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Isekai Harem of Smut and Magic
Isekai Harem of Smut and Magic
1.11M Views 8999 Favorites 80 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 4454 Readers
4.1 (186 ratings)
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The World of Hekalys
Violet's explored map
Slade (main character)

Slade is the classic Isekai protagonist.

Mediator - decrease morale penalty from interracial conflicts
Pushover - decrease charisma
Reluctant Leader - personal moral penalty according to the size of the supervised army

Personality traits
He is strongly driven by emotions, which are kept in check by a pinch of logic.

He is deeply affected by his values, which act as a lodestar for his decision making. Acting against his values is psychology taxing.

However, as an isekaied person, his values are strongly rooted in Earth's culture (stuff like the golden rule "don't do to others what you don't want done to you"). This sometimes clashes with the nature of Hekalys.

He discovers the ruthlessness of Hekalys through the gnoll's misfortunes, and learns about the value of cruelty from Shaki's teaching.

Slade is a pushover in the sense that he's easily swindled/convinced when it's about "what's

best for everyone". He's more inclined to pursue optimal equilibrium

than Nash equilibrium even if it works worse for him, and he'll

stubbornly refuse a solution if it leaves someone behind (like the gnoll

or the beholders).

Before being isekaied, he always felt like an outsider, unable to fit in society.
Being in a new world didn't change his desire to be accepted and loved. Therefore, he is eager to be acknowledged by Violet, his sovereign.

Notable skills

Corruption: injects corrupted mana into a target, granting special skills.

Alchemical Synthesize: produce chemical compounds of toilet slimes or whatever Slade has eaten.
Shapeshift (passive): changes his slime shape.
Shapeshift (active): imitate a lifeform he has eaten.
Spliceshift: transform into a chimera made of two shapeshift forms.

Violet Ylenward


Violet Ylenward is an old warlock, born for the purpose of serving the Shadow Lord. She was granted the rank of Sovereign, allowing her to rule a dungeon town and summon artificial soldiers known as Pawns and Rooks.

Her current duty is to hide a tunnel under construction, and was sent with her faithful rook, Lorely, in addition to two recent rooks, Milia and Shaki.

She is a timid airhead, passionate about strange magic. She often neglects her basic needs for the sake of research.

Because of her reclusive nature and unreliability as a sovereign, Violet has a hard time facing Milia.

Lorely's portrait
Lorely is an Harpy Hag.

Violet's first rook. She stayed at Violet's side since her childhood.

She is caring, and sometimes annoys Violet by being too clingy.

Despite being the highest level hero among Violet's rook, she is specialized in scouting and is extremely cowardly.

Her favorite activity is kidnapping Violet and carrying her around.

Her name is stolen from Lorelei, a dungeon hero whose specialty is Harpies.

Milia's portrait

Milia is Violet's new minotaur rook.


She doesn't have a loyal relationship with her sovereign. She hates rules, always pushing her master to the limits. This only strains her relationship with Lorely.

Thankfully, her disobedience is kept in check by her lover, Shaki.

Personality traits

At a surface level, Milia is impulsive. Deeper, she's perceptive of her surrounding and likes to interact with it. She makes quick logical judgements and acts on them.

But her thinking process doesn't account probabilities and what-if scenarios, so she appears retarded sometimes. Her lightning speed reaction/decision-making (however flawed it can be) is what makes her a strong fighter.

Restricting herself is more psychology taxing for her than acting upon the external world towards a goal (it feels like anxiety).

She can be socially charming, but she doesn't like wasting energy on courtesy when she thinks someone is wrong.

She rates her self worth with elements grounded in reality, such as her body, her beauty, being the strongest, having the top score, etc...

She appears superficial and narcissistic because 1. she puts so much efforts on external things 2. She rates other people with same metrics, but they often don't value the same things as her.

Yet despite all that, she grows to admire Shaki and Slade for their passionately strong will.


She likes food, scary movies, weapons, muscles and sex.

She hates staying indoor, boredom, rules.

Shaki is Violet's new troglodyte rook.

She's professional with Violet and Lorely.

She's Milia's lover.

Personality traits
She's dutiful, straightforward and consistent.

She appears cold because she sticks to her rules, but compassion and insecurity hide behind her wall.

Dungeon Overlord are traditionally ruthless and cruel to their pawns and enemies. Therefore, she only keep her gentle side to her closest friends.

She admires Milia for enjoying life, not caring about the unimportant stuff. Together, Shaki gets swept in Milia's energy for fun adventures, but it turns really stressful when the stakes are high.

They do keep some distance, because Shaki can't handle Milia's chaotic nature all day.

Being exposed to chaos is mentally taxing to Shaki. That's why she limits her contact with Milia to only the week ends.

She does feel a bit guilty about pushing Milia away, when she's too tired to deal with her.

She likes napping, music, running, chilling outside, food and cooking with Milia.
She dislikes dealing with people.
Combat System
Primary stats/skills


They are Attack, Defense, Spellpower and Attunement.

The H.E.R.O. system estimates the battle power with those four primary skills. It also strengthen the skills of heroes (rooks and contracted natives) upon leveling up. 

The commanding hero's skills apply to pawns if they are led with a warbanner.

Attack and Defense influence the damage dealt.

Spellpower determines the intensity of a spell.

Attunement indicates the size of the mana pool, its regeneration, and magic defense.


Secondary skills


Those skills are passive and have a wide impact.

A hero/rook can only have 8 secondary skills equipped at a time. They can only be changed at a town Core.

They can provide advantages out of combat, e.g. scouting, pathfinding, logistics, estate, diplomacy.

They can have a direct impact on battles, e.g. weaponsmith, armorer, balistics.

They can influence the hero's mastery over magic, e.g. elemental magic expertise, mysticism, scholar, eagle eye.


Faction skills


Faction skills are mainly used in battle. They are defining features of the factions.

They are generally useable once per encounter.

Though heroes can learn every faction skills, they can only equip three out of the seven skills.
They can switch their skills depending on the situation before battles.
Heroes have bonus to their race's skill, e.g. Shaki's Meatshield is more potent because she's a troglodyte.


Personal skills


Those skills are learned from repetitive actions.

Unlike secondary skills that are passive and faction skills that are exclusively for battle, personal skills can be active and useable out of battle.

They usually have small impacts. For instance, it can be language, giving someone a massage, cleaning difficult stains...


Weapon arts


The weapons of Hekalys are special. They are infused with spirit - the crystallization of a concept, a will or a philosophy. This extends to any equipments (armors too).

When its wielder is aligned with its concept, they can unleash weapon arts, such as the activation of Gnoll King's Buckler: Tribe Guardian in chapter 18 by Milia, when she braces to block the Integral Convergence for everyone.
There are many ways to infuse a weapon with spirit. It can be:
  • a weapon passed down from generation to generation in a family of warrior, honing a single skill
  • artifacts, sealed with ancient warriors.
  • blades that soaked in the blood of countless enemies
Weapons are carefully maintained and constantly reforged to preserve their weapon art. For instance, broken weapons or inferior spirit weapons can be fed to another spirit, enhancing the new weapon.
Naturally, the method of infusion will impact the concept and the skill that the weapon will crystallize. For instance, a defensive art cannot be born from smacking a shield into enemies.
Once a spirit-infused weapon is acquired, the warrior can learn the weapon art and manifest weaker version with any weapon of the same category. For instance, if Milia spends a lot

of time with the Gnoll King's Buckler, she may learn Tribe Guardian and

protect her adjacent allies with any buckler.

As a result, surprising, impractical or flashy weapons can become threatening. For instance:
  • Swords may be used as main weapon instead of polearms in warfare.
  • Whips are actually threatening.
  • One can't be too cautious of a grandma dual-wielding a worn slipper and a dented laddle as main weapons
Weapon arts have all their own characteristics. Some can be used at-will, others are only useable once per day. Some consums a lot of mana, some cost no resources.
Spell weaving is separated in two phase:
1. Drawing sigils
2. Channeling mana through them in correct order, rhythm and mental image

Spell weaving can be done with multiple contributors. But the spellpower is only determined by the strongest caster, excepted when skills are involved.

Earth Magic

Summon Earth Elemental

View Earth


Detect the position of nearby heroes, resources and towns.

Can be disturbed and detected by amulets. It is used cautiously to probe at unclaimed resources.




Create a small spatial singularity for localized damage.


Used in chapter: 19, 20


Air Magic




Reduce the damage and accuracy of incoming ranged attacks.


Used in chapter: 17



Dimension Door

Water Magic


Fire Magic

Dungeon Skills
Faction philosophy


The skills of Dungeon follow the philosophies of ruthlessness, terror

and cruelty. This symbolizes the constant struggle of its denizens.

Lurking in the shadows of the underworld, they live in cold and bleak tunnels. As a result, they are in a constant competition for scarce resources.
They are jealous of the Surface, which is blessed by the Sun and its abundant Life. That's why, they will someday claim it all.

Troglodyte Meatshield


A minion's job is to die as an extra. Being a generous leader, an Overlord is always ready to offer a hand for that.
Block: Sacrifice a Troglodyte pawn to defend against the next incoming attack (lasts about two seconds).


used in chapter: 19

Harpy Gale



Beholder Convergence


When you plot world conquest with your homies...
Magic: Adds the user's spellpower to a magic regardless of the spellpower of the other casters.


Used in chapter: 21

Medusa Glare


Crowd Control

Minotaur Avalanche


I can't punch you without approaching first.
Footwork: Increase speed and bonus damage.


Used in chapter: 18

Manticore Deceit



Dragon Roar


Crowd Control + Cleanse
The fuck is going on? (Backstory)

Isekai Harem of Smut and Magic clearly doesn't follow the lore of its inspiration (Might and Magic). Therefore, there's no Enroth or Kreegan or spacenuke.

Instead, the story takes place in the world of Hekalys (furtively mentioned in chapter 1).

That world suffered a war long of 658 years. Now, what's the reason for the war?


The Battle of Cosmic Shards pits 12 factions against each others. Except Castle of Light, every faction is ruled by a human possessing a Cosmic shard.

Each shard grants an irresistible amount of power to its owner. The faction ruler can lend the powers of Sovereign to his vassals, allowing them to summon artificial creatures from other dimensions.

That way, a minority of humans can monopolize an immense power to achieve their goal. The ambitious rulers naturally fought over territory and people.

During the war, the powerless majority found the power to oppose the oppression of the cosmic shards. The Castle of Light faction is a faith that allows its believers to awaken the power of Hero, to chase away the otherwordly invaders flooding in Hekalys from the summoning rituals. 

Table of Contents 80
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    Status: chapter 33 nsfw

    For me this read somewhat like a crossover between old-school erotica with sketches, and a script for a comic. The sketch idea is cute, it's small sketches/drawings to visualize the story. I haven't seen much of that style outside fanzines from the 90's. At some point the drawings went from depicting what the reader "sees" to illustrating who says what in a chat-style manner. It's nice to see the Author's take on this... so: one point for doing something not everyone does, and subtract one for inconsistency.

    What I really liked about the story, was the light playful tone, the feeling of characters goofing off and exploring their world. Shure it's smut, but that's not all of the story. Progressivly through the chapters that part fades out tho: it went from goofing around to hentai cliches sourrounding rape, incest, and tentacles. I don't mind the topics, nor the genres, but it's just an endless stream of cliches - without playing those well. Perhaps it's just another story stereotype the author is playing around with, or perhaps not. Time will tell.

    Language or grammar wise the story is ok. I'm not quite sold of reading something like a comic script, that style might be fast paced, but it leaves out anything like the effects of a detailed description or suspence.

    Parts of this story is not on ScribbleHub. The Author describes it as bonus content. For me that's a dealbreaker. I'm here to read the story, not to get links to another site.

    So, to summarize: The first 20 chapters or so - 4, 5 stars, brilliant ideas, overall a lot of fun ideas and concept. Past chapter 29'sih - 3, 5 stars. Too heavy on cliches, and it just stopped being good.

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    9 Likes · Like
    Status: ongoing

    This is such a hilarious book, the drawings that the author make are fantastic and makes it easier to follow along as well as the plot is amazing and the comedy just makes this story perfect.

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    3 Likes · Like
    Status: update list

    I think it's the very first homm3 fic I've read:)

    I really enjoyed it and I hope you'll continue it.

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    Status: prologue ♥

    It's pretty good, the author uses images to compensate for scenes and text to compensate his illustrations. This way  the reader gets the best of both.

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    2 Likes · Like
    Status: chapter 4

    I love the humour and the incredible illustrations. The scenes are great too! Will see how it progresses from here!

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    2 Likes · Like

    For the first 3 chapters (4 if the prologue is imcluded) was absolute trash AND I LOVE IT it was so clichéd it was good imo I have seen my fair share of smut content but this is maybe one of my top 50s just because it embraces how it's so trash, but the art is about b-tier which is just good, not great, just good

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    2 Likes · Like
    Status: Ongoing

    This is a really good story I love where it's going and cant wait to see the next ep.

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    2 Likes · Like
    Status: chapter 3 (nsfw 18+, censored)

    One of the funniest and best written smuts I've read in (sadly) a long time. 

    It has drawings (the kind that makes you more immersed in the story and not the kind that throws you off) so that's a plus.

    The universe it's based on is one of my favorites as well so that's another plus.

    Grammar is 10/10 I haven't noticed any issues. Plus.

    Smut scenes (only one so far) are... "very well written", if you know what I mean *wink wink*. A big plus.

    I think that's 3+2 plus? Guess that's a 5 stars!

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    2 Likes · Like
    Status: chapter 10 – stealth

    Overall, it's really good! The comedy is good, as well as the nsfw. The sketches are a very nice addition. While sometimes they do look a little strange, it's still better than nothing. Plus I have a hard time visualizing things, so having a sketch to go off for characters locations etc. Is very helpful. Overall it's been a great read so far. If I don't change my review, then note that this still stands for the rest of the novel.

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    1 Likes · Like
    Status: ongoing

    Nice lighthearted fun so far. Good smut and decent writing. Looking forward to where the story takes us.

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