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Naruto: Subject #37
Naruto: Subject #37
56k Views 2423 Favorites 70 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 312 Readers
4.8 (32 ratings)
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'Where... am I...?'

He awoke, surrounded by an overwhelming green that enveloped his body, with no memories as to how he got there or where he was. The boy twisted and writhed his body with spasms as he tried to escape but none came to his aid.

Our hero lay blind; a sitting duck to a snake-like man who watched his actions with a mysterious smile, his reptilian eyes turning into crescents watching the show.


Born with a busted heart, bedbound and attached to beeping machinery, that was his life for 17 long years.

Regardless of his situation he never once cursed his fate or lamented his luck, there were too many things he gained alongside what he lost, caring parents, a large bank account and enough books to give any librarian a headache; that was until those gains too were lost to the wind.

Or rather, he was lost to them.

Watch as our hero explores what it's like to be alive... after death.
Author note:

Hello all! I am writing this mostly out of a feeling that almost every single Naruto fanfiction out there (save a few) are completely opposite to my preferences, whether it's in the writing quality, plot progression or something else that just gets messed up in the process; I don't like it. One day I was reading a particularly bad one and thought: "I could totally do this." and so I did!

This will be a "realistic" transmigration! I want this to be as realistic as possible so bear with me for the first few chapters as I set up the plot, it took a lot of planning for it to reach this stage and I guarantee you that it will be a satisfying read.

English is my first language and I am confident in both my writing ability and plot. If you guys have any gripes with what I have written, please let me know!

P.S. I also post on Webnovel so check it out there if you visit there more!

ActionAdventureComedyFanfictionIsekaiMartial ArtsMysterySchool LifeSlice of Life
Academy Cautious Protagonist Character Growth Comedic Undertone Cunning Protagonist Evil Organizations Friendship Genius Protagonist Hard-Working Protagonist Scheming Transmigration Wars Weak to Strong Zombies
Table of Contents 70
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    Status: chapter 43) a youthful encounter!

    Great fan fic, not some 'i isekid into naruto with a system and start with eternal mangekyo!?!? Now I recive a new dojutsu every time I fart!!!' Garbage, the MC has massive potential to be disgusting levels of broken but not without hard work and MC has morr then one solid reason to act the way he acts, at the same time the charecters besides MC arent one dimentional or moronic, especialy like the depiction of hirozen so far, def cant wait for more chapters, top 3 of all fan fics ive read already, only gripe is that there isnt a patreon so I can keep reading! (This review is missing so many other things that make the fic good and the MC likeable, its also damn funny, read the fic, the only regret you will have is that there isnt more of it)


    and danzo stays holdind the L, F@#$ danzo


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    Status: chapter 40) research?! (update at end)


    Well, here we go.

    First of all... this book is good, it starts from a very interesting idea: MC is an experiment by Orochimaru. It's not the most original idea, but it's really interesting, in Naruto we can see some of these experiments (Yamato, Sound Four, Shin Uchiha and even Danzo) and you're going to tell me they're not cool? (maybe Shin Uchiha isn't a cool character, but the idea is cool).

    Okay, moving on, mc's personality: the author has already said this in the synopsis, but he's going in a realistic direction. I don't know about you, but I've read several ff and they have some things in common, it's the cold and calculating MC, but think with me, is that so common in our world that we find really cold and calculating people? At least not for me. The MC is sometimes cold (everyone has that moment), sometimes he's just a kid (he's lost his childhood) and sometimes he's some teenager (his real mental age), can you understand? It makes sense! It's not just like that, because it is.

    Mc's development is something else, some people like a fast pace, others like a slow pace, but in this book I can say that his pace is medium (maybe), I think that's it, we skip some parts, but the relevant content is shown, we can see MC having his doubts and problems, we can see MC thinking about his life and how to face this new reality. He's really growing up while the story is being written.


    I could talk about other parts, but English isn't my first language and everything I say you'll need to read to see, so go ahead and read it, after all it's not that long, I really hope you read it and like it, because it has my recommendation.

    And that's it, have a good read, my dear

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    Status: chapter 18

    So far so good! The MC is very believable and acts consistently with the backstory presented. He is naive and has a long way to grow and change but I find that to be refreshing. So far each character introduced has felt like an actual unique character and not just set dressing. Grammar and style are good and the author makes use of occasional pov changes that always focus on the MC. These enhance the story imo and I generally dislike pov changes so take that as you will.

    Overall I'm very excited to keep reading and this is certainly the best written Naruto fic I've seen to date. And the author seems very open to criticism and wants to improve any way they can. I would recommend checking this out if you are a bit tired of unrealistic characterization in other fics. Most notably with some MC's being extremely optimized and plot armored out with never  making any mistakes. This MC is learning and the author does a great job showing that.

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    Status: chapter 34) hunted

    This is my first time writing a review so it may not sound the most consistent

    I started this from the Similar Series suggestions of another fan-fic and after reading the first few chapters I was hooked. The MC is generally funny to me and the way he strives to make the best of his new situation is nice. The story is good as well some characters are not dumb for the sake of plot and can see through his act because of there experience. The cannon Naruto plot hasn't started yet and it may be a bit before it dose so we may see how he affects it as well as what secrets the MC's new body holds.

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    Status: chapter 50

    Well, I'm lazy and don't have much inspiration so I won't make a synopsis, just commenting what comes to my mind.

    I can't say anything relative to the ortographe since English is not my first language but considering the sincere efforts put in fleshing out some characters, I trust the author skills are good and bound to grow with his engagement in his story. The MC talent is interesting, be it by it's origin or it's potential development. The characters are acting well plus a new (to me) point of view on Hiruzen being a competent Hokage despite his flaws. As for the MC, his decision and thought are all in compliance to his settings. Considering the oc (s) I they are all likable, my favorite being Sasu.

    After the MC being rescued, the story explained the life of an orphan under the care of the third Hokage that the MC has go through, I can't say I was a fan of the mentions of diaper chores but I learned to appreciate the setting with his caretaker.

    The author accelerated the pace of the story after receiving feedbacks from his readers which is all good in it self although I would have preferred a bit more development in the academy arc.

    I'm really excited to see how the author will develop his MC and mess with the canon story later dow the line. Author please keep up the good work, I think we are many to be hyped by your story, thanks for the chapters up till now and the many more to come I hope.

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    Status: chapter 68) a regretful hug

    Warning this is written with a translator.

    I love this fanfic/novel, My main concern was that the MC received powers for breathing and that they gave him everything as a gift, but he doesn't earn it with effort and I love this novel so far I can't wait for more chapters 

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