Chapter 1
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It was Halloween night and everyone was going out...except for me. If I was normal, I guess I’d be out with friends getting drunk like most high schoolers, if only I had any. I’m pretty much the only nerdy nice guy in a school full of jerks and jocks and girls who I’m sure will never notice me. In my spare time I babysit my only friend Jessica’s sister Kira. Jess is away at her moms place so her dad always has me take care of Kira when he goes out with his new wife.

 I’ve honestly always had a huge crush on Jess, but I’d never tell her. God I’d give anything to date such a sweet caring girl...a-anyways, her parents think that I’m the only trustworthy kid at my school so, ever since they got divorced I’ve been taking care of Kira when her dad needs to go out and when Jess is at her moms house. Kira is such a sweet girl so I get really excited to go over, especially since we get to sneak in a video chat with Jess when I babysit most of the time.

So I arrive to the house and knock on the door. I hear Kira’s father scream 

“NO TRICK OR TREATERS!” Before opening the door and realizing it’s only me. 

“Oh shit...sorry Nick, didn’t realize it was you.” He said through his embarrassment

“No worries Mr.Smith!” I said smiling.

Mr. Smith motioned for me to come in and he grabbed his wife’s hand. 

“Hello Nick! How are you?” His girlfriend asked.

“Not too bad!...wheres Kira?” I asked.

As if she could hear me from the other room, Kira came running from the den screaming my name and she pounce into my arms which proceeded to give her a hug and spin her around before gently placing the 4th grader back on the ground.

“Hey peanut!” I said

“DADDY!” she screamed as she saw her dads hand reaching food the doorknob.

Kira dashed towards the door to pull on her fathers pant leg before he could leave.

“Daddy are you sure I can’t go with you and Lindsay to the party?” She said tearing up.

“Sorry Lovebug, it’s a grown up party...” he said bending down and booping the ten year olds nose.

“...But, I promise that you and Nick are going to have so much more fun than Lindsay and I!” Kira giggled and Mr Smith winked at me mouthing a ‘thank you’.

He finished putting on his vampire cloak and left the house saying

 “We will be back after midnight...don’t get into too much trouble you two!”

 “Promise we won’t! Have a good night!” I smiled as they drove off.

Kira started tearing up and sniffling like she was holding back tears so, I picked her up and we played airplane which thankfully made her giggle.

“What do you wanna do tonight peanut?” I asked as I put her down and kneeled to be at her eye level.

“Well...a few months ago I found out something really cool that I can do!”she exclaimed while bouncing up and down a bit.

“Oh yeah?! What would that be???” I asked excited to see what she was so ecstatic about.

“Come into the den! I’ll show you there.” She ran with her arms out making airplane noises and I walked behind her laughing.

We sat down on the floor together and she started to talk

“Okay Nick...I wanna show you, but! You gotta pinky swear that you won’t tell anyone!! I mean it!” She held out her pinky and shot me some puppy dog eyes.

“I promise.” I smiled as I linked pinkies with her.

“Now, what did you learn to do kiddo?”I asked

“Well...I learned that I can do magic hehe!” 

“Oh that’s amazing! Can I see a magic trick Kira??” I chuckled

The girl shushed me with her pointer finger laughing. 

“No silly! I mean real magic!!!” Not being sure what to say I just smiled.

“Do you wanna see!?”she teased

I booped her nose and grinned

 “Sure kiddo.” We've played pretend a bunch before so I figure maybe this wont be any different. As long as I play along, shell be happy. I mean Ive even let her put me in some dresses before. I mean who's a ten year old gonna tell?

The girl winked at me and stood up, starting to mumble in a language id never heard before. Suddenly I saw her eyes start to glow bright pink as her feet lifted off the carpet floor. My jaw dropped… S-She’s floating!!! She continued her ascent as she flipped over to walk on the ceiling. She waved and smiled, eventually pushing herself off the roof and slowly descending back to the floor and when she did her eyes stopped glowing and she hugged me.

“See!!! I told you!!...a-are you okay Nick??” She asked looking scared.

“H-how did did you do that Kira?!” I was shocked.

“Isn’t it cool!!!” She smiled as I grabbed the coffee table to stand up. I paced a bit, trying to process what I just saw,

“It’’s amazing!! What else can you do with that?” I asked.

“Whatever I want I guess.” she said proudly and grinning wide.

“Hey bout we use my magic and play truth or dare!?”the girl smiled and awaited my response.

 I thought for a second and then answered.

“S-sure peanut we can play.” Still in awe at what I just saw but also knowing that I can trust her.

“Yay! Okay here’s the rules! We both have to tell the truth and then I can do magic for the dares! I promise I’ll change everything back after!!! Deal!?” She said holding 

out her hand.

“Deal...” I said shaking her hand.