[Soleil POV]
After taking our sweet time, we finally made it to the capital of the Celestia Kingdom. Even before we got to the gates of the city, I could tell it was still in a festive mood.
“It’s already been almost a month, I would think the people would calm down some by now.” (Soleil)
“The ascension of a goddess is a really big thing, Soleil. I’d expect people to be celebrating it for at least half a year if not longer.” (Skadi)
“I mean, I realize that, but it just seems weird for people to be THIS exaggerated for something that big sis did. I mean, she probably doesn’t even care about any of these people with the exception of the ones we’ve actually gotten to know a somewhat decent amount.” (Soleil)
“It’s just the way it is. I’m honestly a little surprised you are surprised by this. You grew up in a shrine village, so out of all of us, with the exception of me and Velvet, should know just how important gods are and why this is such a momentous event.” (Skadi)
“I do know, but it’s big sis we’re talking about. You don’t really think she actually would like something like this happening outside it being an opportunity to enjoy a festival, right?” (Soleil)
“Ah. I see your point now and I totally agree.” (Skadi)
We quickly made it through the gate only to be welcomed by a fully decorated city. People have already made things like banners and tapestries of big sis, though they took their own artistic liberties that exaggerated some of her proportions.
“I feel a bit agitated by some of these things hanging around here. It feels…off…having these people make things like that with big sis’s image in such an over the top, not even close to what she actually looks like way.” (Soleil)
“I agree. Luna isn’t that short, her chest is big, but not that big, and why do they make her tails so scrawny? That’s more an insult than actual praise for her.” (Velvet)
“I also don’t like how some of these people are staring at those. Their eyes have an almost fanatic gleam. Master would not like that in the slightest.” (Ophidia)
“Let’s just get where we need to get to nya. I feel like if we don’t hurry, someone that will recognize some of us as part of Lunya’s party will see us and annoying things will happen nya.” (Mio)
“Let’s get to the guild. Grey can help us get to the castle from there.” (Skadi)
We hurried along. It took a little bit as we took a roundabout way to get to the guild, but when we stepped inside, we were greeted by the usual glances, though this time some people continued to stare instead of looking away instantly.
“*Sigh* Seems a few of them are here.” (Skadi)
“Are people going to get in our way?” (Ophidia)
“We will probably be delayed for a bit.” (Skadi)
Shortly after Skadi said that, two people walked up to us. One was a tall, muscly man with an eyepatch and a large scar on his face. The other one was a very lightly dressed woman that had feathers mixed into her hair, confirming she was a bird person.
“If it isn’t Skadi. Been a while since we’ve seen each other.” (???)
“And since when did you join a party? That’s so unlike you.” (???)
“Yes, it’s been a while, Zaria, Chrom, and while I’d absolutely love to chat, we have something to do. Let’s catch up on things later.” (Skadi)
“Hahaha. Fine by me, but don’t you forget. You’ll owe me a drink of twelve if you do.” (Chrom)
“Talk to you later then, Skadi. Oh, but if your business is with the grand master, it might still take a bit. Roy is here too.” (Zaria)
“Eh, I’ll just throw him out the door if needed.” (Skadi)
“Hahaha! That’s what makes you fun, Skadi.” (Chrom)
The two then left us alone and we walked over to the reception desk where Tomoe was waiting for us.
“More S-rank adventurers?” (Soleil)
“Yeah. And decent ones at that. Those two are what can be considered the most normal S-ranks there are. Roy, however, is a bit special in the sense that he wants to be Grey’s replacement, but with Grey being who he is, it’s a futile dream.” (Skadi)
“If I’m to add my own opinion, Sir Roy is qualified, but the grand master being who he is won’t ever give up the position. He has offered sir Roy a sub-master position like myself, but he refuses to be anything other than grand master.” (Tomoe)
“Then why not just throw this Roy out?” (Ophidia)
Because aside from that one quirk, he’s a model adventurer. He does his quests, takes his payment, then goes on to do more quests. He even donates money to places in need of it and more nearly philanthropic things in hopes that Grey will finally recognize him as his successor.” (Tomoe)
“Is it really philanthropy if you expect something out of it nya?” (Mio)
“I just don’t know any other word to describe it.” (Tomoe)
“Speaking of Grey, can we meet him now, or is he too busy?” (Velvet)
“I’ll bring you all to him now. Miss Skadi, please just throw Roy out of the hallway when we get there, he’s been camping out there for the past few months.” (Tomoe)
“So the usual thing when I’m around the same place he is then. Got it.” (Skadi)
We walked to the staircase down behind the counter. Once we reached the bottom sure enough there was a full camping setup made minus a fire. We could all see the outline of a person sitting inside the tent and when he heard people show up, he scrambled out.
“Ah, Miss Tomoe, it’s so nice to see you finally come down here. Can you please tell Grand Master Grey to let me speak with him?” (Roy)
“Unfortunately, I can’t. These five have business with the Grand Master now, so if you’ll excuse us.” (Tomoe)
It was then that Skadi stepped forward and Roy’s face went pale.
“S-Skadi! Please don’t throw me again!” (Roy)
“Too late, I’ve been asked to get you out of this hallway, so I’m going to do that. Don’t worry though, I’ll only throw you out of the guild building this time.” (Skadi)
“That’s actually very considerate of you. Something I didn’t know you were capable of being.” (Roy)
“OI! Skadi is very considerate. You better take that back this instant.” (Ophidia)
“Um, who is this?” (Roy)
“She’s my fiancée, and these are my party friends, now, we have business, so move.” (Skadi)
Skadi grabbed Roy by the shirt and flung him up the stairs. I heard him crashing around and the doors to the guild slam loudly.
“9/10 nya. He hit the ground and rolled out the door nya.” (Mio)
“Tch.” (Skadi)
We all laughed at that before heading down the hallway to Grey’s office.
“I’ll leave you here then, next time you all see Miss Luna, tell her congratulations from me.” (Tomoe)
After she left, Skadi knocked on the door and Grey called for us to enter. When we got inside, Grey was sitting in between piles of paper.
“Good to see all of you. Before we get to any business, please tell Luna when you see her that the next time she does something like she did this time, to give me some forewarning. All this stuff is super annoying to go through since the guild and country are co-running the shrine for the moment.” (Grey)
“Why are you co-running it?” (Velvet)
“Because we need people to actually run the place, but until those people are found, someone needs to keep the place clean and all that other stuff. Since Luna is an adventurer, we take part in keeping it in good condition, but since she is the goddess that blessed the country, Drome has some people helping out as well. There is some more, but that’s just boring stuff that none of you really need to worry or care about.” (Grey)
“Shouldn’t we three at least worry? I mean, that place is our only way to come and go from the mortal world.” (Ophidia)
“Luna’s the Goddess of Space. If she felt like it she could just pull all of you to her with space magic.” (Grey)
All of us went silent.
“Yes, take it up with Luna. This’ll show her to cause me this much paperwork.” (Grey)
“Aside from that, do you have a way to the shrine? Ophidia and I have been there once, but since it became a floating island, she can’t teleport there.” (Skadi)
“Yeah. Just go to the castle and jump out of the window closest to the island. We’re waiting for the orichalcum from the dwarves to come in before we make a device to come and go.” (Grey)
“Is that really how people have been getting there?” (Soleil)
“The adventurers, yes. The people from the castle take the boring way of climbing ropes. Though there was one person that tried making a big ladder, but it didn’t work and they got injured.” (Grey)
“Then do you have a way to get to the castle easily. You know how adventurers are and several of them here know we are Luna’s party. They’ve probably already started spreading the info about us.” (Velvet)
“Yeah. I have a personal transport plate. Just open the door over there and walk to the center of the room.” (Grey)
“Thanks.” (Skadi)
“Don’t mention it. I look forward to seeing you all at Luna’s wedding.” (Grey)
We entered the door Grey said and stepped into the center of the room. The floor flashed and we found ourselves in the same room we normally would be in when we travel to the castle the normal way. After leaving the room, we made our way over to Nia’s villa and found her waiting for us in front of the door.
“Glad to see all of you.” (Nia)
I stopped before I replied. Something was different with Nia. It took a few seconds for me to figure out what it was exactly, but eventually I did.
“You’re Atmos’s Apostle now?” (Soleil)
“How’d you tell?” (Nia)
“One of your eyes is purple now.” (Soleil)
“Ah. Well that kind of ruins the surprise, doesn’t it.” (Nia)
“Only to people that actually know you.” (Velvet)
“Anyway, yeah, I became Goddess Atmos’s Apostle. That’s how I knew you’d all be here today. And I have to say, it’s hard getting used to seeing Fate sometimes. A bit depressing too.” (Nia)
“You just need to figure out how the power works. Once that happens you’ll be able to control how it works and stop seeing it if you want to.” (Atmos)
“Hello Atmos.” (Soleil)
“Hey Soleil. Are all of you coming up here today?” (Atmos)
“That’s the plan nya.” (Mio)
“Alright. See you all soon. But I guess Mio, Skadi, and Nia need some help. You three can’t really get here through Luna’s shrine. Eh, Luna will take care of it.” (Atmos)
With Nia added to our group, we all made our way to the window closest to big sis’s shrine island. It was a bit windy, but I used my wind magic to help keep us from being blown around. We all jumped over one at a time starting with Nia and ending with me. Then we started to make our way to the shrine.
“It’s different.” (Skadi)
“Yeah. This starry haze wasn’t here before, though it makes the place feel more mystical.” (Ophidia)
Ophidia was right. The shrine had a haze hanging around it with twinkling stars inside it. It added a peaceful feel to the place that was fitting for a shrine. When we walked inside the building, we were all surprised. There wasn’t a haze inside, but when we looked up at the roof, it was like we were staring at and endlessly expanding night sky with infinite amounts of stars. I even saw the constellations that big sis made here and there along with two new ones.
“When did big sis make her parents into constellations?” (Soleil)
“Not sure. We didn’t see them in the sky at night.” (Velvet)
“Hey, we’re up there as well nya.” (Mio)
I looked over to where Mio was pointing and sure enough there were five constellations that looked like us. We were in various poses that made us seem valiant or heroic.
“Lunya, why is mine sleeping nya?” (Mio)
“Because it’s fitting for you?” (Luna)
“…nya.” (Mio)
“Just let us up there big sis.” (Soleil)
“Yeah, yeah, get up here.” (Luna)
In an instant the world changed. Instead of the inside of a building we were now standing in an open field on a hill with a giant tree on it. Sitting next to the tree was big sis and Goddess Tamamo. Big sis’s ten tails were splayed out while Goddess Tamamo was brushing them. Atmos was also there laying in Goddess Tamamo’s and big sis’s tails with a blissful expression on her face.
“Good to see you all again in person. And welcome to the Divine Domain.” (Luna)
Chaos Realm:
Order: SHHHHH! Astraea just went to sleep.
Fenrir: Sorry.
As for your question, bad timing. You just got here just as they showed up in the Divine Domain. Feel free to jump over there whenever you feel like it.
Fenrir: Yeah, sorry for barging in just to leave instantly.
Order: It's fine.
*Fenrir leaves*
Well that happened.
Order: Yeah...Hey.
Order: Can I try what Atmos is trying with your tails?
Any time you want to. Just don't be disappointed when they aren't as good as Luna's or Tamamo's.
Order: I don't care about that. As long as its yours then it's perfect for me.
How is it that you manage to make me fall for you even more with just words? Am I just that easy or are you just too perfect?
Order: Hehe. I can ask the same thing of you.
Wait Payto has tails?!
Well yeah. Why, am I not allowed to be a kitsune?
I'm happy to know I'm not the only one that thought that xD
@Paytoechip Well of course, you just never mentioned it, so I'd assumed you were a chaotic amlagamation of stuff that vaguley looks humanoid
@LucyKitsune he still can just with a tails
@Paytoechip there was nothing to hit at it, I personally was thinking you were a shoggoth till now.
@Nicolae Why would I look like a Fiend?
@Paytoechip shoggoth can shapeshift into anything. why would you look like a Fiend?
@Nicolae Cause Fiends are all eldritch horrors.
@Paytoechip when u hear what people think about u and its different than what u think about yourself ps now we know that Astraea has a tail too
@LucyKitsune I was imaging Paytoe to be something like Diablo from That Time I was a Slime. Cool, calm, but evil.
@SpeckledPath I’m not evil. If I was I’d save all of this purely for myself.
@Paytoechip Oh I know, but the evil bit would be a sign of the chaos. Unless you have a better idea for a sign of chaos.
@SpeckledPath Chaos isn’t evil. It’s neutral, same with order.
@Paytoechip Chaos is Change, Order is Stagnancy
@Nicolae Take that back! She is anything but stagnant!
@Paytoechip I did not say she was. I would have said you wife if I ment her. I WAS TALKING ABOUT THE IDEA OF ORDER NOT THE PERSON. ORDER(idea) is that everything happens as wanted(for most), while CHAOS(idea) is that un planned(for most) are happening
@Paytoechip to be perfectly honest I always imagined you as the set animal and order as a traditional angel( not biblically accurate)
@Nicolae More than stagnancy, orden is permanence, things not changing. Stagnancy is more the corruption of order, the same way that decadence is the corruption of chaos
@Paytoechip Really? I always Imagined a Multi-Tailed Weasel-Man, Given Their Chaotic Behavior. (Plus, you know, Japanese legend has the EXTREMELY Chaotic Kama-itachi, which are Weasels.) And Order As A Swan, Goose, or Quail person. (Given their whole "walk in orderly lines" and "fly in ordered formation" Thing...). Which would make Astrea a Furry, Flying, Weasel-Swan Girl.(a horrifying monstrosity... but cute as hell)
But I could see a Fox. They are quite chaotic at times.
Hey, it's your Story. We just read it.
@Paytoechip Alright, then instead of evil should I say ba%a$$?
@Paytoechip ... All Fiends are eldritch horrors, but are all eldritch horrors Fiends?