143.6k Views 3908 Favorites 125 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 728 Readers 0 Reviews 202.2k Words Jun 9, 2024 Jack_simth Alex Abrams, accomplished archeologist and table top gaming geek, finally found real magic - but he's not going to be able to sell it to his boss or write about anything in Archeology Annual: Because he found it by a one-way dimensional portal, which yes, gave him all the power he can stomach, but also threw him into a world of starships. But truth to tell, he doesn't want to use it on himself much... because power has a price.
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And it’s pink.
Slow transformation (male to female) of the MC, in a mixed magic and scifi universe.
A couple of notes:
1) I don't know where I'm going with this, I'm mostly writing for my own entertainment.
2) I'm mostly writing from mobile while exercising outside, and don't have an editor
a) This means posting will be erratic
b) I will also occasionally have spelking mistakes and missing or incorrect works due to autocomplete and fat fingering. Feel free to point them out, but do try to be polite.
3) On tags: There’s disagreement on how "weighty" they should be, and very little practical guidance on their use. "It shows up once" vs. "major theme of the story" kind of thing. So I don't really know what to do with them. Feel free to make suggestions, though.