(yet another) queer re-imagining of the original series.
Life at the Tendo household takes a turn for the weird at the arrival of Ranma, a boy cursed to turn into a girl when splashed with cold water - and while he may not be aware of it himself, it certainly doesn't help that his personality can change on a whim between an abrasive jerk and the sweetest girl this side of Nerima! As their martial schools need a marital union to ensure a prosperous future, the two families decide that Ranma would be best paired with Akane, who would rather continue her training than figure out why her heart beats at the idea of an union with a girl… or at least someone that appears to be one half the time.
Will Akane Tendo and Ranma Saotome manage to untangle their true desires out of all the expectations dropped onto them?
Cover art by DoodlerBee
I love how everyone is reacting to this. You have crafted Ranma to be the biggest egg I've ever seen.
On the other hand Ranko would probably crack pretty quickly if Nabiki stopped being a plot enabler.
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I loved Ranma 1/2 and after reading this my love for the anime has been rekindled.
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I do enjoy this story, I really do. The main reason I don't think it's that great is because it's focused way too much on the same things with next to no character progress. I'm not saying it can't go for a slow approach, it can, it just shouldn't be so repetitive. We as the reader know, ranma is repressed trans, ryoga is trans, akane is repressed lesbian. We know this so it doesn't need constant repetition. If you're going to constantly hammer it in, be different about it, make some character progress. The story can focus on more than just those aspects of these characters. They have more to them than just that, they can think about more than just that. I get the angle you're going for, and this is somewhat akin to how repetitive and unmoving the show was, but that doesn't mean it can't be improved upon, especially in this format. I'll say it again, this is interesting, this is a good start, but take it somewhere beyond that. Your writing style is good, but just improve on the story in later chapters. Please and thank you.
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