672 Views 0 Favorites 32 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 22 Readers 0 Reviews 162.1k Words Nov 24, 2023 AWEdmundson A Quantum Age fairy tale about birds, bunnies, bilingualism, and lunacy
Fires will be started, babies will be stolen, asylums will be broken out of,
... more>> spaceships will be piloted, and zombies will be cured (just not all at the same time).
When: 1952 A.D.
Where: America
Who: Grace Grey. A girl out of time, whose precocious mental state would only be diagnosed in the future, but could only be understood in the distant past.
Why: Why not?
How: Brain signals sent to fingers typing on a keyboard attached to a computer attached to a plug attached to an electrical socket attached to a power grid.
Is this the heir of Roald Dahl, The Phantom Tollbooth, and Lemony Snicket? Probably not, but it’s a fun ride.
Rated: PG
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