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/ Series / [HIATUS/ To be Rewritten] Tale of a Princely Dragon
[HIATUS/ To be Rewritten] Tale of a Princely Dragon
[HIATUS/ To be Rewritten] Tale of a Princely Dragon
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I have decided to rewrite this story from scratch. It'll be a while before I post the rewrite as a new story. I'll leave this old version here as a reminder of my first foray into writing fiction.
Four mythical races inhabit the world:

Ruling over the bountiful lands, the Centaurs stand tall, bearing the gift of strength.

Ruling over the depths of the sea, the Skarsh prowl the waters, bearing the gift of blood.

Ruling over the free skies, the Griffins fly high, bearing the gift of sight.

Ruling over all the realms, the Dragons live proudly, bearing the gift of breath.

Dragon prince Syn Sevis, the only remaining heir of Draconia, is nearing the age of thirty and soon to be recognized as a candidate for imperial ascension. He hopes to steer his kingdom in the right direction, while it suffers from the injustices of a prolonged war with the nation's sworn rival, Draconis. However, the Covenant of the Heartfyre deems Syn unworthy and tasks him with a pilgrimage to the ancient ruins of the former capital.

Sent into a centuries long war between two world superpowers, prince Syn discovers a truth about his family and his position that he never suspected.

He must set things right.

. . .
This story is a passion project of mine, thus is being done mostly for fun. I originally came up with the idea of this story when I was in grade school, but gave up on it.

Recently, i have come upon a lot of free time where i have been reading other stories and the idea to write my own finally resurfaced.

I think i have all the main plot points outlined but there is much detail that I'll come up with as i write.

That being said, i don't know how frequently I'll be updating the series so please be patient. I'll only be writing when i feel like it, and I'm a noob.

I hope it is at least interesting enough to spend your time reading. Comments welcome.

Thank You

Cannibalism Coming of Age Death Destiny Dragons Eye Powers Fantasy Creatures Fantasy World Kingdoms Leadership Lost Civilizations Magic Beasts Male Protagonist Monster Society Multiple POV Mythical Beasts Non-human Protagonist Non-humanoid Protagonist Past Plays a Big Role Religions Righteous Protagonist Romantic Subplot Royalty Slaves Wars
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    Status: ch.5: farewell draconia

    So plot looked okay. There's a lot you can do with it and it makes for an interesting fantasy world. I guess world-building was fine, although there were some things that didn't seem right to me.

    First was that whole 'upright' walking which sounds really weird for a dragon to do, a little too human for a book that doesn't seem to have any in it. Honestly, most of the human-like things these beings do in your story seemed a little too weird for me, personally.

    The next thing was Zeritha. You say she's a griffin and then say "hawk owl-snow leopard griffin". Griffins are typically part lion and eagle, but that's not really an issue (this is your own fantasy world and you could have different types of griffins I guess). My issue is how you describe her. It's hard to read it and you don't say how she's mixed (body of the snow-leopard, head of a hawk, wings of an owl etc.). I feel you could describe her better and maybe first say that's she's a "hawk owl-snow leopard griffin" instead of just griffin - because I had the normal image of a griffin in my head until I read the second part.

    I do like that griffins have different abilities and wished you touched more into that. You tend to do well in setting descriptions but then other descriptions aren't done that great. There are parts of your world-building that also feel lacking, like there's no reason for it or explanation. Feels a little like the reader should know certain things.

    Maybe I'm being too critical here, but world-building is a big thing for me (personal as a reader), especially in genres like fantasy and sci-fi. It doesn't mean that world-building is less important in other genres, I just expect more in those two genres.

    Dialogue in general was good, there were some awkward parts but for the most part you did pretty good in that department. Some with grammar and spelling. Things looked good too, just watch out for tenses.

    Anyway, good job on the story.  

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