Bai Yiyan immediately turned to stone. He sat frozen without so much as a blink. As if his brain had short-circuited.
Seeing Bai Yiyan's reaction, Xiao Songfen suddenly felt a little self-conscious.
(Does this count as sexual harassment of a minor?)
He quickly let go of Bai Yiyan’s lips and held the chopsticks out. His palm faced down intending to drop them into his disciple's hands.
Bai Yiyan looked at him in confusion.
“Your lips touched them. It’s yours. Unless you want me to use them?”
“A-ah! No I-yes.” Bai Yiyan quickly received the chopsticks with two hands and a flustered face.
Xiao Songfen nodded towards the steaming bowls of noodle soup.
“Eat. Before the broth cools.”
The awkward moment passed and they both turned their attention to the hearty meal.
They dined quietly. Not even the clinking of eating utensils could be heard. Poised and elegant movements. As expected of heavenly cultivators.
Sounds of creaking wheels interrupted the peaceful evening.
“Selling protection amulets against demonic cultivators! Buy one for yourself and your loved ones!”
Xiao Songfen’s ears perked up. Though he had adjusted comfortably to this world, the thought of spiritual items still felt very new. He looked up from his nearly finished meal towards the direction of the loud voice.
A greasy vendor was selling superstitious-looking items, slowly pushing a wheelbarrow of goods down the alley. Once he found a good spot, he began to wave his products in the air. A whole slew of words touting their efficacy spewed from his mouth as he attracted people with colorful boisterous speech.
"Protection against hexes and curses! Resistance against demonic possession! Proven to have once saved the emperor himself from falling prey to demonic cultivation. Just five copper coins! Today you may be safe, but who knows what tomorrow will bring! Come, come! Only today can you get a good price! Only five copper coins!"
The commotion disturbed the regular customers at Uncle Su's restaurant who were displeased that their quiet alley had turned into an auction house.
“Ai...who is that shady-looking guy? So noisy.” One of Uncle Su's regular customers sitting behind them grumbled. His companion answered him in a laidback manner.
“There has been a lot of them loitering around. Rumors of the revival of Yin City have been circulating. All sorts of people have been taking advantage of those rumors to make a quick profit."
Hearing this, the customer looked around before leaning forward to whisper to his companion. With advanced cultivation, Xiao Songfen's keen ears had no problem eavesdropping.
“Do you think these rumors are true? Yin City was completely crushed to dust by the Orthodox Sect Alliance back then, but that person was never caught...what if he is still alive...”
His voice trailed off near the end.
His companion shrugged.
“Who knows. What use is there in worrying? When there is war between cultivators who are basically half-gods, where can we run? Non-cultivators like us can only sit and pray in hopes that we don’t get caught in between as collateral damage.”
The pair sighed and clinked together their teacups in tacit agreement.
“Shizun, a second bowl is really too much for me.”
The sound of chopsticks being set down at his table pulled Xiao Songfen’s attention back.
Bai Yiyan who had only just recovered from motion sickness now seemed to be suffering from overeating.
He had managed to finish off an entire bowl, but it was not without consequences. His stiff facial expression from sword flying earlier made a reappearance at the table. He looked like he was about to burst.
Uncle Su had been too generous with the portion size.
“Give it here. I will finish it.”
Xiao Songfen reached out and pulled the second untouched bowl towards himself. Despite a slim physique, Xiao Songfen had not been satisfied with just one bowl. He did not require daily sustenance at his current stage of cultivation, but it certainly did not stop him from having an appetite for something tasty.
His chopsticks moved so fast they seemed to blur. Noodles looked like they just disappeared into thin air under the weimao veil.
Bai Yiyan watched him in awe as Xiao Songfen downed the entire portion in less than a hundred breaths1A poetic way ancient Chinese way of measuring time. One breath is approximately 1-3 secs. So 100 breaths is like ~3-4 min.. He looked relieved that he didn't have to finish a second bowl.
As if he had telepathy, Uncle Su appeared in front of them without needing to be waved down.
“Have you young masters finished your meals? Is there anything else you need?”
Xiao Songfen took out a handkerchief and brought it under the weimao veil to wipe his mouth.
“No, we are done.” He answered.
He stood up from the table and looked at Bai Yiyan.
“Let's go. We should resolve the issue of your robes and head home.”
Bai Yiyan nodded and together, they began to make their way towards the store entrance. On the way, Xiao Songfen caught sight of the vendor boy sitting behind the counter. The boy looked sullen. He had been given a severe scolding in the back kitchen earlier.
They left the noodle shop and only made it down a few streets before Xiao Songfen slowly came to a stop. He looked up towards the clear sky and crossed his arms, sighing up and down in exasperation.
Xiao Songfen had only just started cleaning up after OG Huan's messes today. He really was in no position right now to be taking on more charity cases.
Ha...but he had a soft spot for orphans.
Bai Yiyan looked at his master's still back in confusion.
Xiao Songfen muttered quietly under his breath.
"...my damn conscience...ugh why am I like this..."
He turned and swiftly walked back to the noodle shop, making a direct path to the counter where the vendor boy was still sitting.
“What is your name?” He spoke abruptly.
(Let's just consider this as one good deed a day'.)
The boy looked up in surprise.
“Lu….Lu Hao.” He stuttered.
“Lu Hao, how old are you?”
“I turned twelve last month.”
“Good. The Qingshan Sect holds aptitude entrance exams for new disciples twice a year. You should consider applying for the one scheduled this fall.”
Lu Hao’s mouth fell open in shock. Bai Yiyan’s eyes widened behind Xiao Songfen.
Uncle Su, who had just seen off a customer, dropped the payment he had received. The copper coins hit the dirt floor with muted little thuds. He scrambled to pick them up and pocket them before rushing to stand next to Lu Hao.
“A-are you certain Second Young Master Xiao?" He sputtered. "He is just a normal child from a family of non-cultivators. He has never practiced any martial arts.”
Uncle Su felt both excited and afraid for his nephew. He was very fond of Lu Hao. After all, the child had a good heart and was the only thing left to remind him of his late sister.
But his nephew to enter the cultivation world? There must be a misunderstanding.
Xiao Songfen gave a short laugh.
“There is no mistake, I can sense it. His spiritual root is of good quality and he is at a good age for cultivation. I do not see why he cannot be a successful cultivator.”
Xiao Songfen took out a thin bamboo bookmark the size of his palm from his spatial storage ring. It had his name neatly engraved on it.
“If money is an issue, I will pay for it. Present this to the examiner when the time comes.”
He set it on the counter and looked at the boy.
“My offer won’t expire. Take your time making a decision.”
Uncle Su and Lu Hao had no time to respond. As quickly as he came, Xiao Songfen turned and left with Bai Yiyan. The weimao veil fluttered as he departed and the evening light shined on his figure, giving him a gentle halo.
(Truly like an immortal...) was Lu Hao's last thought.
There was a large tailoring shop they had passed by earlier called Sanchuan Silks2Sānchuān sīchóu 三川丝绸.
Xiao Songfen lacked geographic knowledge, but his memory was quite good. He accurately retraced their steps. As they walked, Xiao Songfen noticed the distance at which Bai Yiyan was following him seemed to have widened again.
He frowned and turned to study his disciple.
The bright aura that Bai Yiyan had when they first set off from Liushu Peak seemed to have dimmed significantly. He stopped and waited for Bai Yiyan to catch up to him before reaching out to place a hand on his disciple's shoulder.
“What are you upset about?” Xiao Songfen asked directly. After all, he wasn't the type to keep on quietly guessing when it came to another person's thoughts.
“Not satisfied with your meal?”
Bai Yiyan shook his head.
“Don’t want to wear new robes?”
Bai Yiyan shook his head again.
“Then what? You are worried I will take on another disciple and forget about you?” Xiao Songfen teased lightly.
This time, Bai Yiyan paused momentarily before shaking his head again.
(Huh. Really?)
Xiao Songfen’s weimao shook slightly as he laughed. He reached out to playfully ruffle the top of Bai Yiyan’s head.
(My disciple has a big strong body, but a small glass heart.)
“Don’t worry." Xiao Songfen said coaxingly. “You, of all people, should know that I can barely take care of one disciple let alone take on another. My lifestyle is not suited to take on many disciples."
(Because I am lazy.)
"The boy will likely follow another master should he join our Qingshan Sect.”
(He better choose someone else.)
“No. This disciple just ate too much and needed some time to digest his meal.” Bai Yiyan persisted stubbornly, looking slightly embarrassed.
"Okay, okay." Xiao Songfen spoke amiably. “So you are not upset anymore? Let's go then. There are still things to be done before we return.”
They started towards the tailor’s shop again, walking side by side this time.
On the way there, Xiao Songfen noticed Bai Yiyan stare intently at a small bookstore where a few items had been set up for display at the entrance. He looked up at the sky to check the time.
(Well...we probably still have time to stop by one more place.)
“Are you interested in those?” Xiao Songfen asked.
Bai Yiyan shook his head.
(Ha...'no' again. He is not very honest is he?)
“Do not be shy. If you want them, I will buy them.” Xiao Songfen said indulgently. It was another chance for him to win brownie points with his disciple.
(A few books? No problem. Laozi3老子 (lǎozi) can mean "I, your father" (in anger, or out of contempt) or "I" (used arrogantly or jocularly). When 老子 (lǎozi) is used this way, it often gives off an arrogant, angry, childish, or humorous tone can even afford a whole library pavilion for you.)
"Then...this one.”
Bai Yiyan picked up the nearest book and handed it to Xiao Songfen.
“Haha, alright.”
Out of curiosity, Xiao Songfen flipped it over and read the title.
[Bending Flowers Blowing Flute: Chrysanthemum Tales]4Wān huā chuī xiāo: Júhuā gùshì 弯花吹箫 : 菊花故事. Bending from part of the 掰弯 - slang for "to turn a straight person gay". Blowing flute 吹箫 slang for "blowjob". Chrysanthemum 菊花 slang for anus. Heh.
He nearly choked on air.
(What the fuck is this dirty title?)
"It is a collection of tales about traveling." Bai Yiyan explained helpfully.
(Isn't it even weirder to have this title then?!)
The quiet shuffling of feet greeted them. A scholarly-looking man appeared from around a tall bookshelf. He wore dark blue robes paired with a simple pair of spectacles. Long hair was tied back neatly into a low braided ponytail and in his arms was a small stack of scrolls. It looked like he had been in the middle of organizing.
“Welcome to Yinping Bookstore5 Yīnpíng 陰平 means 'high and level tone', the first tone (-) in Mandarin...because I'm dumb like that..” He spoke quietly as he set the scrolls carefully on a table. “May I help you?”
It was too late for Xiao Songfen to save face.
(I can’t put the book down. I’m already holding it and he heard me agree to buy it.)
Xiao Songfen suddenly felt lucky to be wearing a weimao at this time. Although he was no stranger to things like yellow books6黃色書刊 huángsè shūkān - erotica/porno. The literal meaning is 'yellow book'., it didn't mean he liked to be publicly seen with them...or something that looked like them.
“...we are just browsing.” Xiao Songfen quickly chose a few cultivation manuals and discretely stuffed the yellow book-like title Bai Yiyan had chosen in between them.
(Really…why did he have to choose this specific one ah.)
The bookstore owner smiled mildly, pretending not to notice what he had just done.
“There are quite a few cultivation manuals in your arms. Is there anything you are looking for specifically?”
Relieved that the bookstore owner wasn’t going to inquire further about another book in his arms, Xiao Songfen was able to retain some resemblance of dignity.
“No. These are for him.” He nodded towards Bai Yiyan. "I have no need for cultivation manuals at this time."
Xiao Songfen did not want to slave away cultivating nor was he ambitious about achieving immortality. He was content with the current status quo.
"Oh? Apart from cultivation manuals, we also have other works of literature." The bookstore owner turned and pulled out two books from a small shelf. He offered them to Xiao Songfen.
“Perhaps you may be interested in these? They have been quite popular with the locals7Author: That's you, reader..”
Learning from his previous experience, Xiao Songfen first checked their titles.
Cultivation Retirement Plan…Dao of the Salted Fish…
(Well…compared to that one, these titles look innocent enough.)
"...I will trust your recommendation then."
Xiao Songfen handed the stack of cultivation manuals in his arms to Bai Yiyan and took the novels from the bookstore owner's hands.
The bookstore owner then turned to face Bai Yiyan.
"Any advanced cultivation manuals for you sir?" He inquired. "We also have a few rare manuals in the back if you would like to browse."
Xiao Songfen refuted him immediately.
"No no, he is my disciple. He has only just completed standard classroom education. The regular cultivation manuals he is holding will suffice."
A brief surprised expression appeared on the bookstore owner's face, but it was swiftly masked by a smile.
"Ah." The bookstore owner murmured. He peered out through the lens of his glasses at Bai Yiyan with mild scrutiny. "I see."
Though not all-knowing, Xiao Songfen was a perceptive person. He could tell something was not quite right with the bookstore owner's reaction.
It annoyed him a little.
"What?" He spoke coldly.
What's wrong with his disciple being only at the level of regular cultivation manuals? He's had a hard life with a cheapass father. Don't discriminate against him.
Noticing Xiao Songfen's chilly tone, the bookstore owner held out both hands in surrender and laughed quietly.
"Ai, please don't take offense. I sensed your disciple is very capable, so my greedy heart only wished to sell some advanced cultivation manuals. I am just a businessman chasing profits. Don't mind it."
He picked a small abacus off the table.
"Let us take care of your transaction now. You two seem to be heading towards Sanchuan Silks. Their doors close at sunset so it would be good to get there before then."
Seeing the bookstore owner's reasonable response, Xiao Songfen dropped the matter and nodded.
The bookstore owner was right. Sunset was less than half a shichen8A two-hour period. So half a shichen is one hour. away and they had many things to buy from Sanchuan Silks.
After he made the purchase, Xiao Songfen handed the items to Bai Yiyan to store in his own interspatial storage ring, except for the two he had chosen for himself.
Then they walked swiftly to Sanchuan Silks located just a few doors down.
“I need seven sets of Qingshan Sect style robes with matching boots made for my disciple. He is a core disciple so the outer robe should reflect his status as such. Cost of materials is of no concern." Xiao Songfen ordered concisely.
The store employees happily jumped to the task, eyes sparkling.
A wealthy generous customer was a good one. Even better if they were attractive.
Though only the long tapered fingers of Xiao Songfen's hands could be seen, a master with such a handsome disciple must surely be of similar grade in appearance!
They speedily jotted down his orders as he said them. A seamstress approached Bai Yiyan to take measurements.
"Have one outer robe made with gold willow tree embroidery. He will need it for the upcoming Orthodox Sect Alliance Conference opening ceremony. Keep embroidery simple and clean for the rest. Use comfortable fabrics suitable for summer. I will return later in the year to have his autumn robes made separately."
As Xiao Songfen continued listing off his order, he felt a tug on his sleeve.
Bai Yiyan could not move around with the employee still busy measuring his legs, so he used the tips of his fingers to pull the hem of Xiao Songfen's sleeve.
“Just two sets is sufficient.” Bai Yiyan spoke complacently. “I don’t mind wearing the same robes.”
Xiao Songfen immediately wrinkled his nose.
(You don’t mind, but I do.)
Even if those with high cultivation could avoid normal bodily functions like sweating, the modern-day habits ingrained in him would not allow him to permit Bai Yiyan to wear dirty robes.
And he was not about to let his disciple do laundry multiple times a week.
Without giving any chance for Bai Yiyan to contest his decision, he paid for the robes in full and requested express courier delivery.
The sun had just begun to set when they left.
Xiao Songfen started the long walk on foot back to Qingshan Sect. Town buildings faded into the distance behind them as they approach the gradually thickening Changqing forest. After a few incense sticks of time9a incense stick of time = ~5-15min, Bai Yiyan finally spoke up.
“…we are not sword flying?” He asked.
“Mn. It is too dark to fly. I might run into a tree.” Xiao Songfen smoothly lied and glanced sideways at Bai Yiyan. “Why? Are you afraid of the dark?”
“No, I am worried that Shizun will be tired from walking.”
(I also don’t want to walk ah, but I’m afraid you might lose your dinner if we fly.)
It took over half a shichen10A two-hour period. So half a shichen is one hour. to arrive at the Qingshan Sect entrance.
Xiao Songfen turned to Bai Yiyan.
“Go pack up and rest early. I will have your living quarters ready when you arrive tomorrow morning. Sword practice is at sunrise, don’t forget.”
“Yes, Shizun.” Bai Yiyan nodded obediently before heading off in the direction of the outer circle disciple living quarters.
Xiao Songfen stood and watched his back disappear into the darkness before bringing out Yaoye to fly back to Liushu Peak.
Instead of standing on it, he sat sidesaddle11When you sit on a horse with both legs to one side. Like a princess lol.. His feet were very sore from walking. Yaoye’s blade floated up and started to make its way back to Liushu Peak.
The night wind was cool and gentle. With no one around, Xiao Songfen took off his weimao and rested it on his lap, enjoying the breeze caressing his face. The sensation reminded him of something.
(Ah. I forgot about the pinwheel.)
He brought the pinwheel out from his storage ring. It spun cheerfully as the breeze coursed through it.
(Better give it to him now. That way, if he doesn't like it, he can just throw it away after I've gone back.)
He turned Yaoye around. Shooting off towards the outer circle disciple living quarters.
As he approached his destination, an aggressive voice pierced the night air.
“Bai Yiyan, you dare show your face!”
Immediately suppressing and concealing his presence, Xiao Songfen flew towards the direction of the commotion. He landed on the bough of a tree not too far away.
His figure was completely obscured by tree branches and leaves, but he had a full view of the entire spectacle.
A group of outer circle disciples had Bai Yiyan surrounded just outside their living quarters. Bai Yiyan was sprawled out in the dirt on his back. It looked like he had just been knocked to the ground.
Xiao Songfen looked on with interest.
(Is this what they call a bullying scene?)
Bai Yiyan: Shizun, are you reading your new books?
Xiao Songfen: Mn.
Bai Yiyan: Are they good?
Xiao Songfen: …very good.
Bai Yiyan: May I read them?
*Xiao Songfen looked down at his reading material*
- [Chapter 8: Shower, Bath, and Bed]12link
- [It could be seen from the back that the figure by the water was naked…]13link
Xiao Songfen:…no.
Bai Yiyan: Then would you like to read my Bending Lo-
Xiao Songfen: No.
Xiao Youqian14萧有钱 Xiāo Yǒuqián - A nickname for Xiao Songfen that means Xiao Wealthy/Xiao Rich. 有钱 Yǒuqián literally means 'have money'., you are spending a lot of money ah...must be nice ah...donate some to me ah...
H-his whispering voice is very...(/ω\)
Look, Plum Blossoms | Nǐ kàn, yījiǎnméi 《你看,一剪梅》by 倫桑Lunsang
AIYO my English translation title attempts continue to bring dishonor to my family...
Yes, as a good master should. Votes: 77 89.5%
No, there is no place for the weak on Liushu Peak. Votes: 9 10.5%
Cultivation Retirement Plan…Dao of the Salted Fish…
hahahah crossover
t-that last poll reminds me of otome game choices. will the right answer raise affection points with BYY too? hehehe~
also hallelujah chapter 5 is finally LIVE, yessss~ compared to XSF i am really puzzled by BYY's reactions. i don't full trust XSF's thoughts as i'm sure BYY has his own interpretation of the day. actually i'd die to get a peek into his head one day just to see what he's thinking. you've done a great job with this limited POV but the suspense is also killing me as a result XD
i also wonder what else BYY has been hiding if he never mentioning the bullying. aish, the unintentional crimes on OG Huan's shoulders grow...
last but not least, dat bookseller seems sus.
who is he really, hmmmmm.....
thanks for the meal! looking forward to the next one in...in 10 days or so.... *stomach growling*
Bookstore Gege is suspicious and handsome.
@xiaomangisbusy *takes a sip*
but more importantly, is he single?
@Ruyi Well he's suspicious, so we don't know...
you're such a tease!!