Chapter 3
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I really need to careful with what I said. Last time I hope that we can find intelligent lifeform right? Well I just jinx myself. We just found ourselves some intelligent lifeform.

Yesterday during a survey one of the drone detect some anomaly inside the forest. At first I thought that it was just the usual wildlife but Ai-chan said it has a different readings. So we sent some battle drones for further inspection. And it turns out a humanoid creatures. From what I can see this creature is female and she's in critical condition. I want to bring her back to our base but Ai-chan said that she has a high risk to our survival. I somehow convince her and finally she reluctantly agree.

We put her on a medical pod that I ask her to repair before. Why am I repair this thing before you ask? Well actually I was hoping to find another sentient species on this planet. If by any chance they injured at least I can help them. Who would have thought that it's actually useful.

After her treatment I can see her situation stabilise.

"What are you going to do if she try to shut us down?" Ai-chan ask with an angry tone.

Don't worry I doubt she know anything about complex machinery.

"How can you be so sure?"

Well as you can say it's just my instinct.

"I'm cannot trust your instinct."

Ai-chan I'm hurt.

"Don't care."

Even though we are one, she hardly trust me. I wonder why.

"You can only ask yourself." She said nonchalantly.

Anyway let's just focus on our new guest here. She looks no different than usual humans that I know, the only different is her ears. It's long like the usual elf that I used to see in manga back in earth. Her face is quite  beautiful, while her body is slender making her looks so fragile. Her chest is well not so big but also not so small.

"That is quite a specific way to describe a women's body, pervert."

Didn't Ai-chan right now acts quite rude towards me?

"I'm just stating the facts, you leacher."

Before this Ai-chan is quite nice to me but right now for some reasons she turned quite sour towards me. Maybe she jealous? Nah, I don't think so, maybe she just antsy that there is a possibly dengerous person in the city.

While waiting our unconscious guest to wake up, we analyse her gear first. She has some weird looking liquid in a small flask. I scan the liquid and found that the liquid has somekind of a healing properties. So that must be a medicine.

She also has a dagger on her but one thing that piqued my interest is her necklace. It made of what I believe is silver and a red jewel that may or may not be a ruby. 'Why am I not sure about it?' you ask. Well the thing is there is some light emitting from the jewel themselves. Ai-chan want to run some test on the necklace but I didn't allow it because it belongs to the girl. She then turn into sulking mode and don't want to talk to me. Well I think I will ignore her for a while.

Suddenly the elf-like creatures wake up. I quickly move my vision to the cctv in the room. I can see that she is confused with her surrounding but also seem excited to. I want to have a talk to her but Ai-chan didn't allow me to. But I did it anyways and once again she turned into sulking mode. Well I will persuade her on another time but for the time being our guest is the utmost important.

I then proceed to focus my consciousness into a nearby drone and move it to the medical bay. When I arrived the girl looks surprised and quickly grab her dagger on the table nearby. I quickly try to calm her down.

"Wait don't be scared I'm not here to hurt you."

She then stop and looked at me with a confused looks. She hesitate at first then proceed to talk. But to my surprise she talk in a different language that I never even heard before. If we cannot communicate how can I convinved her to trust me. I tried to ask Ai-chan to help translate her language but she refused to help me.

Please Ai-chan, can you help translate what is she talking about.

"No." She said it without holding back.

Come on Ai-chan, without you I cannot do anything.

"I agree with that but the answer still no." She said it again.

Okay I know, I'm wrong to bring her here. Can you please help me?

She kept quit at first but then proceed to said, "No."

Okay, I will do anything that you ask after all of this over. So can you help me?

She kept quiet again and then said, "Will you really do anything that I ask?"

I hesitate at first but then proceed to said yes.

"Very well I will help you."

I then proceed to hump my fist as the sign of victory.

"I will directly translate the possible words that she might want to tell you. Don't worry I will do the same for you."

I then proceed to talk to our guest.

"Hello there?" I ask the stranger in Obi-Wan Kenobi tone.

"Who are you?!" She ask me.

"Don't worry I'm the one that help you in the forest. I promised that I'm not here to harm you."

"Then why am I here?"

"I bring you here because you are gravely injured so I bring you here to patch you up."

Even though she still cannot believe me, at least she put her dagger down.

"May I ask you some questions?" I ask.

She then nod her head in agreement.

"Who are you?"

"My name is... La Flora. You can call me Flora. I'm just... an adventurer."

"An adventurer you say... so you were attack by the beasts in the woods?"


Flora then look at me for some time and then she ask,"...are you the golem that guard this place?"

"Hmmm... well you not wrong per say."

She then continue to inspecting the drone that I currently use. She looks like a curious child that never see a robot.

"How did you move? I cannot sense any magic from you."

I ask curiously.

"Magic? You mean magic exist?"

She then looks at me weirdly.

"Well of course, magic is the essence of life in the world. So it is quite weird that you doesn't need any magic to move. At very least an intelligent golem like you would have a philosopher's stone as core."

Looks like this world is much more interesting than I thought.

"Well what I'm about to tell you, is going to surprise you more than this."
