Epilogue (part 1)
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=:= Caitlyn =:=

"Goodnight Peter," mom said.

Dad smiled, "Goodnight son."

Caitlyn sighed inwardly as she nodded, "G'night mom, dad."

She closed her bedroom door behind her and slipped into bed. After a few moments she put on her earbuds and picked up her phone. She opened up the video she'd bookmarked this afternoon and started watching.

Friends had been talking about it on one of the discords she hung out on, and she'd seen it linked on a trans subreddit too. People had been talking about it for two days now. Caitlyn didn't believe in magic or miracles, and she definitely didn't believe in god. She'd been praying for the same thing every day since she was seven or eight, but nobody ever answered.

Some people were saying this was the real deal, others were positive it was fake. A few of her friends were convinced it was genuine though, so she figured she may as well watch.

It opened up showing a head-and-shoulders shot of what looked like a teen guy. He looked a few years older than Caitlyn, probably eighteen or nineteen. He had a slim face, and his dark hair was a bit messy and looked like he'd just started trying to grow it out in the past couple months. His prominent adam's apple moved as he swallowed nervously.

He cleared his throat then started talking. His voice sounded fairly typical for a guy, and he sounded as nervous as he looked.

"Uh, hi. This is uh, kind of awkward and a big deal. Kind of a coming-out video I guess? In a lot of ways. So introductions first. I'm uh..."

He hesitated, took a deep breath, then announced, "My name is Heather. And I'm a girl."

Caitlyn sighed. As scared as Heather looked, she was already a thousand times braver than herself. She couldn't even bring herself to tell her family, much less come out to the entire world on video like this. Nobody outside of her online friends knew she was trans.

In the video, Heather continued talking. "Today is April twenty-third, it's uh, about seven forty-five at night. That's important. Full moon is in just a couple minutes, but I started preparing for this on April ninth, the day after the new moon. So yeah, this is basically a two-week process. You have to start right after the new moon, and you finish it on the full moon. If you mess up, you have to wait till next month to try again."

It was just May second today, so this was recorded just over a week ago. Caitlyn double-checked and saw the video was posted two days ago, on April thirtieth.

There was a rustling of paper as Heather held up a single page to the camera. The text on the page was printed, like laser-printed or whatever, but it was too small to pick up on the video.

Heather continued, "This is a bona-fide magic spell and I'm going to cast it in a couple minutes. There's a link in the uh, down there in the description. If this works... Well you'll see. If you try this, read the instructions carefully. I can't stress this enough..."

Heather was distracted by something off-camera, then she said "Right. Ok. The full moon's important and we're running out of time, so... Shout outs to Christine, my girlfriend who helped me find myself, and who's working the camera. And to Jessica and BLEEP at BLEEP who saved my life. And to Cindy, who created this spell."

The bleeps were accompanied by heart emojis over Heather's mouth, while text on the bottom of the screen read 'Names redacted by request'.

Heather took a deep breath then nodded "Ok here we go." She looked down at the page and started to read from it. As she started, the sound on the video cut out.

Caitlyn could see Heather's lips were moving but the audio had been muted. At the same time some text started scrolling across the middle of the screen, obscuring Heather's mouth to prevent lip-reading.

The text read 'Magic words withheld for safety reasons. Follow the link in the description to find the full text.'

After a minute or so, Heather stopped talking and the sound restored. The image zoomed out, showing Heather's full body.

She was wearing a bathrobe and looked like she was probably naked underneath it. She was sitting on the edge of a bed, in what appeared to be a hotel room somewhere.

There was a sort of pregnant pause as Heather looked uncertain. After a second or so, swirling lights seem to surround her body. A female voice off-camera gasped, "It's happening!"

The swirling lights faded after two or three seconds, and in place of the awkward, skinny, masc-looking person there was now a slim, attractive girl. Her black hair hung down to her shoulders in large loose curls. Her face was soft and smooth, with a small chin and small nose. Her eyes looked blue-green, and her lips were full and red. Her skin was a little darker than before, like she was slightly tanned now. She still looked sort of tall, though she might've lost an inch or two.

She was still wearing the bathrobe, but it was now looser in some areas, though it was pushed outward over her obvious chest. Caitlyn could see a resemblance from the teen's old face to her new one. Like brother and sister, sort of. Or cousins maybe.

The off-camera voice squealed, "Oh my god it worked! Heather you're gorgeous!"

The image jumped a little as someone bumped the camera, then a tall blonde girl about the same age came into view, rushing up and throwing her arms around Heather, hugging her tightly. Heather looked like she was still in shock but she smiled "Thanks Christine." Her voice was different now too, it had moved up in pitch into a feminine range.

Heather had a wide smile on her face as she finally looked back up at the camera.

"It's a miracle... It's magic... It's real. Our friend Cindy wants to share this with the world. She asked Christine and I to make this video, and to share it. So uh, follow that link and be safe. Read the instructions carefully!"

Christine was sitting next to Heather while she was talking, one arm around the brunette's waist.

As soon as Heather finished speaking, Christine grinned "Let's get a proper look at you!"

The video abruptly cut to a black screen as the blonde started pulling Heather's bathrobe off.

Before the video ended, a new voice started speaking over the black screen. It was a girl, she sounded like a younger teen. Maybe closer to Caitlyn's age, maybe somewhere around fifteen or so.

"Hi, my name's Cindy. If you wanna try this for yourself, read the instructions carefully. I mean it! You probably won't be able to hurt yourself, the spell should be like, super foolproof and safe and stuff. But yeah, instructions! We're talking about magically altering your body and stuff, so like, you don't wanna mess that up! And if you wanna share your results afterwards, tag your posts with 'change the world'. I'll be watching, and I'm cheering all of you on!"

White text appeared over the black screen with the hashtag #ChangeTheWorld, then after a few more seconds the video finally ended.

Caitlyn stared at her phone. Her eyes were wide and her heart was racing.

She knew it could have been fake. It could have been special effects, the swirling lights could have been added in editing, the people could have been a couple actors. But... It could have been real.

Her hands shook slightly as she scrolled through the description and found the link. The URL looked like more like a key-smash than words, just a bunch of random characters with a UK suffix. Caitlyn tapped it and prayed it wasn't a dead link.

The page that opened was dirt simple, just black text on a white background. It was barely even formatted, just paragraphs of text.

There were a few paragraphs of instructions that Caitlyn's eyes skimmed over till she got to the actual spells.

There were two of them. The first was short, to be recited every night for two weeks, starting after the new moon. The second was longer, that was the important one.

Bold instructions stated when you recite the second spell, you have to focus carefully in your mind, picture the changes you want, picture the body you want. You have to keep that image in your mind until it's over.

Bold warnings explained that if you mess up, get it wrong, or turn yourself into something you don't like, you have to wait a full month for the next full moon before you can try again.

Then a line in italics suggested if you do this, video your transformation so you have proof of your identity, and if you want, share it online. It also suggested to have a trusted friend with you to help, and to avoid tight, restricting clothing for the transformation.

One more block of bold text warned not to repost these instructions anywhere else, not to upload them on other sites, only share a link to this original page.

At the very bottom was one last line, saying if you run into any trouble, to email for help. There was an email address given. It was another key-smash of random characters, 'at' the same domain as the webpage. Somewhere in the UK, though none of the voices in the video had UK accents.

Caitlyn bookmarked the page. Then for good measure she selected all the text, and copied it to a document on her phone. Finally, she looked at the calendar. Today was May second. The new moon would be in a few days, on May seventh. And the full moon would be on May twenty-third.

Three weeks... In three weeks, that could be her! She suppressed a giggle as she realized, in three weeks that could be a lot of people. That video had over a hundred thousand views already. Next full moon things could get pretty wild.

She smiled as she pulled off her earbuds and set her phone on the little table next to her bed. She lay back and closed her eyes, already starting to picture her new self, her ideal body.

Three weeks...

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