Chapter 0 – A Weird Pamphlet
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If you are reading this, that can mean two things. The collapse of the timeline has caught up to you... well, shit happens... Still. Welcome! Enjoy your stay because the multiverse has merged, and this place is ground zero. You just passed the point of no return by picking up this pamphlet.

What does this mean, you ask? That you are stuck in the Hub. Sorry, in Scribble Hub High School, or SHHS for short. The same sound you make to shoo away a stray cat aiming to steal the ham from your sandwich. Or when Quack wakes up in the middle of class and interrupts the teacher.

Who is Quack? Yeah, sorry, I forgot you are new here. Let me back up a little and introduce you to this place. That is why I made this pamphlet in the first place. Buckle up, Dorothy; Kansas is going bye-bye. And if you got that reference, you are probably from the same reality as many of us here.

My name is Corty; I will guide you around through this pamphlet for your first day here. Why? Because I seem to be a busybody. First things first: I am the one who looks like a blonde girl with heterochromia. How did that happen? Well... I blame Luoir, Kureous, and Rhaps... They told me it was a rare Crystal Pepsi gummy bear, so I ate it... but I woke up as a girl instead. Shit happens here, you see.

I sit at the left back of the classroom, which you will call your second home. Some say I selfishly hopped onto the protagonist's chair, but oh well. I was first here; it sucks to be them. It's still better than sitting in the front row, even if our teacher, Hans, is the nicest guy you can meet. For now, he is on leave, saving a damsel in distress or something. We weren't told, but what else could it be? Oh... yeah. I have been throwing names at you, aren't I? Okay, let me, once again, take a step back and introduce you to all of your future classmates. It is a long list; you can throw me away if you want, but... At least this pamphlet would be a good compass in the stormy chaos you are heading into.

Open it up, please, and look at the image I drew for you.

See? I sit at the 30th spot. Easy, isn't it? Let me tell you who sits where so you don't take up somebody's place. Some of them could be... dangerous. However, nobody died yet. I mean, stayed dead. Err... yeah. Details, details!

As I mentioned, the Number 1 spot goes to our teacher, Hans. He is a cool guy; you will love him when he returns. He can draw us like any kind of French girl. Cool eh?

Then comes the first row. Number 2 is HelloHound, or Hound for short. Don't worry; she is a nice doggie, even if she has three heads. When she bites, it goes through cleanly, you feel no pain, and by the time you wake up, your body will be back in one piece, kinda like Groundhog Day. Cool eh? Next to her sits Azmiran Myrian, or Prince, as some of us call him. But that is a secret. Well... fuck. Not anymore... Anyway, yeah, he is a dragon. Don't ask how he fits into the classroom; he just does. Somehow, this building is always just as big as it needs to be. So far, nothing could have damaged it for real, and it rebuilt itself by the following day. 

He is a standup guy but a bit of a kleptomaniac. I still can't find my strawberry-smelling eraser... It probably ended up in his desk, which he calls his hoard. Next to him, the guy wearing hoodies and masks all the time is Anon. Fuck if I know who the guy is or what he is... or if he is a she, but he is rich, gets straight A's, and is probably a closet pervert who is into NTR. What I know is that he likes to nail rules to the school's entrance, like Martin Luther. But he is a good guy, so who cares?

Then, on the fifth seat sits Sailus Gebel. Get used to short and firm conversations with him at first until he opens up. Just don't present him with this pamphlet; he hates prologues. After reading half of it, I think I saw him throw out the one I gave him. Oh, yes, don't ask why he wears a tiara made out of pure diamonds. Okay? Right next to him, we got our own vampire. I mean, Vampire Queen, En-chan. How is she here, in the sunlight? She said as long as she is in the shade, she will be fine. Or something. I don't know. Be wary of her; she may try and recruit you to her blood farm. I get that you may be a kinky one, but... oh well, your life, your choice!

Moving on, you can see Georgelee5786. The numbers are significant; I think it's his truck's license plate number. If you need some mechanic advice, ask him; he knows everything about trucks, maybe even the one that sent you here. I have a suspicion he lives in one. Or is he one in disguise? Who knows. To finish up the row, in the eight spot, we got... um... let me look it up, give me a moment... ah, yes. Un'Thoth Neverborn, the-abyss-that-slumbers. Or as we call him, the Eldritch God. He one day brought in his cat. It ate the school, and we all died. Fun. Please don't ask him about his extended family... one undisguised eldritch horror in the classroom is enough. Thanks.

Second row! Now that you've met the class nerds let's move on. We got Matcha at seat 9. I think he comes from juvie or something. Or was he a villain in someone's fanfic? When I changed to this body, he tried to court me, but he couldn't see Mount Tai. Neither did I, so I fell down the stairs and broke my neck. Or did he push me down because I refused? Nah, whatever. Next to him sits Ssemouy Onan. I think Matcha managed to do something to her as she became somewhat of a minion of his. But I saw her playing a minor evil role to others in the class. Hmmm... Maybe I should start an anti-hero saga and recruit her? I always wanted some minions, but not the yellow ones I see in the shops around the school. 

You don't want to sit in seat 11. It's the desk of Cupcakeninja. Unlike some others who will court you, he will fuck you. I am serious; I saw him do people so fast and stealthily they didn't even notice it. Why? Because he was bored and challenging himself, saying showcasing his powers of screwing was not enough anymore. Seat 12 belongs to Kraken, En-chan's elder sister. I don't know how they are related, and I am not asking, as Kraken is a total siscon. I don't want to be found in the dumpster. Again. But you could probably bribe her with some En-chan memorabilia. Or something. 

Chair 13 is Luoir's. He... or she, I couldn't determine yet because she likes to parade around as both. Anyway, he blackmailed me into that gummy bear incident I mentioned to you... and look what it did to me. Okay, I am not complaining that hard because I look good, but still. Now, he tries to molest me more than usual. Did you think of me as tsundere now? Baka. Khm, next is... um, Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon. It... he... is a weapon. A sentient one. Just don't let him shoot you in the face. It can burn your eyes and is hard to wash out of your hair. Next to him, Melchi learned it fast, which is why he wears a bucket with a plant growing out of it. I think he has a crush on someone here, but I couldn't get him to spill the beans yet. Maybe you can help him out? I want to see some good romance blooming, you see. I love that shit.

Third row! We start it off with Paul Tromba at seat 16. If you ask me, from the guys and gals I introduced you to, he is the most normal one. He just wants to write. He did publish a book before his timeline got merged into ours. Now, he is stuck with us. Maybe he can gain inspiration from our daily lives. Or perhaps it was his fault because he is the most normal one? Hmmm... conspiracies. Next to him is Ellie, the Hall Monitor. Don't get caught by her, or you will see your lunch money drained and find yourself at the wrong end of a strap-on. I saw him peg one of the guys from the neighboring class... I had to ask Azmiran afterward to purify me by burning me to ash. I don't know how that shitty brat became the Hall Monitor... someone screwed up.

Next to her sits Rhaps. He, well, he calls himself a he, but his body sometimes says she. But we can't tell as he dresses in white armor, robes, and whatnot. He says he is a fairy, but... are there male fairies? Whatever... he sold me the drugs, I mean, gummy bears... and I became a girl. I say he is a she because he definitely tries his own stuff. Next to her sits The Monotone Puppet, or Puppet for short. Don't let her puppet-like appearance fool you; she is quick, especially with words. If you want to befriend her fast, bring her some new button eyes; they always make her shine. Or ask about the cult she is in... if you are brave enough.

Chair 20 belongs to Ria; she is the newest addition to our class, well, after you who is reading this. She has yet to open up to us, which I don't find strange... we are the strange ones here. Plus, I think she may be a fairy, too; she does have a wing... I think. I saw it, and not because I peeped. I swear! Khm, next to her sits Reina, one of the sweetest girls you will find here. Please, don't ruin her... the moment she heard Ellie was pegging someone, she asked what that meant. Let her symbolize the innocence we all lost in this school. *sniff* Plus, she wears that proper maid outfit; isn't that cool? I think she may be a real maid, as her household skills are off the charts. The last chair in the row belongs to Bouncy Cactus, or Bouca for short. Well, she... wait... he... err, the damned dudette can pull off any fashion too damn well, so I can't tell. Someone has been blessed since birth, eh? I had to be turned into a girl to look okay-ish. Anyway, if you lock yourself out from somewhere, ask her for help. She will get you into anything, even to others' panties. I assume.

Let's move another row down! It's, um, Username. A human... I think she misunderstood my questions when I met her. Language barrier. Or something. She is smart. I already copied a few things off of her when she wasn't looking, and I improved my grades from C to B. I do know that she knows way too much about the law. Hmm... Oh well, next to her is Danny. She usually stays out of trouble, enjoys the chaos, and eggs us on, then acts innocent. But I noticed her disappearing when it was a full moon. Weird. Is she a werewolf? Hound didn't react so far, so I can't tell.

A seat over, at 25, sits Aurora. She is a bit shy and likes to study by herself, but if you manage to get to know her, she is a little energy bomb. You can tell because if she becomes passionate about something, she lits up, and one time, I saw her hair go up in flames. So watch out for that! Chair 26 belongs to Tsumi. An egg. Yep. What is in the egg? Beats me. We asked Azmiran, but it's not his. And Tsumi doesn't say who made him. Plus, he is hard... we tried to prank him into breaking his shell, but nothing worked, and rolled over us. Tsk.

Next to Tsumi sits 2swordsperminute. What? Do you think it's a weird name? He is a snail. Duh. Plus, the guy I usually exchange anime and games with. He even made his own, but damn, it's hard. So far, I couldn't beat it. I think he made it that way intentionally. Huh... Khm. Then, the following chair goes to Bartun, our resident lizard. Once again, no, he is not related to Azmiran. Bartun is more humanoid, not a dragon. Don't try to do something weird, okay? Geez. Next to Bartun sits Cortavar, our local pyromaniac. If you ever need to burn some evidence, he is your man. And if you don't want to burn something... well, tough luck. He will burn it anyway.

Seat 30 is me, in the last row, so we will skip that. 31 is Iamnotabot, and she is not a bot. Got it? She isn't. An AI can't be a bot. She is a good girl, and don't be surprised if you find her in your basement sometimes. She likes to be kidnapped. I think she now lives under Assu- I mean, Username. Drinking her wine collection and getting knocked out. Or up. Her drunken tweets were weird, so I can't tell what she meant. Seat 32 next to her belongs to Nahrenne. She is blunt but a sweet girl, and damn, she cooks well. Cooks damn well. I always nudge Botty next to me to ask for some snacks when she brings them to class. Not because I would be afraid to talk to her but because I can get seconds that way. Be smart.

Next to her sits... or floats, Void Iris. Voidiris. I say floats because, from the corner of my eye, he looks like an eye. If I focus, he looks human, but if not... err... another eldritch thing. I am used to it; you will be too. I bet some of the shit that gets stirred up here daily are some of these eldritch gods' faults. Why? Because I don't want to take responsibility. 

Chair 34 goes to Kureous. He usually sleeps through the classes and is awake when it's break time. He loves pranks, and I bet it was his idea to tamper with those gummy bears that turned me into a girl. His idea of a prank... Well, I won't stay angry because he does sell good Coke. From Mexico. Next to him sits Kalliel. Whenever I look his way, he is daydreaming. I always wonder what it's about. I hope this all is not his daydream because I don't want to disappear, not yet. Maybe we don't even exist... ugh, I will stop, or I will think myself into an existential crisis.

To end the row, I have to introduce you to Sleds. Like Kureous, he sleeps a lot or just eats popcorn, watching the chaos unfolding before him. But he met his arch nemesis not that long ago, Quack. Who is Quack? The class's pet duck. He is no ordinary duck because he many times interrupts the teachers, correcting them, so he is usually banished to his cage next to Sleds, which results in him trying to steal Sleds's bread. I do remember that, somehow, a black hole opened up in the corner one day while having meth, I mean, math class, swallowing half of the school building...

But as I said, everything was back to normal the next day. But we are not done. You see, we always get new faces around here. For example, Redemit. He is the school's janitor, and somehow, he can just... appear. Weird. But as long as you don't cause a mess intentionally, it is all good. You won't get 'disappeared.'

Then, there is Enigma. She is a fox girl and a master spy. Probably, that is why she is not sitting on chairs but lives in the ceiling, spying on the class from there. I tried 'ps-ps-ps' her, but foxes are not perceptive to it... I think. Maybe next time. I will need to try to get her down with Nahrenne's snacks. Enigma is not alone up there as Azure Fog, or just Azure, sits on the ceiling. It's a vampire thing. Or maybe she is Australian. I can't tell, and I won't ask, as I saw her stab others and then run away, giggling. Yeah, she must be Australian.

Then there is a transfer student from the Russian realm, Simple Russian Boi, or Boi for short. I never asked if he was from the same Russian Plane as Sailus. Hmmm... Anyway, he is a Boi in name only, as he is an amalgamation of hands. And fingers. The Boi is a one-man band; just invite him for a smoke and a squatting session behind the school building, and he will play you the hardest hard bass you can ask for. Just don't shake hands with him. You will lose some fingers.

Let me introduce you to Sola-sama, too. He is sitting with me because he came late and every seat was occupied by then. En-chan and Ellie always steal his lunch money, but I don't know if they know that Sola has an African Warlord uncle. Although... I also don't know if he can come to school or not. Ehh... Whatever, I'm fine sharing with him; he's a bro. 

There are only two people left I need to introduce you to. One is the school's cat, Aaqil. A beautiful white kitty-cat who always brings cookies for us. He usually sits on either of the desks or near the vampires. Don't forget to pet him and take one of his cookie offerings. Or we all will beat you up and send you to the last man... woman... you need to meet, Ran. Or Ron. It depends on which personality you meet. The female is Ran, by the way. Anyway! She is the school nurse, and she is going to heal you by touching your balls. If you don't have balls? She will attach one to you. Don't ask. 

Never ask.

So.... That is all, my newest friend. Welcome to your new life. It will be fun, I promise! Before you throw this pamphlet away, do you see the 'Scratch Me Off' part at the backside? Do it; there is a surprise under it. 

See you in class and...

Welcome to Scribble Hub High School.


Tony is the name of our headmaster. Please don't go into his office. Only if you want to get a bullet between your brows. That is the only way to indeed disappear from here.



Neo Armstrong Cannon:








Ssemouy Onan:





The amount of students in this class made SH's inner poll unable to process everybody. So here is a straw poll link so we can start voting; who gets to be Class President? Unlimited choices, but 1 vote per person. Let the votes begin!