What if a person gets to bring the gaming items from the game world to real world?
What if the mana potions and the health potions that are almost a currency in game world could be brought to the real world?
What if he can bring the guns and weapons?
What more can he bring?
Pokemon? Greatest weapons of all time? Star-ships?
Follow a guy who gets the cheat and pushes world into a new era
(If you are expecting a power hungry MC from the start because of his cheat and rule over everything, then this story isn't for you. And if you are thinking why he didn't take the other route, I can only say that the MC has a different view of life which will slowly change as time goes by and gains more experience. No-harem)
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It's a nice concept, but the Story has a few problems that are quite annoying, first of all where is the clever Protagonist Tag coming from? So many careless Mistakes, takes out a gun, then proceeds to take out a car. Not to mention afterwards he brings out a ghastly, because why not bring out a Ghost Type and hope it behaves like the game let's forget the descriptions of it or that it's made out of poisonous gas. Then we come to Jarvis, good Idea, horrible execution. First of all where does all the Money come from in the Start? Can't be from Stocks Jarvis just suddenly has thousands of $ to hand out, but stealing is of course wrong right, considering Gastly was scolded.
Then he pays off the Mortage anonymously, that surely will not trigger any Red Flags when the Bank can not trace it, or the fact that for the Family it's completely normal to suddenly lose all debt. That will in no way cause any Fear that it may be a Mistake, that the might be on the hook for something or that something illegal happened.....I am not even going to mention the whole Skyrim dilemma and how the Amulet he gave his cousin must be more mind control than persuasion, because any high-end Hotel loves giving out 50% discounts..... Anyway, do not go into this Story hoping for a somewhat smart or even normal MC.
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Okay, I have followed the story for while now, it is a good concept but there are better ones out there, it's not terrible but it's not good either, well I'm judging by the tags and development of the story.
Let's start with the experiment with his power, the first major thing he brings is a goddamn modern gun, I'm going to bet that if readers here had that power, they wouldn't try to bring a modern firearm into their family's house. Secondly, you decided that pokemon would be great for a guard, pokemon who wouldn't kill any humans at all, and you said it is far better for hiding, but you know what is better? A goddamn assassin or a shadow guard, royal assassin, assassin creed, they can hide in plain sight, and they will not hesitate to kill, they will keep you safe, and they can do your bidding, can be sent out to create an organization.
The clever tag doesn't seem so useful here if one pokemon was not enough you brought a few more, and the clever tag definitely isn't on the MC, cause he seems to be struggling between having a brain and an empty head.
The secretive tag is completely useless, almost if not for Jarvis, you bring a cyberpunk Caliburn Car into a world where you literally don't have the technology and drive it in public, sigh* I don't think you are thinking about your continuity.
Mc's intelligence has not improved so far, he doesn't even know basic business management, and he has not been trying to learn as well, and the latest chapter where Sidget insults MC the moment she came into the world, where is equality? Have some self-dignity.
Welp I will check in later.
Please do not let me stop you from reading the novel.
Edit: The story has been improving and it is getting spicy with its new improvements.
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He claims he only kills people who deserve it, or escape the law, and yet when right after her first trial, even though she has a few more to go and looks very likely to get punished to the full extent of the law, he kills both Helena and her mother. Just to prove a point to David Rockefeller. Somehow nearly every person that is associated with his enemies have the same crimes, and deserve death. To the point it is obvious it is just a way to make the MC look like a saint while he kills people. Even his girlfriend, who showed no indications of it, became very cruel after learning the truth about his powers. Davids mistress betrayed humanity by sending a signal to the aliens, but as far as I know she committed no other crimes. Yet her punishment? Death by torture. I am sure the author could have just listed a bunch of reasons to do this, but that would feel just as weak when in the story apparently to the MC she is a bit*h that deserves a miserable end just because she wanted to take revenge for her lover, friend, and child whom the MC brutally murdered with his magic by triggering an alien invasion. Which, considering his unfathomable tech and magic is the only reasonable way for her to kill the MC. Not that it would work.
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Overall this novel is quite good. The MC may not be the smartest, but he at least handles the situation better than I would have. His ability is one of the most disgustingly over powered things I have seen in a while, but the pacing and events in the story help flesh it out enough that its still entertaining to read.
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Well, wow.
I didn't know what to expect, but this story is fantastic. It has a slow start, but when it gets to the critical change in MC's approach, around the time he got his first ally, the story really starts to increase its pace.
The MC's character change is slow, and sometimes it is pointed out to oftenly, but in the end it makes sense, and has sometimes annoying, and sometimes great moments, just like a real person. The last 10–20 chapters I have read the change was... big, but I guess at this point MC's character changed very much from the start.
The machinations and behind the scenes moves are done very good. It is really interesting to read how the MC gains his influence, and how his and his allies plans develop.
The Author also has done some research into topics that he/she is describing, making the story feel more real, and validated.
Lastly, and this is more of a personal opinion than a Review, most of the story after the chapter 40/50 is very exciting to read, and gives goosebumps with every major line. And after chapter 90 the effect is doubled for me. Maybe it is because of some character similarities I can find in the MC and myself, but nonetheless, great story.
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Of course, this is not a Fanfiction of a separate idea, but it is a collection at its core, so there is no deep immersion in these directions. The story holds attention, albeit with a trivial plot, but still this is just the beginning. Intersections from different games are convenient, isekai prevails. The only thing that bothers me is the intersection and classification of figures with real people.
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author where is the update of the novel where are the new chapters bro I joined your patron there are several chapters of this novel but tell me why you only post one chapter and only post it whenever you want bro this is bad for me and the other readers of this novel who doesn't have money to pay his patron every month to be able to watch the novel and I also went there to see his plans to subscribe to his patron. At the bottom of each plan it shows the name of the novels if you subscribe to the plan you will be able I watched it, I thought that, I'm not sure... but the author, where are the new chapters and why do we have to wait so long just to read a single chapter and wait another month or more for you to arrive on the day and release it? Just a chapter for us to read, bro...?
That's the only problem with this novel for me...
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