Chapter 180: A new day
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The next morning, Victor woke up at about 10 AM, he had slept a lot and was feeling much better. He was no longer dizzy and was sure he could control his impulses way better. He tested them by imagining Lily in a very exotic pose… Ooops… No… He was not completely healed yet… He sighed as he ran to the bathroom. This would take time.

After taking a cold shower to calm his nerves a little, he began to check on his girls. He was worried about sending them to the dungeon without sufficient training. But he had reasons for that.

If the girls were to enter the dungeons after years of training, they would end up with generic classes like Warrior or Archer.
But now, with them fresh out of the brothel and wanting to forge a new future away from their past, Their classes would reflect both their past and their lookout to the future… Most of them would have things suitable for intelligence gathering works…

The girls were now resting and preparing to raid the boss. Alpha was giving them a crash course in Boss battles with the assistance of Margret and the twins who were the only ones there who witnessed a real boss battle among the group… Alpha, although had the knowledge of her ancestors, she was still a noob as the only Boss battle she witnessed was that poor boss spider being drowned in poison by Victor.

Victor nodded. The girl's progress was on schedule. Thankfully there were no casualties. Just a few random injuries which were treated by that new Healer girl. They didn’t even need to use the healing pills he gave them. Hopefully, they would be able to survive the boss battle safely.

Victor quickly changed to another blood slave… Tom. He was at school… "Oh, Today was a school day!… Nevermind.” Victor shook his head. His existence there was just for shows.
In fact, the members of the top powers and Oligarchy have only one goal for attending the academies around the world. And it was not learning or forging friendships like the official narrative wants the world to believe.
It is simple to crush the other students and let them realize the difference between the aristocratic families and the commoners. Between Full players and semi-Players. And even between Players and the unawakened, players get automatically accepted while the unawakened who attend the Academy has to be the best of the best.
The academy was created not only as a place of training the players of commoner origins but also as a place to brainwash them into knowing their place in the world’s hierarchy… Even the commoner teachers have to respect the elites like him.

So not attending was Ok for Victor and his cronies, but other students would be severely punished if they missed even a day.

It is a very important lesson. Life is not fair!

Tom was at the moment salivating at the new pretty transfer student… Lin who chose to attend the academy today, probably to be next to Victor, who at the moment was frowning as he didn’t like the way Tom looked at Lin, so he quickly issued a warning through the system that this girl was the sister of Linda Victor’s fiance….
Unfortunately, that didn’t deter Tom. Who kept giving her glances every now and then. He was even having some dirty thoughts about her with Linda on his bed…
The system warned him again that she would kick his ass after school if he kept looking at her like that… He frowned for a moment but still didn’t listen. It seems like as long as the system didn’t punish him he would keep getting cocky…

Victor sighed as he decided to give him a lesson on System credibility… He didn’t want to use the system to order him to stay away from her, as that might make him begin doubting it… He had a better way.

Victor quickly communicated with Lin who was a little upset that he was not at school today as she had dressed up, especially for him…
“Husband!... Why are you not here today?” She asked… sounding a little upset.

“I had to go visit my mother’s family… you should have told me… I really missed you.” He professionally put the blame on her.

“Ahh… I wanted to surprise you… My family had accepted your condition of a double wedding.” She said,

“Really… Damn, I should have been at school today… “ He complained, making her smile sweetly, capturing the hearts of all the guys who were looking at her perversely in class and earning themselves a punishment from the slightly jealous teacher Isabella.

“As long as you come to see me tomorrow I will forgive you…” She said pouting,

“Of course, I will… Ah, by the way, I want to warn you about a certain guy in class… The one named Tom. The black-haired hot guy in the front…” Victor quickly said.

“The one the teacher keeps looking at? Is he banging her?” She asked looking at Tom with a scowl that didn’t discourage him from turning back every now and then to glance in her direction.

“Yes… He is a womanizer. The poor teacher already fell for him after he touched her ass once. And he is probably having some impure thoughts about you… I want you to teach him a lesson.” Victor said, making her feel a little disgusted and confirming Victor's guess that Tom's fate had minimal effect on his blood slaves.

“No problem…” Lind didn’t mind testing her strength.
“After leaving class, he would surely follow you… Take him to an isolated area and kick his ass … But keep it private and don’t kill him or cause any permanent injury. Just let him know his place and tell him that you are only mine.” He ordered her, making her smile again as her heart raced…

“Um…” She said with a blushing face, that her classmates didn’t understand…

“Now I have to go… Take care of yourself.” He said.

“You... You too..” She said bashfully.

Victor quickly broke the connection as his nose began to bleed… He ran again to the bathroom... Damn this soul injury.

After a second shower, Victor relaxed as he took out some clothes from his ring. Yesterday he left his shirt on purpose for Lily to take it… He was sure she sniffed it a few times to make sure no girls touched it… Too bad she didn’t realize yet that Alex was a girl too.

After that, he took his phone and called his father…
“Victor! Are you still in that stupid waterfall town?” Theodore answered after a few rings… He seemed to be in a good mood.

“Yes... I wanted to try their brothel… I must have overtaxed myself.” Victor confessed.

“That’s normal. Back in the day, I took my friends on an expedition around the continent, where we tried most of the brothels and got so many unique diseases that we had to use an advanced healing pill to cure them all…. Ah, that brings back memories.” Theodore recalled… “Anyway, I wanted to tell you that the Von Rosens have given their answer. They would accept a double wedding. You have to go and propose to the new girl though… Her name is Lin… Amelia’s illegitimate daughter.”

“I will do that tomorrow, When I return…” Victor said.

“After that, you must go to NewLure city and propose to that Nova girl. You must convince them about the double wedding yourself though… When I mentioned it to them they were hesitant. And may demand some benefits…. You deal with it” Theodore said. “If you fail you can marry Lin first, then that slut Nova after a month or two.” He added.

“I will convince them… I am calling you about my mother. She wants to stay here for a few more days. Her mother had an accident…” Victor said and could hear Theodore’s sigh from the other side.

“You know that I can’t let Lara stay there… And I don’t want to leave her on the island without her mother’s protection. Your step mothers’ might be a little mean sometimes.” Theodore said.

“How about you keep Lara with me… I will train her and…..I think it would be better if we sent her to a school… She needs to learn some social skills sooner or later, keeping her sheltered is not good.” Victor suggested.

“I know, But I already tried that with Alice…She went to a damn all-girls boarding school And grew up to be a huge slut… Do you know how many lovers your elder sister has? 107! She has a fucking underground arena where she makes them fight for the right to court her! Even the fiance the family chose for her was scared to propose!… Do you want Lara to end up like that?” Theodore asked. Victor could hear the annoyance in his voice.

“No… “Victor suppressed his laugh as he continued, “But that’s way better than a naive girl that might be scammed by some dirt bag someday. Don’t you remember what happened to my cousin Polina? Uncle Patrick didn’t allow her to even glimpse at men other than her family. So she ended up falling for the 40-year-old gardener who scammed her to steal one of the family's secret training manuals…” Victor explained… That girl was only 16 when she ran away with her fake lover and ended up almost dead if not for the family agents saving her life… Too bad the family ordered her death for breaking the rules. Theodore was ordered to deliver the sentence…. That’s why he had a very edgy relationship with his brother… That was what they showed the world anyway.
Victor only later learned that Theodore helped his brother and niece by faking her death. Unfortunately, the family discovered this… or they will two years from now, thanks to some idiot… then they would kill her for real and punish Patrick and Theodore by demoting them.
Victor should probably go give her a visit… before she falls for that second idiot who would scam her again.

“That will not happen to her… Probably…Lara is a sensible girl.” Theodore hesitated…

“How about we let her try it for one semester… we will watch her secretly, if she gets off track we would pull her back for some ‘Education’” Victor proposed.

“Oh… Do you have a suitable school in mind?” Theodore asked, halfway convinced.

“Yes. There is an aristocratic boarding school near Vain city. How about we let her go there? We will start with letting her attend from my mansion, then we will allow her to live there once she is ready.” Victor proposed.

“That might work… What about your mother, are you comfortable with leaving her with those idiots she calls family? George told me some nasty things about them.” Theodore asked.

“Don’t worry, once they learned their place, they wouldn’t dare to harm her… How about you leave her here until Luna gives birth, they can both return to the island after that… And the clean air around the waterfall is very beneficial for pregnant women.” Victor proposed, making Theodore's eyes shine… If he left Luna here with Elena he can make them bond before they go back to the island, earning both of them an ally to confront his other wives whom he long knew had already formed a team against Elena out of jealousy.
And that would give him more free time… He had to accompany Luna a lot these days and… He had an… Ahm business party to attend.

“Fine… I will ask George to arrange things…. I will wait for your news about the proposal..” Theodore said as he hung up.

Victor smiled as he put the phone away then opened the door he walked into the suit's living room where Alex was singing out of tune as she prepared some breakfast that didn’t look edible… This suit had a private kitchen for Super VIPs who can’t order food for security reasons.

“Good morning young master..” She said with a smile.

“What are you doing?” Victor asked.

“N..… Nothing…” Alex replied flusteredly… As Victor inspected some dark things that used to be eggs at some level of their evolution.

“What pig are you going to feed these to?” He asked.

“They were for y….They are just tests for preparing some energy-enhancing drugs for my training…. “ She quickly corrected herself… She was a little ashamed of her cooking.

“Oh… We have no time for that… Go get dressed… A man should not be wearing a pink apron… You almost made me assault you from behind.” Victor scolded, making her heart skip a beat… “We have to go buy a house.” He added.

“A house?” She asked as she took off her apron with a blush and then stored it in her ring.

“Yes… Mother intends to stay here. So I have to go shopping for a house and some gifts for the girls…. “Victor said when suddenly someone knocked on the suite’s door.

Victor looked at the door then smiled evilly.
“Alex, we have important guests. Go open the door.” He said as he sat on a sofa casually, reassuring his arrogant young master pose.


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