In this Choose Your Destiny novel, you get to make the choices that determine the outcome of the story. It's like being the star of your own adventure! You might be faced with a dilemma: should you go into the dark cave or explore the sunny meadow? It's up to you to decide!
Choose Your Destiny novels are full of surprises. With every choice you make, you could end up in danger, meet new friends, or discover hidden treasures.
The best part about these novels is that you can go back and make different choices to see what would have happened if you had taken a different path. So dive into one today and see where your choices take you!
Genre: Pick Your Own Adventure and Choose Your Path, Multiple Endings.
Note: This is not the poll type.
What can I say? I’ve always loved interactive fiction and choose your own adventure type games. Now a novel where I can do that?! Absolutely smashing~ I wish I could find more of this, though it is short, you will love every bit of it.
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