Harem story set in a fantasy world. Contains smut, shape-shifting slime girls, pregnancy, and incest. Should not be read by anyone. Period!
Teenage monster tamer, Cole, is forced to move away from the city when the family business of selling tamed slimes grows too popular. He leaves behind his almost girlfriend only to find several new ones waiting for him on the edge of the Slime Forest.
First off, know the story has been dropped. The author hasn't even logged in since a few weeks after claiming to not be dropping it back in 2020. It is now 2023.
1 star... all I can give it.
The good:How this story approaches slime monsters and some of the ways they could be used by a magical society is down right genius. The MC, Cole, starts out surprisingly smart, collected, calm, and competent. He can think on his feat, isn't very flustered by female presences, and skilled both martially and magically. But, he isn't brokenly OP. His family is large, loving, but also real. They have their moments of friction just like any other large family. The town and the greater world feels alive and realistic as well, the authors pays good attention to keeping a coherent world both for the story and the level of tech one might expect.
The bad:The mother is, honestly, stupid in many ways. Her son has many qualities of a chad with regards to his ability to attract women. He isn't a playboy though. Still he has no problem getting a girlfriend and his mother pushes a different girl at him instead, one who just so happens to have more than a few poor qualities, especially when compared to the girl he started to date. Then the girl his mother pushes on him, not quite, but just about reverse rapes him using black mail... At this point the story turns decidedly south. It has also been thoroughly derailed from being focused around slimes and the breeding of them by this point...
The ugly:Didn't think it could get worse? Yep it does. The story then gets even worse with many of the positive qualities for Cole and his first sister alike both going out the window. The mother also gets even worse acting not much better than a bit*h in heat as far as trying to set her kids up so she can have grandkids ASAP. Only way this story could get worse is if the mother started trying to sleep with her own son.
I'm not against incest in general, but if a story is going to go that route, it needs to be done properly. This is not the proper way to do it.
Summary:The author starts out strong, easily 4/5 stars, borderline 5, professional publishing worthy. However, it quickly goes down hill and loses its purpose as the author begins to focus shipping various characters with very little sense behind them and machinations from a mother who isn't very smart. RIP slimes, your place in the center of the story will be remembered.
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I have a very good reason for my rating, because something here hit a nerve for me. If you're a strongly principled person when it comes to leading healthy relationships, chapter 14 is pure sin, and I don't mean that in a positive way. And yes, this is the sole reason why I give this a 2 star rating, because it's otherwise fine, really. 4 star territory if it weren't for this.
I know some might think that I'd be to extreme with my view, but Madison deserves to be fired from her position to go back to fend for herself. The only way chapter 14 is even feasible to me is the fact that we're reading about teenagers, and teenagers do dumb sh*t, so Cole gives in to being blackmailed into a relationship. Thinks himself so smart, has many satisfying ways to get of and was about to make a healthy relationship with a girlfriend who was interested in him in a seemingly healthy way. Throws it away by thinking with his d*ck. For me, this just instantly killed all interest I had in the story, and then it didn't manage to recover that by maybe reflecting about the situation trying to make it better or anything, so I have to drop it here.
E: Star rating not currently working for me, whatevs, can't be bothered.
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I can't help but want to read more. This is one of the better slice-of-life books that I've ever read. This book is the only one I've seen that accurately displays what slime tamers would actually use their slimes for (you know what I'm talking about). I've read a few books about slime taming, and they portrayed their usages as cleaners and a disposable army really well, but it was always missing what any normal man would use them for. The grammar and punctuation are also quite outstanding. I'm usually quite a stickler for grammar, so seeing it done well always puts a smile on my face and makes my reading that much more enjoyable. The relationship dynamic between the family and friends are also really well portrayed, making me feel like I'm actually reading about a normal but slightly quirky family. The characters actually feel like they could be real people, with all their flaws and imperfections. Best of all, there's no over the top drama/tragedy that makes me want to scream in frustration. Nor are there any convoluted misunderstandings that will go on until I'm pissed enough to break another keyboard. It's just a lighthearted and slightly smutty slice-of-life story, with enough plot to make me feel like I'm reading a proper novel (a good one at that). As opposed to just reading some smut strung together by a disposable plot and two-dimensional characters. All in all, it's a really nice mix of just the right elements to make it an enjoyable read.
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Charming, light-hearted and beautifully written. This is among the nicest slice-of-life-sort stories I have read in a while. The family dynamic and relationships are nicely shown. Characters are believably portrayed and developed. There is just enough of relaxing plot and some tension in the right mix. Read through all 19 chapters in a breeze. No extreme drama, convoluted misunderstandings or edgy action/dialogues.
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Let me say first that I personally think this novel is worth reading, especially if you want a break from standart isekai/fantasy-world fodder, where the protagonist/author avoids s*x for some cheap reason or another. This one is pretty much the opposite.
The writing style is OK, better than translated Japanese novels but not great either. But it does not have to be in my opinion, as long as it delivers on the XXX content, which is does.
That being out of the way, it does get weird sometimes. The cringe is very strong, especially in chapter 12. From there it gets better, but only slightly. Maybe I just got used to it.
Also, the protagonist is a teenager who never even kissed a girl, but gets painted as being super smooth in handling s*x and relationship stuff with several girls and monster (girl) s simultaneously. My ability to suspend disbelieve got overtaxed several times.
At the end of the day it is still a comparatively decent ero novel though, so there is that. Also, promises of incest.
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The most frustrating part about you leaving this story is how well you captured an easy-going life. &Nbsp;I hope you come back so I can continue reading this story.
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I enjoyed the story from start to finish for the most part. I didn't like how Cole made a promise to Maria, and then conveniently broke it seemingly the same day. But that was the only part I really disliked. It's almost at the 2-year mark since this was last updated, if you include the AN at the end, but I'm hoping the author comes back to this really soon, because this is a damn decent story.
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Never knew how much I wanted slime s*x until now. Now, I can't get enough. Unfortunately, I can't find anything similar to this anywhere else. Apart from the slime stuff, which I enjoy, there was incest, which I also enjoy. Honestly, I think you convoluted the story too much with romance, though I personally only wanted this for the smut. I think if you had focused less on the romance and tried to do more world building, you could have had a story with some real potential. It is hard to find a balance between different genres, especially something overbearing like smut and something needing a lot of detail, like romance. All in all, a decent story I hope to see continued with more focus on the slime s*x and incest. However, if you decided to do something requiring more skill and depth, I will still probably read it.
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I hope more slime varients get added later on, but overall a very good start.
Story 4.5/5
Grammer 5/5 didn't notice any errors
Lewds 4/5 good lewds but not detailed for a perfect score from me
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It's so well written that I have developed a slime fetish. The story is short, so to summarize, the main character is nice, the plot is interesting and I liked it. Satisfied with what I read.
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