Name |
Type |
Description |
Debugger |
Passive Skill |
Allows the user to find and resolve defects. Bonus to Intelligence +5. |
Logical Thinker |
Trait |
A person with this trait thinks calmly, can analyze the problem and come to a rational conclusion. Receives a bonus to Intelligence +5 and willpower +5. |
Circuitry |
Passive Skill |
Bonus to repair and creation of circuits or circuit equivalents. Bonus to Dexterity +6 and +6 intelligence. |
Fast Learning |
Trait |
People with this trait absorb knowledge at an increased rate. Bonus to Intelligence +5 |
Knowledge Retention |
Trait |
A person with this trait is able to retain more information and at a faster rate. Bonus to Intelligence +3 and willpower +5. |
Sleep Resistance |
Passive Skill |
You require less sleep and feel less tired. |
Tinkerer |
Passive Skill |
Increased proficiency in the creation and repair of various components. Bonus to Dexterity 5. |
Identify |
Passive Skill |
Used for identifying and analyzing the world. |
Mage class | Class | Increases mana by 20% and increases mana regeneration by 15% | |
Mana Sense |
Passive Skill |
Allows you to sense mana. |
Basic Mana Shaping |
Skill |
Lets the mage shape mana into spells, gives bonuses to intelligence and willpower. The higher the skill the better the user is at forming spells. |
Basic Mana Regulation |
Skill |
Helps regulate the mana in the user's body. Increases mana regeneration by helping absorb ambient mana from the environment. |
Runic Mana Scribe |
Class |
Increases mana regeneration and lowers mana consumption while scribing spells and runes. |
Blessed by Mana |
Trait |
Unlocked if a person has more than 40 intelligence after reaching the mage class at the first ascension ritual, gives bonuses to MP after each level up. |
Basic Incantation |
Skill |
Increases spell chanting speed and proficiency. |
Basic One-handed Swordsmanship |
Passive Skill |
Gives a bonus to one-handed swordsmanship combat along with the basic knowledge. |
Basic Hand to hand combat |
Passive Skill |
Gives a bonus to hand to hand combat along with the basic knowledge. |
Basic Running |
Passive Skill |
A skill that lets a person run slightly faster and use less stamina while running. |
Basic Sprint |
Passive Skill |
A skill that lets a person sprint faster and use less stamina while sprinting. |
Basic Climbing |
Passive Skill |
A skill that helps you climb surfaces. |
Basic Sneaking |
Passive Skill |
A skill that allows the user to blend with the environment and avoid detection, lowers the noise produced by the user's footsteps. |
Basic Leather Armor proficiency |
Passive Skill |
A person with this skill can move better in leather armor |
Mana Bolt |
Spell |
A focused bolt of mana energy that deals mana damage to one target. The damage done depends on the user's intelligence. |
Mana Arrow |
Spell |
An arrow made purely from mana, has increased speed and penetrative power compared to the Mana Bolt Spell |
Mana Shield |
Spell |
A mana shield that shields the caster or their allies from harm |
Ember |
Spell |
By causing friction with mana the caster can create a small fire |
Mana Hands |
Spell |
The caster can create hands made from mana, the weight, and distance this spell can be used for is dependent on the intelligence stat. |
Runic Scholar |
Title |
A Runic Scholar is a person that is knowledgeable in the runic language and has managed to create and/or understands runes. |
Basic Rune Mastery |
Passive Skill |
Increases comprehension of runes and lowers MP requirement for using them by a small margin. |
Basic Mana Scribing |
Skill |
Allows scribing of basic spells to paper |
Basic Rune Scribing |
Skill |
Allows scribing of runes to paper |
Basic Forging |
Passive Skill |
Unlocks the basics of forging to the blacksmith class. Aids in managing the forge, crafting, and spotting imperfections in created items. |
Basic Smithing Mastery |
Passive Skill |
Increases the proficiency with all basic blacksmithing tools like hammers. |
Basic Runecraft |
Skill |
Unlocks basic runecraft which allows inscription of magical runes on various items. |
Runic Blacksmith |
Class |
Increases stamina by 15% and mana by 10%. Lowers mana consumption while inscribing runes. |
Author why did you do this to me. I refreshed my page and saw there was a new chapter and clicked the link in anticipation to see a table of skills and their effects. ????
@Kuropon You know... this list seems a bit misleading. I say this because the implication is that this is a list of all the skills, traits, abilities and spells that Roland currently has. HOWEVER, going by your own rules that you spelled out, nobody is capable of having more [class] abilities than those of their primary job and secondary job.
Earlier - before Roland changed class to Runic Blacksmith - Roland had to remind himself that he had to decide whether to keep the class abilities of either his Mage class or his Runic Scribe class. But this list includes the class abilities of his Mage class, Runic Scribe class and his Runic Blacksmith class. It's impossible for Roland to retain all three of these... right? So, which of these class abilities did he decide to drop?

@Xpacetrue It's not the full list, some skills like mathematics or cooking aren't there. It's more a compilation of the skills that had explanations in tables x3
@Xpacetrue That was... classes bonuses. Y'know, the bonus that the class gives. Not abilities. Unless I'm misremembering a thing I read just a few minutes ago, that is.