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My Sister The Villainess
My Sister The Villainess
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4.1 (486 ratings)
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Alright, so you've been reincarnated. Neat, right? You got a hot mom, a cute sister, and to top it all off you're a handsome Noble with the stats to match. All's good in the world. Then you discover this isn't any normal isekai story, it's also a world from that cute otome game you've played before. No big deal though, eh? Except your sister is the villainess and only has bad endings.

Now, if you're the standard protagonist you realize this and bravely decide to smash all the bad ends to save her from destruction.

But if you're this story's MC?....You decide to do that, sure, but you also go out and kidnap Kings for a night of wild partying before somehow acquiring a Holy Sword and ending up in the middle of a desert stealing drugs from a Dragon.

Oh yeah. The vanilla otome game world setting this is not.

Join us on the grand misadventures of one Damien Claybrook as he leads holy crusades, seduces sexy tree spirit milfs, and journeys through the great starry sky to slap arrogant young masters. All while being high as balls when doing so.

Don't let the title and cute loli fool ya, lads. You'd best buckle in, because this story's gonna get wild.

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Brother Complex Chuunibyou Drugs Fantasy World Human-Nonhuman Relationship Kuudere Otome Game Protagonist Strong from the Start Sister Complex Villainess Noble Girls Voyeurism
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    God f**k, I bought the stupid book, and I really regret it.

    I bought the book because of the amazing premise, but I quickly realized that the story was terrible after the first few free chapters. 

    Why I think its absolute garbage:

    -Modern day memes without anyone else getting the f**kimg joke but the reader and the mc

    -The MC being a mary sue, like seriously, the guy was ill from a young age but was apparently was a chef and a neet. While this is all good and all, he keeps getting more and more skills just because, and there isn't even a good reason why he should be good at them

    -The extreme perversion, quite literally every other chapter the MC says milf, big tiddy cat eared goth gf, while this would be fine, it being so repetative made the joke stale.

    -The MC being so far up his ass that he doesnt even associate himself with "Damien, " aka the shmuck he is right now. F**k, in some earlier chapters, the author wrote about how much the MC hated being in his old body because its so frail, sickly and weak, now just cuz he free he adapts to his old personality.

    It really shows that the author is denying the change of identity by keeping old habits rather than by making new ones. The author only shows what the MC would do with a healthier body (read: massively op and talented body) than the one he has now. 

    The sad part is that the author gets to enjoy the money I paid for the damn book, now that I can't refund it.

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    Status: big mistake, pal

    To be honest......I really liked the story at first. The first few chapters were great and everyday I would find myself frequently refreshing and checking for new updates and chapters. I loved how the characters interacted with each other. But...


    As time went on, the more and more chaotic and seemingly pointless things were getting. Day was getting too powerful too fast, i.e at the point I have read, he might get considered upper Mid tier in the WHOLE MSTV universe, without having to do much at all. I mean, yeah, I know he is the reincarnation of the Dragon God, and his mother and Father are powerful beings, but he is just getting power ups and power ups handed to him... There are some more things but, I'll make one last one. Concerning Mary and Vera. I was and still am all for Vera to be with Day. But.... Honestly, Mary....I wished she ended up with Day's Father. That's all.


    Well, that's all. Honestly, I liked this story.... but now....I don't know. Maybe I'll come back one of these days. Sorry, and this will be all.

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    First few chapters cringe, rest binge. Chapters 1-5 were meh, everything else was awesome. This novel is the novel you use to show young writers how tropes can be explicitly used to create novel situations in a world. This is not your typical otome-game reincarnation: drama is at a minimum (but there are some good points made), and comedy is high (actually it is low comedy, a step above fart jokes, but that doesn't work as well for analogy.)

    The Otome setting actually plays little to no part but there are tropes, stereotypes, and pop culture (otaku culture) references everywhere; the character settings are super chuuni and the MC is OP AF.  Everything makes you think "Oh this is going to crash and burn so hard... " and then it doesn't.

    The author manages to make it funny and a semi-decent story that (so far) that doesn't rely on the otome game setting to make up for character interactions and plot. The otome game characteristic may come into play more but as of chapter 45 the novel is awesome. This work is not very serious, does not have Game of Thrones level intrigue and motivations, and is awesome all the same.

    The MC is a kinda like Colin from Moody's works but less bitchy (that's right, LESS BITCHY!)

    Just read the first 20 chapters, if you like them, you'll keep liking it for at least another 20 chapters.

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    Status: c15

    This must be one of the most funny Otome games theme novels :D!

    Great Job!, I join to scribble just to give you my support Author !

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    Status: when upset, papa says things...

    I had quite the enjoyment  reading this, with a smile and laughing most of the time.

    Each character has their own quirk that makes them likable, making you laugh (especially the MC with his inner monologues)

    Although I like the novel with the silly story, I have yet to see any "plot", yes, there is the objective of preventing his sister from becoming the villainess but that's about it. But it is still too soon to judge it because of the small amount of chapters, the opportunity for "plot" is there with all of the mysterious situations surrounding some characters, but we have yet to see something particular.

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    Status: c7

    It's just to my taste. Of course, the grammar isn't speckless and could use some work but hey, all that matters is that the plot is good, the writing is good, and the grammar is decent enough that it's readable, right? Although I say the grammar could use some work, it's just things like "oh, a comma here could make this easier to read" or "its, not it's"... small things that can be overlooked. POV is a little confusing at times and the diary-entry writing isn't my favorite but at least it wasn't super long...

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    This is for people who can tolerate some cringe because this is the stuff that makes you wonder what the ____ is going on. It's just so damn hilarious with the contradicting thoughts of the characters and how stupid it seems when see the other pov

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    Status: among us

    My Sister The Villainess is about Damien, a man from earth who isekaied into an otome world as the villainess's playboy brother. It follows his chaotic misadventures in the world


    soon to be worlds


    Though don't go expecting it to be like any other otome setting as the characters drastically change from the original otome game they're in. For example, (minor spoiler for the first 5 chaps or so)


    The princess who was to be sickly sheltered becomes obsessed with being stronger and "slaying" a dragon

    there's other examples that I won't go into but you get the point. 

    What I like is that there *is* plans for this novel. That's another thing that I like about it. As shown in the "peak into the future" chapter. 

    There's some foreshadowing as well in the novel. Characters being mentioned in the first chapter and showing many chapter later. 

    Now for what I dislike about it. Not sure. If I got to say anything I'd say a certain plot/setting that appears a hundred or so chapters in. If you can't handle me being vague. Read this 


    The game system, the leveling system that shows up. I don't like it. But it isn't to the point that I'd stop reading the story


    Another thing I like is the characters themselves, they're entertaining as heck and are, well, their characters. They don't behave in a way that they aren't. Expect good characterisation in this story :)

    In conclusion, I'd say read the novel if you are into chaos and harem.

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    Status: i’ll start my own...

    I don't think I could ever recommend this to anyone.

    It is not a series to be taken seriously, and it is so very stupid.

    It has a 'plot'.  Maybe.  Kind of.  Not really.  The MC does whatever he wants, and he is not a relatable character.

    None of the character motivations make much sense.  Few of the jokes are funny. 

    It reads like someone wrote a one-off joke story, but it keeps going.

    And I keep reading. 

    There is no good reason I should like this, but I do.  Much like this story, some things just don't have to make sense.

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    Status: side story: the prince and...

    Great story this is quite a gem. Keep up the good work.

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