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/ Series / Amber the Cursed Berserker – An OP MC Isekai LitRPG
Amber the Cursed Berserker – An OP MC Isekai LitRPG
Amber the Cursed Berserker – An OP MC Isekai LitRPG
157.6k Views 5472 Favorites 108 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 1126 Readers
4.8 (92 ratings)
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What doesn’t kill Amber only makes her stronger.

Without any warning, Amber is transported from her dingy student apartment to a fantastical realm with magic, monsters, and a universal System. However, even though she is forcibly ripped from her home and thrust into a dangerous new life, for the first time ever, she finally feels free.

There are no cheats for her. There are no gods to guide her, and some would even laugh in her face. But the pain, the hardships, and the challenges only give her strength. As the first Cursed Berserker seen in over a hundred years, Amber welcomes the world of Vir with a smile on her face.

And she will not be satisfied until she is the strongest.

Alchemy Assassins Beautiful Female Lead Books College/University Curses Demons Dungeons Elves Fantasy Creatures Fantasy World Female Protagonist Game Elements Gods Healers Helpful Protagonist Level System Strong to Stronger Tomboyish Female Lead Transported into Another World Weak to Strong Witches
Table of Contents 108
  1. Chapter 107.Jul 11, 2024
  2. Chapter 106.Jul 11, 2024
  3. Chapter 105.Jul 10, 2024
  4. Chapter 104.Jul 10, 2024
  5. Chapter 103.Jul 9, 2024
  6.  Chapter 102.Jul 9, 2024
  7.  Chapter 101.Jul 8, 2024
  8.  Chapter 100.Jul 7, 2024
  9.  Chapter 99.Jul 7, 2024
  10. Chapter 98. Jul 7, 2024
  11. Chapter 97. Book 2 EpilogueJun 27, 2024
  12. Chapter 96. Jun 27, 2024
  13. Chapter 95. Jun 26, 2024
  14. Chapter 94. Jun 25, 2024
  15. Chapter 93. Jun 24, 2024
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      Status: chapter 50.

      Good points:

      • Low amount of fluff - the author clearly is a fan of progressing the story and MC relatively quickly without a bunch of slice-of-life chapters.
      • MC character and motivation that works - our female MC has a specific and simple need; to drive herself past her limits. This character trait is consistent throughout the story.
      • MC character is pragmatic and direct. The annoying trait of the reader wondering why the author keeps teasing secrets when all they need is two characters to have a conversation doesn't apply here.
      • The MC has semi frequent moments of self-reflection and doubt about her new life, her old life and her actions which have caused others to die directly or indirectly. This point is in direct opposition to Anything_Random's review where they said " but things like death and pain just don't really affect her". The MC has a small crisis the first time she sees a dead body, and struggles to not to apologize to the people she has to kill. She however is pragmatic and develops her attitude instead of wallowing in self-pity. This is consistent with her driven character trait.
      • World building is decent with nothing inconsistent or inauthentic standing out. The author has set some very high expectations with the teasing of 

        the MC being on a journey to godhood through Essence

        so we will have to see if this plays out well. For what it is - a low fluff - action driven - MC driven RPG novel I think this does it very well. The only singular point to raise is the author could do with a bit more due-diligence with keeping the right pronouns and general spelling up to shape.

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      10 Likes · Like
      Status: chapter 50.

      I really want to love this story despite the misleading premise. It has a a decent plot and system, even though it's pretty derivative, but I just can't get over the writing. The actual prose and storytelling is pretty good, but the writing is rough. Now I know that I care more about this than most, but there's so many basic spelling and grammar errors, as many pronoun errors as a machine-translated Japanese novel, both common and uncommon words used completely incorrectly, and a general lack of care towards editing; it's been getting worse as time goes on so I guess the author is rushing more and more to get chapters out at a high pace. I'd be earnestly shocked if the author reads through a chapter even a single time before publishing at this point. If you only care that it's comprehensible and don't find bad writing to be immersion breaking then it's more like a 4/5, in my opinion.

      Edit: After reading Keene's criticism of my review I've rewritten this part to better convey my thoughts. My actual gripe with the main character and really this whole story is that it betrayed my expectations.

      The title is Amber the Cursed Berserker which instantly made me think I'm going to be reading a serious, tragic, dark, and/or brooding story. In reality, the entire story is extremely light in tone. The MC is just a somewhat generic aloof, good-guy, battle-maniac isekai protagonist.

      It seems like the story is intentionally trying to gloss over all the bad stuff and not dwell on it too much to get to the next fight scene. The MC just feels no angst about anything in the story. With pretty much no explanation whatsoever the MC can completely shrug off any form of physical pain. I kinda understand wanting to write it like that since some stories are too gratuitous with torturing their MCs, but that's not the only thing. The MC just keeps walking by terrible things and going "Well, that sucks" and then she goes off on her next adventure. She develops a quirky and comedic coping mechanism to assuage herself of the guilt of killing humans instead of contemplating things any deeper. Like yes, you could say that she's acting pragmatically and I know some people love the idea of hyper-rational MCs, but when the main character has so little internal conflict the whole story just feels a bit hollow.

      My problem isn't even that this is unrealistic or bad character writing or something. My problem is that this isn't a berserker story. At no point in the story does Amber go berserk. She has an aggressive fighting style, but she's completely in control the whole time. She has a 'rage' skill that doesn't even make her feel angry. She gets an ability that sounds like the most quintessential 'lose control of yourself in battle' skill but the system just says "lol never mind, this has zero downsides." Amber is not a berserker, she's just an average isekai protagonist that fights very aggressively. You could replace the word 'berserker' with something like 'warrior' everywhere in the story and nothing would change.

      The story goes so far out of its way to stop her from feeling conflicted that sometimes it feels very disconcerting. Even when she sees:


      an innocent person being tortured for information, all she can think is, "she had to commend [the knight's] resolve to do that without hesitation." and, "she wanted to say she felt bad⁠, but she didn't."


      Anyways, I'm being pretty negative, but as I said, if the writing quality was higher I'd give this a 4/5. You can look at the other reviews to see why people like this. Even though this doesn't totally appeal to me. If you just like LitRPGs with (so far) well-thought-out systems and a lot of fight scenes, then you'll probably still enjoy this.

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      7 Likes · Like
      Status: chapter 70.

      She has 3 brain cells, want to fight strong opponents, and the plot are not overly complicated. It's refreshing to see a MC that is not even interested in the working of the magic, if it works it chops (heads). The story is not long (some stories are like at 10% of the FIRST plot after 180 chapter) and overall it's a good read. Good story = good author ?

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      3 Likes · Like
      Status: chapter 50.

      Great writing skills, great story. One of the best FMC. So far, I have met three female characters here on SH, with whom I fell in love. Alysara from  "The Reincarnation of Alysara", Elizabeth Von Roseblood from the "The Villainess doesn’t care about the main plot" and now Amber. 

      Thank you for inviting us on this incredible journey! I will remain your loyal reader!

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      3 Likes · Like
      Status:  chapter 30. 

      Refreshing story with decent plot. Highly recommend it.

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