Chapter 177: Punishment(2)
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Ruby wiped the tears from her eyes as she ran away from a swarm of snakes. Why was she here? Suddenly a firm hand grasped her collar and dragged her into a hole in the wall that was closed a second later by a small boulder.

“Is that how I taught you to fight?” A voice that scared the Sh*t out of her asked. It was her Mistress, Alpha.

“Mistress… I panicked and dropped my spear….” She said, waiting for punishment.

“You are lucky you found me.” Alpha said, not punishing her “This is a safe room, catch your breath and arrange your stuff. Were you bitten?” She asked.

“No.” Ruby shook her little head. “It came close, but the spray on my body delayed them for a second allowing me to run.” She said,

“Good. Theta would hate me if anything were to happen to you.” Alpha said. “What’s your class?” She asked.

“Ah. Class… A Healer.” Ruby said, earning herself a slap to the head.

“Never reveal your class to anyone. You can do that only with the permission of your master!” Alpha scolded. “A healer is rare, very rare. It’s good for you. I was planning to leave you here and hurry to save the other idiots, but with you here, we may be able to avoid casualties.” Alpha said.

Ruby, who was a little unsure, nodded. She wanted to ask Alpha some questions about this place, but chose not to, after seeing the nasty expression on her face. Mistress Alpha was always upset about something.
“Damn that bastard Victor… The girls are not ready…” She was muttering.

“Who is Victor? Her boyfriend?” Ruby wondered silently.

That same Victor woke up at 3.00 PM. He didn’t know how he reached this bed. But he was pretty much sure that Alex had to carry him as he must have passed out in the car.

This was the presidential suite in the Gold Hotel that belonged to his grandfather. He worked here for a while. He even cleaned this very bed once.

Sitting up, with some difficulty he stretched his arms and realized he was wearing pajamas.
Oh, Alex was learning to be a good girl. He should quickly find a way to resolve her fate and let her join his harem.

Suddenly his phone rang. It was his mother’s number.
“Brother it’s me…” A girl whispered in a hurry on the phone, Lara.

“Lara! Why are you calling me? Where is mother?” He asked.

“I…Esteemed Mother is still with grandmother at the hospital…. I… I took her phone and sneaked with cousin Marlie to get to the party. “ She whispered in an aggrieved voice. “Some people had just taken cousin Katia away and locked us here in the hall. They are very scary!” She said with a scared voice.

“I will be right there.” He said. Things might come a little out of hand.

Looking around, he didn’t find his clothes, So he quickly took a suit from his ring and changed into it before leaving the room with some difficulty. His soul was not healed yet and Alex was nowhere to be found.

Victor quickly made his way to the biggest hall in the hotel, the Golden VIP Hall where two men in black were guarding the door. With many security guards on the floor with broken limbs.

"Private event…" one of them said but stopped as Victor flashed his family token causing the guards to quickly bow and open the doors for him. Those are his father’s men, he knew that from the markings on their cuffs. It seemed like Iris was exacting her revenge on Lucas. He knew that from yesterday when he heard about Lucas hosting a VIP.
When the families take revenge on someone, they don’t hurt him alone, they might also destroy everything around him to make an example out of him. That might be a little bit cruel, but that’s how they keep their absolute power.

Victor was expecting his mother to come here with Lily to solve the situation and slap her family’s face. But he made a miscalculation, he didn’t expect his grandfather to… No, his grandmother to fall all of the sudden causing Elena to have to stay with her at the hospital.

Reaching the hall where many invited people were nervously standing and making pleading calls to their supporters and not knowing who those men were. He quickly found Lara who ran into his embrace, making him sigh in relief, she was safe.
“Why are you here?” He asked.

“I am sorry. Mother commanded me to return to the Villa with my cousins, but they insisted on coming here to see cousin Katia’s boyfriend.” She said keeping her face down. He could see tears dripping on her to the floor. Not obeying orders in the family had severe consequences.

“I will punish you later. But don’t do it again.” He whispered in her little ear as he hugged her while looking around. His little cousins were nowhere to be found, probably hiding behind their parents.

She nodded while keeping her head down as she hugged him back. Burying her head in his chest… Would he get that skill now?

“Victor! How did you get in? Quickly take Lara and escape.” His uncle Carl who noticed him in the crowded hall quickly ran to his side and warned. It was too late, as his other uncles and cousins surrounded him.

“Nephew Victor, can you get us out too?” His aunt, who saw how her yet-to-be son-in-law groveled at his feet yesterday, asked, making her brothers and their wives look at her strangely.

His uncle Larry wanted to say something when Victor completely ignored them and spoke to one of the guards,

“Let the Carlson family leave,” Victor commanded the guards dressed in black while flashing his token again.

“Young master! The mistress had commanded that no one should leave before investigating everyone.” One of the guards said.

“Do you want to lose your head you piece of sh*t?” Victor asked angrily, making the guard stop back as the captain who came a little bit late bowed to Victor who frowned a little, the soul injury was causing him to lose his temper very quickly.

“Young master Victor, He is new, please forgive him.” The Captain apologized for his man who bowed too, realizing that this young man must be very important., “Do you know them?” He asked, looking at Victor’s uncles. This one was one of his father’s bodyguards and knew Victor well as he served in the family mansion before.

“They are my mother’s family,” Victor said. Making the Captain nod quickly and activate his walkie-talkie.

“Let the Carlson’s go.” The captain said, making his Uncles and cousins surprised. Who the hell is this Victor?

“Go before I change my mind,” Victor said, as he looked at their surprised faces. Although he wanted to enjoy some face slapping, he was not in the mood, as he wanted to return to his bed.

“Nephew… My daughter Katia… She was taken to the inner room…. Please save her… They said that they would cut her into pieces after she declared that she was Lucas's Girlfriend.” his Uncle's wife pleaded suddenly, making Vector frown… Katia was Lucas’s girlfriend… Victor didn’t like her at all, but she was his cousin after all.

“Fine. I will go get her. Wait outside.” Victor said with a sigh as he passed through the crowd of businessmen who didn’t dare to make trouble.
Lara was still holding his hand when he gestured to the guards to open the door to the VIP inner room. He would not let go of her.

Entering the inner room, Victor quickly discovered That Lucas, with a few other young masters, were all on the ground with bloody whip marks on them. Katia was there too. She was only hit twice, but she was already crying and cursing like a slut at her boyfriend for being useless.
Mia was the one holding the whip enjoying torturing them as Iris stood disturbed to the side.
George stood silently behind her. This was probably his idea to show Iris how things should be done.

“That’s enough Mia,” Victor said, making her stop and look at him. Surprised at him being here.

“Oooh… It’s young master Victor… Did you come to defend your buddies?” She asked angrily.
“Mia! Don’t be rude.” Iris quickly said.

“Rude? Didn’t you see what those guys wanted to do to you?” Mia yelled as she struck at Lucas with her whip, making him cover his head as a new red line appeared on his arms.

“Do you know what they wanted to do to Iris? Yesterday she went to him. To give him a chance to prove that he meant well. That bastard intended to rape her with his buddies!” Mia yelled angrily as she struck again. Maybe because she was a little agitated this time she struck at Victor. And by chance, She happened to hit Lara’s shoulder by mistake, causing her to fall to the ground with teary eyes.

“Who are you to tell me to….” Mia continued to yell when she suddenly stopped as a firm hand grasped her throat and lifted her into the air.

It was Victor whose eyes were bloodshot after seeing what happened to his sister.
“DO YOU WANT TO DIE B*TCH?” He asked in a voice that made even George who intended to intervene shiver a little and stop. He only heard his master Theodore use this voice once. When he lost her.

“LET GO.” She yelled, but his hand only squeezed her neck harder, making her struggle helpless as she looked into his eyes and was truly terrified for the first time in her life. He was clearly very enraged.

“Victor! Brother!... Please let Mia go… It was a mistake… Lara is fine…” Iris, who realized what just happened, regained her composure and quickly ran to Lara’s side and checked her wound. It only left a skin trauma. But it was so painful that Lara began to sob against her will.

“There is only one thing in the world that I can’t forgive… And that is someone hurting my family.” Victor said coldly as he walked to the glass wall overlooking the city to the side of the room and crushed it with one kick, which caused George to be shocked. Even he would have to kick it twice to break it, as this glass was bulletproofed to protect this VIP Hall. It can even withstand a small missile.

Victor extended his hand holding Mia out of the window. Letting her dangle with the street below her.
“Do you know your mistake?” He asked coldly as she shook in fear in his hand. She had just realized how scary Victor truly was. This guy was not a young master. He was a monster.

“I… I….. “ She didn’t know what to say.

“You should not hit people indiscriminately, You should respect your elders, You should be more modest…. And most importantly, when I tell you to stop, you F*CKING STOP! Too bad you might not live to reflect.” He said.

“Victor, please let her go!” Iris pleaded as she looked at George, who didn’t dare intervene but got ready to grab Mia in case Victor really dropped her.

“Brother. Let sister Mia go… She learned her lesson.” A soft voice suddenly said, He was waiting for that. It was Lara.

“Do you really want me to let go of her here? She would fall to her death.” He asked, jokingly, making George and Iris breathe in relief. He was not serious anymore.

“Ahh… Please bring her inside and let her go.” Lara said with a blush as she held her shoulder painfully.

“She has to apologize to you first,” Victor said softly, looking back at Mia.

“I… I sorry Lara. I didn't mean to...” Mia said just as Victor dragged her back inside and then softly dropped her to the floor.

“Be more aware of your surroundings next time,” Victor said softly as he approached Lara and checked her injury.
Nothing major. The truly injured one was him.
For a second there he really lost his cool. He didn’t expect this to happen, but he knew that this was the side effect of an injured soul, it makes him a little out of control. He should be careful not to kill anyone in the next few days.

“Does it hurt?” He asked his little sister softly.

“Only at the beginning. It’s fine now.” Lara replied with teary eyes.

“Don’t Lie….Take this.” Victor quickly fed her a healing pill and took one himself. Making George’s eyes pop open.
A Grand Healing Pill! WHAT THE F*CK!
One of those would cost him his entire salary for a week. And this bastard was taking them as candy! Where did he get them?

“Young master Victor… Please help me!... This is a misunderstanding..” Out of nowhere Lucas who was on the ground woke up and began to beg.

“You were happy to meet my sister? Now you don’t want that?” Victor asked, regaining his arrogance. He knelt to the ground and took the whip that fell from Mia’s hand then gave it to the hesitant Iris.

“You should do it yourself, never give your men a dirty job that you are not ready to do by yourself.” He said, making her look to the floor with embarrassment.

“He is right,” George said as he helped the little shaken Mia to her feet.

Iris hesitated and was about to strike at Lucas and his gang when a girl screamed.
“Cousin… Help me.” It was Katia this time.

“Ah. Sorry. I totally forgot about this one... Iris, this slut here is Katia, my cousin. I will be taking her home for some domestic discipline… You may continue.” Victor said, grabbing Katia’s hair. She began to complain, but he ignored her.

”Oh…" Iris nodded in surprise as she watched Victor drag his cousin outside while she screamed. She remembered when he fought the demon that day for her. He really takes care of his family but makes sure not to show it.
She smiled softly. Then hid her smile as she turned around and looked coldly at Lucas.

Those guys were about to do some very bad sh*t to her. Mia had lost her mind when George made them listen to Lucas’s recorded instructions to his cronies.

Victor and Uncle George was right. She has been using her father’s authority until now without realizing her responsibilities. Now she must educate this bastard herself.
“Iris… I really didn’t mean to….” Lucas said as he shook. SLAP. “AHHHHH”

“It was all Lucas’s Idea…” One of his buddies said. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”

“Yah... He was the one who wanted us to put you and your sister in a cage with the….AHHHHHHHHH” He didn’t continue as Iris began hitting them using all of her strength as a Player.

Mia stood there watching. She was a little ashamed of herself. She really went a little overboard their, but this bastard Lucas made her remember her best friend who committed suicide after getting toyed with, by some bastard young master.

Glancing at the door she remembered Victor's grasp on her neck. she softly put her hand touching his finger marks on her neck, not knowing what to think...



Victor threw Katia into her father’s arms as soon as he left the room. They didn't leave the hall, they were waiting outside the door. Watching the show inside throw the doors that were intentionally left slightly ajar by Victor

“Take her to the hospital, she might need a few stitches,” Victor said as he walked out. He didn’t want to risk killing one of them if they angered him.

“Nephew…” His aunt wanted to say something, but Victor ignored her and left.

The Carlson family looked at each other, then quickly followed him out as they didn’t dare to stay here for one more second.

When they reached the door, Victor was nowhere to be seen.
“Olga, Just… Who the hell is Elena’s husband?” Bob finally asked. He really wanted to know why did that Super VIP girl call Victor "Brother".

“I think his name was Theodore white… Do you know….” She answered.

“WHAT?” Larry and Bob interrupted at the same time. No one told them that!

“Where is El?” Victor asked Lara as he reached his room upstairs and collapsed on the bed then popped another healing pill in his mouth.

“She is with mother. Helping Grandma enter the lady's room… She was the one who stuffed mother’s phone in my pocket… Please don’t punish her brother…” Lara said as she sat beside her brother. She kept her face down.

"Oh, A smart girl. Don’t worry, she did nothing wrong. And where is grandpa? Wasn’t he at the hospital?" Victor asked.

"He said he had some urgent tests to perform?" she said, not noticing the smug smile on her brother's face

"Insurance? Or was it endurance"

"Ah yes that's it!" she nodded, still not daring to raise her head.

“You know that I will have to punish you.” He said.

“Yes.” She answered. She broke the rules and disobeyed her elders.

“Eat this.” He said Presenting her with a mushroom.

“This is…”
“Your punishment.” Victor said, “You know that Father will know of what you did, so either take my punishment or wait for his one.” He added.

Lara didn’t hesitate and ate the mushroom. Her father’s punishments were scary!
The next moment she regretted her decision.

“Swallow it,” Victor warned. She quickly did that with teary eyes. She must have chosen to let her esteemed father punish her. This mushroom punishment was way too cruel. What was wrong with this thing’s taste? Can something taste this bad?

“Eat this candy.” Victor gave her a piece of candy after two minutes. The punishment was over.

“This would help your shoulder heal faster too. ” Victor said as he ate one mushroom himself with a smile. Although this mushroom effect was minor, it would provide all the necessary nutrients for the body to repair itself.

“Brother! How can you eat that?” Lara asked with disgust.

“You get used to it.” Victor lied. He was disguising its taste. “Now. Where did that idiot Alex go?” Victor asked casually, then stood up suddenly causing Lara to flinch. “That idiot can’t sit still without causing a disaster Damn it! ” He yelled, then turned to his cute sister.

“Lara. I will have to go run an errand, you stay here and call Lily to come and pick you up. Her number is on mother’s phone... Oh and don’t tell anyone anything about what will happen next!” He said as he headed to the window overlooking the city and began to look at the streets below as if searching for something.

“About what?” Lara wanted to ask when her brother suddenly magically passed through the glass and floated in mid-air then flew in a certain direction.

Lara quickly ran to the glass window and stuck her face to it watching in shock as Victor disappeared in a certain direction.

Her esteemed brother can FLY!