Intermission: Healers
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Authorized By
Inflow Direct



Description: A Healer is a human possessing the rare Affinity for Healing magic. Healers can cure illnesses, mending wounds, reversing injury to even regrowing lost limbs or organs depending on their proficiency in their Skills and Levels.

Knowledge or an understanding of the processes does not affect the efficacy of their powers. However, it may influence what skills they receive at future milestones.

Due to the passive nature of the healers, they are strictly regulated by Inflow Direct and partially by Justica Arms, Act X and [REDACTED].

Healers may not bring back the dead nor are they capable of such a feat.


Addendum: Proposal for all White Doves to flock under the wing of the Amalgam/Black Dove.


The harm of a healer is punishable by a fate worse than death. All relevant parties will intervene. All Sites will be cleansed by Inflow Direct Liquidators.


You have been warned.


All acts of reanimating the dead are strictly prohibited and all offenders will be punished as though they were a part of the Memento Mori.


Description Continued – Appearance: All healers are human females with white hair and light blue eyes. People are rarely born healers and instead, acquire the Affinity at a random point in their life, usually during their youthful years and rarely in the middle of one’s life.

Therefore, healers permanently stay at the exact age and condition from when they became a healer, meaning all wounds and injuries will be present if they exist. These healers are [REDACTED].


All Healers that present with permanent injuries or accumulate red patches in their hair must be reported to Inflow Direct personnel immediately.


Description Continued – Uniform: Healers are to wear a light blue, dress-like garbs and a protective mantle or robe made from Quality 7 or higher cloth. All Perched, Mothers and Wandering Healers are to be fitted with Quality 8 or higher cloth. Suit-like variations of the uniform are available but is rarely worn by healers at the risk of misidentification for other personnel.

All healers missing fundamental healing skills are to be equipped with a utility belt and leg straps containing Inflow Direct’s Serums and injectables to amend their shortcomings.

Perched and Mothers wear white, ritualistic robes, whereas Wandering Healers are fitted with a Series IV Claw Injectable Armament.


Background: The Healing Affinity is incredibly rare and therefore roughly only a thousand are registered under Inflow Direct. Another hundred or fewer are likely to exist outside of Inflow Direct’s reach.

Due to their passiveness, Healers often find themselves as the victims of heinous crimes, the worst of which resulted in thousands having their synapse fluids extracted by now liquidated Atelier [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] was liquidated in the Frozen Springs following an Atelier War (The Liquidation War) led by Inflow Direct with the aid of the White Wing – The White Color Incandescent.

It is Inflow Direct’s duty (as well as partnered Ateliers) to offer them protection whilst allowing them to live a relatively normal life. Healers boast an incredibly kind personality and are incapable of harming others. They cannot even conceive of harming another person.

Healers are gentle and will help anyone that wishes for it to a flawed degree. As a result, they have been designated internally as Doves to symbolize peace and healing. However, this is also largely because of their similarities to [REDACTED].


Addendum: One third of all healers have perished following the Atelier War between the traitor Scarlet Logic and the Ateliers of the Nex Megalopolis.





As this focuses on Healers in general, specific Healers will have their own separate, dedicated entry.

 All information is subject to change as the Arbiter’s Council commences.


– Enoch, The Artificer of Rupturing (T-4 Artificer, Clearance Level 0)


Example of a Wandering Healer (D-13)



History: Healers have been around for as long as several hundred years, but it was not until the last two centuries when their prevalence rose. Healers have constantly been the subject of horrific crimes and abuse and were persecuted until only 30 years ago (320 PA) when their situation bettered largely thanks to a joint venture between Inflow Direct and Justica Arms.

Long-living Healers, particularly the Wandering Healers and the [REDACTED], remember the crimes committed in gruesome detail. Those strongly affected by such misery have unfortunately become ‘Shells’, a catatonic, deeply disturbed and traumatized Healer that can only hear the ringing of a faint ticking.

Healers have a powerful historical relationship with the Anids (a race of arachnid-like creatures made of steel, flesh, and blood), having been taken in by the Nests of the murderous race. Healers were subjected to bizarre kindness from the Anid race when even their own blood persecuted them.

Interbreeding has led to the creation of the Nilhinds, an armless cross between a human Healer and an Anid. Due to the Healer’s inability to combat threats, their innocence and kindness had been taken advantage of, with the worst offence occurring in the Frozen Springs where [REDACTED] was Liquidated.

Ripples of the past can still be felt to this day, and it is unclear how many more healers are out there not currently within Inflow Direct’s reach.

Such atrocities must never occur again, as on the eve of the Liquidation War a [REDACTED] emerged, requiring the immediate aid of the White Wing.


Due to unforeseen and unprecedented circumstances, the Healers and their inability to conceive of violence has now come into question.


The leading cause used to be the Black Dove, but now the phenomenon has been found in other Healers following the latest Atelier War.


The Arbiter’s Council shall determine what becomes of them.

