Chapter 1
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Jin’s POV
   Minase Jin, the 17 years old Hero who came from another world, takes a deep breath. He grips the hilt of his beloved double-bladed sword Felfarthen tightly. His usually light adamantium armor suddenly feels very heavy. In front of him is a huge door with a height of five meters. Beyond it is his target. His sole reason for being teleported to this world, to Ifezan, all the way from Japan. It took him more than a year to reach here. Everyone else has failed so far, most even lost their lives, but not him. He is going to triumphant. He just knows it.

   Without moving, he slashes at the door diagonally with Felfarthen. The sharp tip of the sword did not even touch the door, but it matters not. At the blink of an eye, the door has frozen up. Jin steps forward and kicks the door hard. It shatters into a million pieces.

   His eyes are shown the sight of a throne room. It is much, much bigger than the assembly hall he was always forced to sit down for hours back in his high school. At the end of the throne room is, surprise, a throne made of bones. Human bones, perhaps. Sitting on top of the throne is a demon.

   There he is. Volrik the Demon Lord. Jin was summoned by the High Magus of the Ustadel Kingdom and tasked by its king to take his head. All of Jin’s harsh training, all of the killing to gain experience, all was for this moment.

   The Demon Lord shows Jin a cold smile.

   “So you are finally here, Hero from another world.” he says in an inhuman voice.

   For some reason, he looks and sounds mad. It's like Jin has done something wrong.

   Jin didn’t bother to say anything. He’s never the talkative type and prefers to get things done quickly and quietly. He walks slowly towards Volrik, silently accessing the demon’s strength as he does so. When he was halfway there, Volrik gets up from his throne. His eyes fall on Jin’s mostly transparent sword.

   “I seem to recall that you humans have a Holy Sword. Ashrune, was it? Did you perhaps lose it?” he asks curiously.

   “Nope. It’s safe within my Vault. I just don’t like to use it.” Jin tells him.

   Volrik lets out a laugh so loud it could start an avalanche.

   “And they call me the arrogant one! To think that a Hero would actually challenge me without using a Holy Sword!” he laughs.

   “The name of this sword is Felfarthen. You’d best to remember it since it’ll be the sword to take your life.”

   Jin regrets saying those words as soon as they came out of his mouth. It sounds like a dumb line for a dumber B movie. He’s just glad that the only other person, ahem, demon, will depart from this world soon. Or he will. It’s really hard to tell.

   “Bah. Even a sword made from the body parts of a Frost Elder Dragon will be no match for me!”

   Jin is actually impressed that the Demon Lord could tell the origin of his sword with just a glance. Not that it matters.

   Jin takes up a stance. He plans to finish this once and for all. Volrik gets ready as well. His demonic aura is manifesting as a sinister shadow. If Jin was a lesser adventurer, he would have freaked out and ran for sure.

   Jin doesn’t remember the next part much. He remembers getting blasted by magic again and again, but he managed to return the favor each time. He smelled ashes, he smelled blood, and the throne room is getting colder and colder as his icy sword is materializing more and more stalagmites with each of his swings.

   By the time his adrenaline is gone, he finds Volrik lying on the cold, hard ground. He himself is covered with multiple bruises, his armor is mostly dented, and the right side of his head is bleeding. Still, the Demon Lord is suffering from a worse fate.

   “Well done, Hero.” Volrik croaks.

   “Any last words?” Jin asks out of courtesy.

   “May the kingdom of humans prosper. And...”

   Instead of continuing, Volrik grits his teeth and glares at Jin. And there he goes again. Jin could tell that the demon isn't being angry from being killed by a mere human, so he's puzzled with the anger.

   “Say, why are you so mad at me?”

   Volrik has an expression of a demon who couldn't believe what he just heard.

   “Are you actually feigning ignorance here?” he demands.

   “Look, I'm seriously clueless here.”

   “What about my daughter?”

   Jin remembers her. Her name is Estyshana. They fought multiple times in the past, with Jin winning every single time.

   “What about her?”

   Volrik grits his teeth once more.

   “Just finish me!”

   Jin shrugs and does as he says. He raises his sword to finish the job. Just to be sure, he even made sure to check for a pulse. There’s none. Jin gets up and exhales deeply. It’s done. It’s finally over.

   Jin takes his time to leave the Demon Lord’s Castle. Nothing will stop him from doing that since he made sure of it. Even if he missed a few demons there, he doubts any of them have the mood to stop him. Not with their Demon Lord dead. Once he’s outside, he points his left index finger and mutters a few lines. An aurora appears in the sky.

   A few moments later, a woman in her twenties appeared out of nowhere. She is slightly shorter than Jin, has a pair of sapphire eyes and pale, straight hair. She is dressed in a white hooded robe that Jin frequently sees in a typical RPG. Alyshia Oatwolf, the Grand Magus who serves in the imperial court.

   She bows respectfully at Jin.

   “Is the job done, Hero-sama?” she asks.

   “It sure is. The Demon Lord Volrik is dead.” Jin confirms.

   Alyshia bows at him again.

   “On behalf of everyone from the great Kingdom of Ustadel, I thank you.” she says to him gratefully.

   “You’re welcome. Can we go back now?”


   Alyshia snaps her fingers. At the next moment, the two of them are inside a dining hall. Jin recognizes this place. It’s one of the main dining halls inside the Osier Castle where the King and the other royalties live. The human castle and its demonic counterpart are literally on the other side of the world from each other. It took Jin three months just to get there, but Alyshia could just teleport the two of them back here in less than two seconds. Not for the first time, Jin wonders why he is the only one chosen to defeat the Demon Lord if a capable individual like Alyshia is around.

   “I shall inform the kitchen to prepare your favorite meal. Please wait for a moment.” Alyshia tells him with another bow.

   Jin nods and stores his sword in the Vault. He never understood the principle of this magic, but Alyshia told him that it is a sort of teleportation magic which allows one to store his or her own belongings. It is really handy.

   He sits down at one of the seats. He looks outside. The sky has already gone dark. He doesn’t know the exact time right now but he guesses that it’s very late at night. A shame. The King and Queen are probably asleep. He would have to see them in their throne room tomorrow morning. It’s true that they have a daughter who is the same age as him, but she was sent to the far East along with an army to take down a large group of bandits. As far as he knows, she’s still not back yet.

   As he’s sitting down quietly, he ponders on the things to request from the King now that he has done them a huge favor. He would definitely want a house in the quiet countryside. Maybe a maid or two with slender legs and huge breasts. Going back to Japan isn’t even on his list. He’s just another piece of pebble there, and both his family and his classmates barely acknowledge his presence. As such, he has zero intention of going back.

   “Dinner is ready, Hero-sama.”

   Jin turns around and see an elderly butler standing next to a tray. He was so engrossed in his thoughts he didn’t even notice the butler.

   “Please serve it to me.” he tells him politely.

   “Right away.”

   The butler takes a single plate on top of the tray and puts it in front of Jin. He then takes away the metallic cloche and shows the content of the plate.

   As Alyshia has promised, the meal consists of his favorite food: a piece of medium-well cooked steak with mushroom and cranberry gravy, one whole lobster cut into half with butter and herbs spread on top, some roasted potatoes, and salad leaves with vinaigrette dressing. Jin always asked for this meal whenever he felt like celebrating. As the Hero, he’s often spoiled rotten with luxurious food and lifestyles, but he always chose to live simple and eat simple food unless the occasion calls for it. Defeating the Demon Lord is definitely one such occasion.

   The butler bows at Jin and leaves him to eat his meal in peace. Jin picks up his cutlery and starts to eat. He enjoys each and every bite of it. Minus the potatoes and the salad, there’s no way he could ever eat this kind of food back in Japan. It’s not just steaks and lobsters, either. Caviar, tuna and other luxury food exist in Ifezan as well. If he asks, he could eat as much as he wants. Such is the privilege of the Hero.

   Once he has finished eating, he gets up and heads to the public bathroom. He always felt bad for not cleaning up after himself, but some people are literally paid to do the job for him. At some point he just accepted it and let them do their job.

   He takes a peek inside the bathroom in case there’s someone already in there. Thankfully, it’s empty. He lets out a huge sigh of relief. He never fancy the idea of being in the same bath with someone else, men or women. Before someone comes in, he quickly strips away his armor and the clothing underneath it before storing them inside the Vault. He then dips his body inside the artificial hot spring which is twice as big as his apartment room back in Japan. He felt his tiredness from the fight earlier being washed away as he soaks in the hot water.

   Jin didn’t stay inside the hot spring for long since he might feel woozy if he did. He takes out a towel and a fresh set of clothing from the Vault and gets dressed. He uses the former to wipe his body dry and wears the latter on his body. Once done, he heads to his room to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

King Atwood’s POV

   Alistair Bennet Atwood III, King of the glorious Ustadel Kingdom, is sitting on a golden chair inside his study with a goblet half full of wine in his right hand. While savoring the taste of the wine, he is listening to the report of his most trusted retainer Alyshia Oatwolf. The girl is kneeling while having her left foot on the ground. Throughout her report, not once has she looked up.

   “...he is most likely sleeping in his room now.” Oatwolf concludes her report.

   “Excellent. Execute the next part of the plan, Miss Oatwolf.” he orders the Grand Magus.

   “As Your Majesty commands.” Oatwolf says without a single hint of emotion in her tone.

Jin’s POV

   Jin wakes up to a familiar ceiling. It only took him a single second to register that while it’s familiar, it’s been way too long since he last saw it.

   It’s the ceiling of his apartment room back in Japan. He gets up from his bed and looks around. Yup, it’s his old room all right. The tiny room that he never missed, not even once, while he was at Ifezan.

   Jin spent the next five minutes raging. He did it without yelling and screaming though, just in case he ended up disturbing his neighbors.

   Those. Ungrateful. Scumbags. He spent more than a year so that he could defeat the Demon Lords for them, and how do they repay him? By sending him back to the world that loathes him. How could they? HOW COULD THEY?

   After calming down, he turns on his tiny, second-hand television that he got from his landlord to check for the time and date. To his absolute surprise, the date on the screen shows only one day difference after he was summoned to Ifezan. He still remembers that on the previous day, he was just coming back from school. He was thinking of relaxing inside his room for the rest of the day since he didn’t have any shift. At the next moment, poof, he’s standing on a summoning circle inside an unfamiliar room.

   He looks at the full-body mirror right next to the television. He looks the same as ever. He still remembers the day he started to grow muscles after training intensely for months. He felt so proud back then. Those same muscles have completely gone. So much for all the hard work.

   He then notices the time on the television. It made him panic since it’s almost time for him to head to school. He makes some quick breakfast and lunch out of bread, then he changes into his school uniform that all male students of Yokosuka High School wears: a white long-sleeved shirt, a black blazer, a pair of gray pants, and a pair of black shoes.

   He gobbles down two of the sandwiches he prepared and packs the other two. He then grabs his bag, stuffs the sandwiches in the bag and heads outside, remembering to lock the door before departing to his school.

   Jin has rented an apartment room located ten minutes from his school. As a result, he could still take his time even though it took him ages to get prepared. He takes in the view as he walks. As he does, he realizes that he’s really back in Japan. All those times he spent at Ifezan seemed like a dream, except that it wasn’t.

   Even before he could reach the school gate, he could hear the shout of a familiar voice. Jin groans inwardly as he recognizes it. It belongs to Daigo Hinnouji, the PE teacher of the school.

   Daigo-sensei is someone you would call hot-blooded. Jin has been at this school for almost two years now, and there wasn’t a single occasion where he has heard the teacher speak in a volume less than the maximum capacity. Right now, the teacher who’s in his mid-thirties is accosting the students loudly. Emphasize on the word loud. The teacher notices Jin approaching and grins widely.

   “GOOD MORNING, MINASE-KUN!” he greets the former Hero with a volume that could activate car alarms.

   “Good morning, sensei.” Jin greets back calmly.

   That surprised Daigo-sensei.

   “Now that’s new. You used to avoid eye contact with me all the time and just mumbled your greetings. Well done!”

   “It’s not that big of a deal, sensei.” Jin points out.

   “Oh, I think it is! Looks like you have finally gained some confidence!”

   “...Can I go inside now, sensei?”

   “Of course you can! In you go!”

   Jin quickly passes through the gate. If he had to listen to the teacher’s loud voice from close proximity any longer, he might go deaf. Then again, his voice is much softer when compared with the roar let out by the Elder Dragon he fought.

   He soon reaches his class, the Class 2-2. No one greets him as he walks to his seat which is located in the middle of the class. He doesn’t have a single friend or even acquaintance in this class. Not here, not any of his past classes. Everyone in this class has formed a clique of their own except for him. He could be gone for a week and no one would notice.

   The morning goes by in a flash. Not because Jin is having fun, but rather he’s so sick and tired of everything he didn’t pay attention in class at all. Worse still, the next class is PE led by the ever loud Daigo-sensei.

   “COME ON, ALL OF YOU! YOU CAN DO IT IF YOU HAVE ENOUGH SPIRITS!” he shouts at the top of his lungs as the boys are forced to run ten laps around the field.

   The more Jin runs, the more he notices that while his muscles have disappeared, his stamina has not. Previously, three laps was the most he could run before he ran out of stamina. Currently, he’s at his eighth lap without having a single urge to throw up. He could do this for an entire day if no one is there to stop him. However, he acted like he had trouble anyway, since he doesn’t want to stand out.


   Jin rolls his eyes in annoyance. Another thing he doesn’t miss from this world is this annoying cheer whenever they’re having PE. Or rather, whenever Yoshii passes by the girls as he jogs.

   Yoshii Ryusuke. The Prince of Yokosuka High. The captain of the football club. The imaginary boyfriend of at least 98% of girls in this school. According to an online poll, he placed first for the ‘The boy that girls would want to date’ poll six times in a roll. Besides having a pretty face, he’s also kind, sociable, athletic, smart, and makes Jin want to puke every single time they’re near each other.

   Apparently, Jin’s sentiment is shared by the majority of the boys in this school. He happens to overhear a few random boys saying that the girls of this school are refusing to date any other boy other than Yoshii who’s still single. At this point, the only thing that will make them give up is hearing the news of him getting married.

   “Say, Chifuyu! Yoshii-kun is really cool, right?”

   “I-I guess…”

   Ah, yes. Wakaba Chifuyu. If Yoshii is the ‘prince’, then Wakaba is the undisputed ‘princess’ of the school. At least, the ‘The girl that boys would want to date’ poll would agree. She’s the typical Japanese beauty with straight black hair, an elegant posture and polite mannerism. She’s also known to be excellent in cooking, sewing and other girly stuff. Countless boys have confessed to her, only to be shot down mercilessly.

   Not that it has anything to do with Jin. He made the stupid mistake of looking at the ‘The boy that girls would want to date’ poll. Despite the fact that the girls who made it said that the name of every single boy in Yokosuka High is in it, his name wasn’t even in it. Forget Wakaba. He won’t be getting a single girlfriend in his entire miserable life. He might have had a chance when he was at Ifezan, but definitely not in this world.

   PE went by in a flash as well, and it ended with Jin hardly breaking a sweat. He’s just glad that Daigo-sensei’s attention was diverted by    Yoshii with his “flawless running stance”, or he would definitely put him on a pedestal or something.

   Next comes lunch. Jin always eats alone, and he would finish his lunch in less than five minutes since he doesn’t have much to eat. After he’s done, he will lie down on his table and pretend to sleep until the afternoon class begins. The atmosphere of the class has always been overbearing to him, but he refused to move. The last time he left, someone took his table and chair to sit together with his friends. Needless to say, things got very awkward.

   When the school was finally over, Jin still couldn’t relax yet. The reason is that he has a shift for his part-time job today. He just hopes that he still remembers everything about it. If he messes things up, his manager Kajiwara would never let him hear the end of it.

Estyshana’s POV

   “Where in the world am I?” Esty mutters for the hundredth time.

   Of all the time the human Hero has to arrive, he had to pick one time when she was out on errands. After she returned to Demon Lord’s Castle, it was already too late. Her father was already slain. It was bad enough when the Four Demon Marquis was killed by the Hero one by one. Now, even her father has fallen to his sword. Esty finally had enough. She decided to track down the Hero and take revenge.

   Things got complicated, however, when she looked into her crystal ball to locate him. He’s in a completely foreign world from Ifezan. Maybe that’s the world he came from. Esty had cold feet, but only for a moment. All the memories of her dead comrades and her father made her brave. She spent hours opening up a portal to the Hero’s world and went inside.

   When she gets to the other side of the portal, she’s in the middle of nowhere. She can’t even ask for directions since there’s not a single human around. Even walking around for hours didn’t help. All she knows is that she’s in some kind of countryside with a river at the side. She’s also walking on a weird black road with a weirder smell. Every once in a while, she sees a large metallic box or two move quickly and pass her by. There are humans inside it, but she couldn’t catch up to any of them, not without flying.

   She’s smart enough to camouflage her ram horns, bat wings and the tail that a succubus has with magic to avoid attracting attention. She just hopes that her red hair is common enough in this world. That’s one thing she does not want to change nor hide.

   “And what’s with the air here? It’s so putrid…” she grumbles.

   The air around here is so polluted that Esty has breathing difficulty. She’s surprised that this world is actually inhabitable. Ifezan, for all its danger, at least has clean and breathable air.

   “Hey, you there!”

   She turns around and sees a human male looking at her. He was presumably talking to her. Due to a simple spell Esty has casted before coming here, she could understand the language of the human perfectly. There’s another of those rectangle box next to him. The human himself is dressed in a weird way. Perhaps that is the fashion of this world.

   “Are you perhaps lost?” he asks next.

   Esty lets out a small smile. Finally, her time to shine as the Whisperer of Deceit has come.

   “Oh, I have finally found you, Uncle!” she tells him.

   The human looks understandably confused.

   “But, I’m not your Uncle. I don’t have any-”

   “Don’t you remember me, Uncle? I’m Esty, your niece who’s from, um, far far away.” she interrupts him.

   As she speaks, she’s also using her Bloodline Magic to brainwash him so that he would believe in everything she says.

   “That’s right. You’re Esty. Now I remember.” he says as if he’s in a trance, which he is.

   “I’m so glad that you remember me.” she beams. “Would you be so kind as to bring me to your home?”

   “Of course. Step right in.”

   He opens a hidden compartment of the box, and a door appears. Esty walks towards it and sits inside. She slightly shudders as her demonic body shuns anything related to iron, and this weird box has some on it. The human male closes the door on her, then he opens another compartment right in front of her before going inside.

      The box shudders as he did something, and it starts to move. Esty tries to stop herself from freaking out as it does.

   “So then, ‘uncle’. what was your name again? My apologies for forgetting it in the first place.”

   “That’s okay. My name is Shun. Wakaba Shun.”

   “Uncle Shun, is it? I’ll be in your care from now on.” she tells him politely.

   “No need to be so formal. We’re family, after all. I’m sure that my wife and two daughters will welcome you with open arms as well. Heck, my youngest could be the same age as you. I’m sure the two of you would get along well!”

   “That’s nice to hear. I can’t wait to meet them all.”

   As the box continues to move forward, Esty senses a disturbance, as if someone or something is passing through a portal. She shrugs. It’s probably just her imagination.