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Rising from the Depths
Rising from the Depths
183.3k Views 5167 Favorites 163 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 826 Readers
4.2 (66 ratings)
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Earth is bought and fused with two other alien planets, but before the new overlords take total control, the System decides to grant the original inhabitants one last chance to reclaim their fates. Stuck on an unfamiliar world in the midst of sentient creatures and savage monsters, humanity will struggle to survive until they learn to adapt to their harsh, new reality.

However, Silas could ask for little more as the calamity provides him with the opportunity to turn his wreck of a life around and finally face the mess he once ran away from. Little does he know of the terrible foes he will face on the way, the grand powers he will gain, and the legions he will command.

Author’s note: System-regulated Apocalypse story following a powerful (but not overpowered) MC and the village that he helps set up. While it is graphic, it isn’t overly dark.

Now complete!

Apocalypse Fantasy World Game Elements Magic Male Protagonist Monsters Post-apocalyptic Strategic Battles Sword And Magic Wars Weak to Strong
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    Status: c25

    It's well worth a read, it steers well clear of over-used tropes and the plot so far is solid and interesting.

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    5 Likes · Like
    Status: c21

    Started off well with the tutorial arc but low energy, wet blanket MC who doesn't really give you a reason to root for at all is where we end up. Inconsistent personality and decision making, dumb MCs are the absolute worst. Author somehow turns things like high attribute stats into character flaws even! (Super poorly used plot devices throughout) Just makes no sense, very frustrating read unfortunately.

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    Status: (2) chapter 23: shedding blood

    The standard LITRPG problems levels falling out of the sky. Stat points not being told how they effect anything. The system limiting humans more than it helps. From the current explanation of the system, life should not be possible.

    The MC should have been a homeless thief before this all started yet he does not act like it. He has no will to survive no hunger for power or growth, hes a wet blanket...

    World building is shallow as are characters and story telling. With the apocalypse feeling like a minor inconvenience.

    Story really feels like it was thought out as it was being written, instead of being thought out first and then written.

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    Status: end note

    The template for the story is game element alien apocalypse, with the gaming element taking an even less significant role with each chapter (last chapter you don't even know what level the MC is, much less his stats). So the gaming system gets reduced to a pure ranking. Side characters serve mainly to flesh out the new world, than to provide meaningful interaction with MC, which makes for good world building, but leaves the MC more isolated than what he is supposed to be. Fight scenes are written quite succintly, and a little more of detail would only improve them (but this is personal taste). Politically: i'll just say that the way they introduced meritocracy is just autocracy (you evil mistress) with extra steps (mainly killing those you gave a right to vote and decided to use that right to vote against). Moral of the story

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    Status: end note

    Well worth the read. 

    The story on the whole is interesting. Probably the only bit that wasn't enjoyable was the MC. Mind you, he wasn't horrible, but early on he was underwhelming for someone that survived what he did, and then after he seemed to to have finally come into his own, he ruins it with a bad choice that he sticks to when he knows he shouldn't. 

    Aside from that, there is good world building everywhere, such that even if the MC sucks a bit, most of the stuff around him is interesting. 

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    Status: chp 86

    This is an incredible story very well written... when you start reading it might seem similar to other novels but you'll be in for a very nice surprise... pls post more coconut.....

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    Status: chapter 83

    This is such an outstanding story so far! 

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