Chapter 12: Platina Dungeon
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Sup! I added some more stuff to the world map and posted it in this chapter. I might update the map and post it in future chapters as well, idk. Anyway, hope you like the chap!

POV : Kayda 


After we left the city of Boltnir and we were in the woods I returned to my four meters tall dragon form. The look on Thomas was one of fear, Merlin, she was as calm as ever. Guess she did know after all.. I have to have a talk with her some time.. 


I sent Kurumi to the divine realm because I didn’t want to carry her as well as the others so I just sent her there until we get to the elven city.


We are now about halfway there and we stopped to take a little break. I didn’t want to waste any time but once I saw on the map that there was a dungeon nearby I decided we could stop anyway. 




“Wahh!” - Holly 

“Oh, so you're finally awake now.” - Thomas


Oh, she’s finally awake! 


“What happened? Where am I?” - Holly 

“You got knocked off of the Nightmare Wolf you were sitting on and hit your head and passed out. We left the city and now we’re at the Platina Dungeon.” - Thomas 

“Oh.. Ahh! Behind you!! a d..-d..-dragooon!” - Holly 

“Yeah.., that’s Kayda.. Hard to believe isn’t it..” - Thomas 


He still couldn't believe that I was the same young girl he saw and helped before, it was quite funny watching his reactions when he thought about it.


“Sorry for making you hit your head before, I didn’t know anyone was sitting on Kurumi..” - Kayda 

“I..-it’s okay..” - Holly 


Phew, now that that’s over with.. I really want to explore this dungeon! 


There’s only 7 dungeons in ForeverQuest and I of course didn’t manage to conquer any of them when I was still on earth, and because I created this world as an almost copy of the game map with copy and paste, I don’t really know how it is inside a real dungeon.. And if I’m correct, the dragon Platina lives deep inside this one too.. Maybe I can get down there and meet her!? 


Making up my mind I decided to explore the dungeon before heading to the elven city and look for my friend. I had the chance to meet another dragon after all..  


“I’ve decided!” - Kayda 


Everyone was now looking at me. 


“Eh.. On what?” - Thomas 

“I’m going to explore this dungeon! So you guys can wait here until I’m back!” - Kayda 


Kurumi, Listen to thy master and return from your stay at thy divine dog house… hehe


Golden lights started shining from the ground in a circle of runes in front of me and a few seconds later a giant black furred wolf stood in its place. 


“Kurumi, protect them while I’m inside the dungeon.” - Kayda 

“Woff” - Kurumi 


Nodding his head while barking showed that he understood his task and I proceeded to walk to the entrance to the dungeon. 


“Wait! Kayda!” - Thomas 

“Huh, what is it?” - Kayda 

“Ehh, … b..-be careful... No one has gone past the 5th floor.. I know your strong but other S-ranks have also tried to conquer this dungeon to gain the dragon Platina as a servant but every one of them failed. And they all returned with many injuries, some even on the brink on death’s door.” - Thomas  

“Okay, thanks for the heads up. I’m off!” - Kayda 


I then shifted back to my humanoid form and ran to the dungeon which looked just like a stairway of stone that went down under ground with a statue of a platinum colored dragon to “protect” the entrance. There was a city not far from here and some adventurers were also at the entrance waiting to get inside to try their luck. 


I waited until it was my turn to get in, many of the adventurers that were here gave me weird looks. Probably because I look like a 12 year old girl and they probably don’t understand what I’m even doing here. But no one seemed to bother to stop me from entering anyway and once I stepped down a couple of steps on the stairway my view shifted from the inside walls to a plateau of grass as long as the eye could see. 


Damn this is huge! This might take awhile to conquer…