Chapter 1: Another World
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Reiko POV

My eyelids were heavy, really heavy, but not only that, my body couldn't move. It was as if I was a caterpillar still in its cocoon. 

I don't know how much had time passed, I lost count on how many times I tried to get up. It was just so frustrating being stuck in something you don't want to do and no matter what you did no matter how many times you tried you just end up failing over and over again.

I feel like I could just explo- No, no, calm down Rei, let's try it one more time.

One more time...

I put strength into my eyelids, putting all my power into it, I saw light!

YES! Success!

Slowly light filled my eyes and colours quickly followed suit. 

Soon enough, my eyes were wide open!

I was in a sort of field or forest. I was surrounded by trees with enough space for breathing room. There were a couple rocks here and there and also a little, shallow stream. There was one giant tree next to me, providing shade.

Some trees had light blue leaves while others were emerald green. There were many flowers that were pink, red and white.

Growing up in an urban city, I never knew nature could've been this, this beautiful, I almost shed a tear.

Wait, no, no, come on Rei, let's not get distracted.

Alright now that your eyes are open, let's try to get up.



Was, was that my voice?

I laid there in utter shock, because just now, I heard the sweetest, the most angelic voice ever. It was almost sickening. It took me a while for it to register. That couldn't be me right? RIGHT?

Let's calm down, it could just be me going a bit bonkers, I'll try saying something to confirm that I am just delusional.

"I like potatoes, I am potatoes, MY NAME IS REIKO!!!"

Yup, I was not delusional, it was real. There was a rush of shock, confusion and fifty different emotions hitting me all at once. After realising this, everything went black.

My brain had short circuited.


Waking up, I was welcomed to a navy blue light sky. The moon was high up, shining a bright white with a tint of yellow. Stars like polka dots spread all across the sky. It was truly a spectacle, no dark clouds, no light pollution, just the pure natural dark blue. 

After regaining consciousness, a couple things changed, one, well, it was already night time and two my body was easier to move. I was able to get  up and move my neck and arms, although moving my legs was still hard to do, most I could do being wiggling them in place.

I turned my head left and right, processing everything. .

The winds were gentle, lightly caressing my body, cool but not chilly. Everything was just perfect, from the lovely forest, to the serene sky.

Well... Everything would have been perfect, if I wasn't in this body.

I wasn't in my body, actually this was the actual opposite of my original body.

It was tiny, way smaller than my old one. My skin was soft like a plush doll with long white hair as long as my back and well, I was missing my little friend from down under... I'm sorry old friend, I was not able to satisfy you before your passing. 

My cheeks blushed a pink. Ignoring this, I noticed that, everything looked huge from this view; things like bushes and trees that I would usually be taller or be easily able to reach completely dwarfed me.

Also there is this weird fluffy thing behind me.... is that a tail?



A white fluffy tail belonging to a fox or a wolf... Am I even human? Am I like one those animal humans from anime!? Th- th- those cat girls and dog girls and ... I don't know uh... frog girls? 

Hold on...

I reached towards the sides of my head, nothing. I moved it up a bit and then, fluffy. Fluffy kinda thin and triangular in shape...

Oh god I'm not human.

C- calm down Rei, it's no big deal, if I exist then it surely means that more of my kind exists... C- could there be slavery? I mean it's definitely something not impossible, but then what could that mean for me?

Deep breaths me, deep breaths, it's fine, everything is gonna be fine, a- at least, I hope so...

I pulled my legs towards me, hugging them for comfort. Breathing in and out, to put me at ease.

I felt the grass softly caressing me, the breeze gently passing by. Everything, was so much different. The silence differed from the constant noise that was from either the people out on the streets or the constant chirping of crickets. The land looked like a professional painting compared to the drab cityscape.

 Even though everything was so different, from the world to how I looked, one thing still remained the same.

I was alone...

I was starting to get drowsy, my eye lids became heavy, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.


It was around noon, the sun high up in the air accompanied by the occasional cloud. When I woke up I was in the same position as I fell asleep, hugging my legs.

Wait- I was hugging my legs... THAT MEANS I COULD HAVE MOVED MY LEGS!



My mind was set on one goal, that being to leave this place, and this was the first step to that! Never have I ever been this happy or excited like, excluding the reincarnation. Like a kid on Christmas day, I couldn't keep my mouth from smiling.

Putting strength into my legs I tried getting up, it was hard, my legs barely supported my body. Falling down again and again, each time lasting longer than the previous attempt.

Slowly I began getting up, my legs shook my torso clumsily swaying but in the end... IT WAS A SUCCESS!


However I immediately fell down. It was going to be much harder to keep myself up for a while...

A displeased sigh escaped my mouth.

"This is gonna take a while."(Reiko)


Eight hours have passed, since I woke up, the sun had already set and it was getting cold, but I at least am able to walk now! Somewhat.

Granted I am still having problems balancing, but progress is progress.

"Hehe, at this rate I will be leaving in no time. Ok, one more time, just gotta get up and start walking."(Reiko)

I giggled to myself before getting up. I moved my left leg forward then my right. 'Stay steady, keep balance' were words that I kept repeating in my mind. I have made a lot of progress in walking and in no time I think I can be the world's best walker!

Actually, when thinking about, taking eight hours to learn how to walk as an adult is, is kinda sad. But hey who's here to judge.

After a couple more minutes of really hard work, I started feeling tired. It's weird, before I reincarnated I used to be able to go on for days with no sleep, but now I got tired of just walking.


As I yawned, gazing into the starry sky, I felt a sort of disbelief or emptiness, like there is entire galaxy out there and multiple universes. That all my achievements, all my actions amounted to nothing. Would it be better if I just disappeared? I wouldn't feel sad nor would I feel alone,  would I be happier this way? No, stop getting distracted on other things me, my top priority is finding Kana nothing else.

I felt my eyelids slowly closing, my body becoming limp, consciousness becoming hazy, I was off to dream land.


The trees have bloomed flowers. About a week has past since I have been here and all the trees have started blooming flowers.

Not only that but I can walk normally now! Are you proud of me? 1no

Switching back to topic, the trees were like sakuras, except more colourful. The leaves all changed from green and blue to more pinks, purples, yellows and reds. Along with it's already pretty flowers, it was a complete makeover. There was a light glow in the air, the colours ingrained into my eyes.


I could only whisper 'wow' it was just that breathtaking. 

I wonder if more places are like this, I wonder if I can come back here to see it again. You know what I definitely am coming back here, I promise.

Enough dilly dallying, it's time I leave.

It's strange to think that, everything changed so much in this little time and even more strange is that, I got really attached to this place. Although I've been here for roughly a week, it feels nostalgic thinking about everything. I mean yeah, technically this is my home but, I never thought this fondly of the apartment I grew up in. Maybe it's just me wanting to see the flowers bloom again.

Stepping forward, I head steadily towards the foliage, about to leave.


I felt something light land on the top of my head. Reaching towards it, I grabbed and saw what it was.

A flower.

"Is this a parting gift?"(Reiko)

A big smile formed on my face.

"Thank you forest. I hope to see you again"(Reiko)

And just like that I left, excited to start my journey.

"hue- HUECHOO!"(Reiko)

Oh right, I should get some clothes first.

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