An avid fan of My Hero Academia was killed by a bored goddess and was being forced to reincarnate into his favorite anime. But he wasn't going in there without any help whatsoever!
He is given the Craftsman System to aid him in his journey in this new but familiar land.
Come and read along as Antoine builds his way to the top while also being the biggest asshole he can!
definitelly not one of this authors good ones. Especially near the ending, you'd think they had a f**king knife to their neck forcing them to end it at an exact specific chapter count and they frantically tried to shove and force in hundreds of loose ends and random side plots they desperatelly wanted to write but would never finish because of said chapter constraint.
the last 10 chapters literally read like the insane ramblings of a man with every form of mental health issue ever recorded, desperatelly trying to keep their mind strait long enough to get stuff down before the alzhimers take them away to loopy land for good.
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Honestly, I really liked the story... at first.
Reading this story about a jackass hero is interesting. But, once the MC stops interacting completely with most of the other main characters (from the original series) the story, to me, just lost its charm. The story ended right there and then and everything after was just an epilogue.
Honestly, quite sad. I really liked the story, and would've earned another star from me if it didn't nosedive.
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I was okay with the story, grammar, punctuation and all that stuff, but then in the last couple chapters it pretty much became something else entirely. Characters in places with no explanation, random events, sudden unnatural decisions from characters. The other reviewer who said it became the ramblings of a madman couldn't have been more dead-on accurate.
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I would leave some big long review about the laundry list of things that I hated about this story, but reading this drained me so hard. All I can say is this was a thuroughly unplesent read, and I regret reading it.
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