as hers did. Maybe they could have a night, plan what to do in ten years - maybe they'd fly together then.

Lost in thought, she turned a corner and saw her friend, blonde hair swaying as she walked. Her flightsuit beautiful, emerald green and yellow, ass framed just like her own.
"Amelie!" She shouted, excited as her friend turned. Perfect breast, perfect body as she smiled seeing Hera, waving back and walking towards her.

And then Hera's heart dropped as her friend was fully facing her.
Nine-inch cock sock, bright green between her legs. Perfectly detailed, just thick enough to feel great, elegant and sleek.
Amelie was a First Pilot.
They would never fly together. Not in ten years, not in a hundred.

"Shit." She muttered under her breath.