In the heat of a Third World War which has persisted for nearly 30 years, Damien finally after spending his childhood in a state of war and spending his entire adult life in the front lines falls in combat. Unknown to him, he was the first one to have been born in, raised through, and died in such a large scale global modern war. As an act of sympathy he is given another chance at life on one condition: He would take on the role as the Demon Lord and finally return those under the Demon Lord's service into a period of prosperity by once and for all defeating the coalition which keeps them confined to their mountains.
With no other solutions having succeeded in the past, this new Demon Lord must lay the foundations for a new strategy, not founded solely on magic or sheer power, but on technology and strategy. A complete overhaul to the Demon Lord's army is in order, and the world of Sword and Sorcery must make way for yet another weapon: the gun.