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Tree of Aeons (an Isekai Story)
Tree of Aeons (an Isekai Story)
2.04M Views 17720 Favorites 81 Chapters 1 Chapters/Week 9028 Readers
4.6 (1548 ratings)
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Story about Matt an OP tree in a fantasy world.

Contains timeskips (lots of it), citybuilding/dungeonbuilding…

Warning :
Chapters 3 to 41 has been deleted as Tree of Aeons gets ready for it's amazon release. Thanks for your support.

Chapters 42 to 81 has been deleted for the Book 2 Launch on 28 June 2023

Game Elements Kingdom Building Magic Beasts Non-human Protagonist Non-humanoid Protagonist Overpowered Protagonist Reincarnated as a Monster Reincarnated as an Object Reincarnated into Another World World Tree
Table of Contents 81
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    Status: entree keys

    It's very good story, it may not be for everyone because of it's, and I would say so myself, a really interesting and original type of view, but it's a really good read, there are good characters, interesting plot and it's not rushed. I myself am really enjoying it and can recommend it.

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    Status: the tree’s first years

    I love this story so much each chapter gets better and better.

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    Status: tree of classes

    Dear author 

    Your story is one of the best I ever found on this site but the waiting is absolutely hellish. Please could you update more frequently hehehe 

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    Status: part time

    I love that story. Because it's different of many isekay. I like it because you can all the time analyzed all the characters  because everyone it's different and have one personality. I think the world it's not black or white. You have many "vérité"

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    Status: 1. the tree’s first years

    great novel.

    1star for deleting chapters again, and this time without even saying why or even that he deleted chapters.

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    Status: trees of the abyss

    A fantastic first-rate story. The world-building takes the adventure to a whole new level. The interactions with the characters make sense and you never feel that our MC made a dumb decision. The pacing and progression are skillfully done and at the level that the sheer amount of time skips feels natural. Our MC is a tree and it truly feels like he is one. It perfectly encapsulates the best parts of city building and gaining strength. A big issue I see in city builders is that the MC becomes lazy and never grows; forever a static character. This story gives the reader the feeling of expansion and advancement. All stories where the MC has a system are the result of the human desire for progress and this story indeed does it best. The skill acquisition makes sense, the laws and fundamentals of the universe are fleshed out, there are up and downs in the story but never a boring moment. In all this story is one of the best I have read and I cannot wait for more from this author.

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    Status: c190

    tldr: try it out if you can stick through the first few chapters I think it's worth it.

    I'm struggling to decide a rating. Personally, I want to give this a 4 but looking at it as a whole I'll maybe give it a 3 for now because the elements I like probably aren't for everyone. It has a thorough approach towards world building which I absolutely love but that is it's biggest pro and con. If you like world building this is a story for you but if you only moderately like it this might be a bit too slow in the early chapters. That's one star off for most people but the second star is this work needs a bit of polish for consistency. Some character personalities and decisions of the side cast just don't make sense for what they show. Nothing too unforgivable but a round of revision and editing would really help the flow of the story. If you read the comments for the first 50ish chapters someone will always ask something and then maybe a couple chapters later it'll be addressed in the story. One example was about a character's arm which really should've been addressed at an earlier point. 

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    Status: horizon of trees

    Best webnovel I've read, it always keeps things moving and varies it up every so often and the best part is that there's always an identifiable and useful upgrade for the main character in the horizon, it also doesnt stray from the premise of being a giant tree, no bullcrap about being a human shaped tree and getting a harem or something along those lines. 

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    Status: priming the land

    I love the world building and the fact that the MC doesn't get a human form, it makes sure that both the author, and him THINK. It's also very interesting how bthe MC slightly shifts over the years

    my only problem is, trying to find something you missed can be really confusing, with no chapter numbers

    for example


    he told Stella, Kei, and his avatar priest about his earth origins, but I can't for the life of me find WHERE


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    Status: c0

    The MC is a f**king idiot can't think for himself at all 100+ years and he's still wining like a bitch about stupid things and it's annoying he's not wise can't even think ahead of time and make some good decisions everything he does he asks his goons if he should do it he's no better than a dumb person and I've read all the chapters and he doesn't change one bit not even 1% he's been alive for so long yet he still has the mindset of a human pathetic honestly people just uses him he's no better than a regular tree sprit you'd think after living so long you'd at least have common sense to know that you can't f**king show your heart to some random adventure idiot one Stab and you'll be dead I wish he would just die already so stupid and I lost a few brain cells reading this the guy will be stuck on one basic question for an entire chapter and every second he makes or does something stupid like some bitch ass it really pissed me off and the author doesn't even listen to us and change anything

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