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Kaiba’s Prostitute
Kaiba’s Prostitute
54.4k Views 1783 Favorites 84 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 393 Readers
1.4 (320 ratings)
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When CEO Seto Kaiba propositions Joan, she expects a one-night stand, but he and his brother keep coming back for more. Now the Kaiba brothers want an heir from her and will pay any price to get it. How do Joan’s husband and boyfriend feel about her new profession? More importantly, how do they handle public scrutiny?

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Cover from:

Bible MOBA games Mythology Yu-Gi-Oh! Yugioh
Affair Based on an Anime Beautiful Female Lead Brotherhood Businessmen Co-Workers Devoted Love Interests Engagement Female Protagonist Gamers Goddesses Harem-seeking Protagonist Honest Protagonist Love at First Sight Marriage Modern Day Office Romance Philosophical Polyandry Prostitutes Reverse Harem Shameless Protagonist Threesome Unconditional Love Wealthy Characters
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    Status: chapter 18: demo tournament


    Now that I have your attention, I begrudgingly give this 1 star and I am upset that the author is forcing my hand in giving it. But the authors will is to be respected. 

    This is the first fanfic I’ve ever read, I’ve actually gone out of my way to avoid fanfic as I’m not a big enough fan of franchises to even go looking for them. But I’m happy this was my first fanfic, I popped my fanfic cherry with an excellent. 

    As a review, I believe this one deserves at the least 4 stars. The writing, pacing, character work, personality, and voice are all excellently communicated. There is the occasional clunky sentence structure and wonky grammatical choices but that’s completely fixable. 

    As someone who was younger when YuGiOh! Came out, I really enjoyed the characterization of the Kaiba brothers. Seto is what Christian Grey wishes he could be and Mokuba is still cute even as a 22 y/o virgin. But the crowning achievement is Joan and her strong, healthy representation of a woman who knows exactly what she wants and how she wants it. I enjoy that s*x, and s*x work, isn’t stigmatized or otherised like how most media tends to portray it. Joan is in complete control of herself, from a s*xual standpoint, but also shows a natural vulnerability due to past traumas. She is a businesswoman first and foremost and continues to impress me with how liberated she is in her views regarding polyamory and s*xuality. I think this is one of the few times, that I’ve read, where s*x and the freedom of expressing ones s*xuality and preferences isn’t treated as a crutch. We aren’t told how to feel about s*x or polyamory or marriage, we just get to experience the wild story of a woman who seduces a pair of rich brothers with her wit, experience, and charm. And I’m here for it. It is a breath of fresh air to read a romance that isn’t trying to force monogamy and societal norms down your throat while also representing s*x work and polyamory in a much more positive light than we would usually get. While s*x is at the crux of the story, it isn’t the end all, be all. The author utilizes implied storytelling wonderfully, letting the readers imagination do some of the work by insinuating what did and didn’t happen. Getting a hard-on while reading about Seto getting a hard-on is weird but fun because you’re getting turned on by the thoughts that he’s having. But, at the base of the story, this is a romance that celebrates s*x, polyamory relationships, s*x work, and healthy representation while addressing and humanizing flawed, insecure characters like Seto and Joan. And Mokuba is best boy.

    On the technical side, there wasn’t a whole lot that broke the immersion for me. The flow and pacing keeps everything moving at a quick pace without feeling too rushed. The words used and characterizations make the characters feel like actual adults, some are man-children who just want to get a nut off and don’t know how to deal with their emotions while others are children trapped in an adults body who haven’t had much time to develop and learn how to be with someone of the opposite s*x. As stated before, there are occasional clunky sentences, redundancies, and odd grammar choices but nothing that absolutely breaks the reading experience. The author excellently conveys their voice. Even though the story is told from a third-person limited, there is some head hopping but I think it allows the story to be more relatable. We get to see the thoughts of the characters as if it were a third-person omniscient close. 

    In all, I really enjoy the story and will most definitely continue reading. I am not the biggest fan of romance, I’m loathe to call this smut because it is so much better than simple smut, but this one was really enjoyable. The characters are most definitely the strongest point of the story and if the author wasn’t asking for 1 stars, I would be giving a higher rating. Also, I’m from the Bay Area and I always get excited when I see a story mention places I know about intimately. 

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    Status: chapter 21: silver

    I started reading this story just out of curiosity since I don't like this polyandry stuff, but damn, this was beyond my expectations, it's very different from anything I've ever read.

    I should probably wait a bit more, but that surprised me enough to make a review.

    Before I started reading it, I thought it would be hard to accept this polyamorous relationship thing, but although I had a brief initial shock, I quickly got used to it. I must say that this story is very different from what I thought, the author didn't come and just forcibly started a relationship between the characters, but instead, made it happen smoothly. 

    The interaction between the characters is by far one of the best things here, they were very well worked out, which for me makes them the highlight of this story.

    Personally, I like Joan a lot, she is a determined woman who doesn't give a sh*t what others think and accepts herself as she is, without shame or regrets of what she does. Although she seems to have a few screws loose, she is fun and interesting, which makes her a charismatic character. In the end, I ended up hoping that she would accomplish her goals.

    Something that I would also like to highlight are the illustrations that have in almost every chapter I have read so far. This helps a lot to get an idea of how the characters look and to have a better immersion in the chapter. Besides, there are several different styles to enjoy.

    I think this story suffers a lot of injustice, it deserves much more than just 1 star, but since the author wants, then I will do it.

    Anyway, I recommend you read it, it's a great story.

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    12 Likes · Like

    After reading the synopsis, I feel I can speak without fear of contradiction. However, I am typing this review, not talking, because it is in text, so I may be so contradicted I accidentally created mirror matter.

    I loved the part of the story where Galadriel Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way Targaryen said, "We have the mightiest armies in all of middle earth! What do you have that could defeat us?" Sauron just cracked his neck and said, "Magic, Mutherf*cker." Then Frodo said, "Crap. we're gonna need a bigger ring." so Gandalf told the Ents "run forrest run!" Then Don Lemonlas said, "We Haz RANGS!" while wearing T-shirt that read, "Ask Me About My Translucent Agenda."

    All Game of Thrones scholars agree that the homage scene where Rhaenyra whispers in Celeborn's ear "I hate pee on the toilet seat when I go to use it." and then disconnects the machine that keeps him alive, perfectly delivered George JRR Martin's message of hope and healing for all wahmankind. Then Galadriel jumped into the ocean with Dory and started singing, "Just keep swimming."

    I have to admit, I did not like the part where the authot race swapped the ents. Ents are clearly White Birch, but those ents were OAK. Remember, Arboreal Pollen is Tree ejaculation, so the Ent orgy counts as interracial and should have the appropriate tags. 

    HOWEVER, the author promptly redeemed herself where she wrote the part where Ursula said "Ahh, so you think darkness is your ally? But you merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already an octopus, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!" Then She-Hulk said, "You either die a Hero or live long enough to see yourself become the Crustacean." And then Halbrand said, "YEW TUKE ARR JERBS!" and Kicked a Harfoot into a well while shouting, "THIS. IS. NUMENOR." But Then Ursula Replied, "I am INEVITABLE!!!" only for Ariel to impale her with the boat while saying, "And I am all the Jedi... On a Boat."

    TL/DR: One fanfic to rule them all, one fanfic to find them, into the depths of the internet it will descend, and in the darkness bind them.

    I laughed, I cried, I kissed 18 bucks goodbye.

    1/10 - Would edge to it again.

    Much Stunning. Much Bravery.

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    7 Likes · Like
    Status: i just had to say...

    "Look at that there Koiba, can't even get himself a goilfriend by himself! He needs is money to do it fo' him!" -Joey Wheeler

    "Hey Seto, I-" "Shut up and put this on" *throws Blue Eyes White Dragon onesie* "It stays on during s*x."

    "Sorry, I don't want to have s*x, I just want to watch Spongebob" -Mokuba

    "Sorry, Mokuba can't make it today. He got kidnapped. Again."

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    Status: chapter 1: introductions

    Trading a 1 star review for a cookie.

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    Status: chapter 12

    Story rated 1/5 per Author's request.

    Actual Rating: 3.5/5. Has problems but was an enjoyable read.

    -- Plot --

    I was capable of reading up to chapter 12. Not out of failure to enjoy the story, but more being unable to enjoy too many strikes when it comes to the compromise of realism for plot progression. For the average reader, I can understand being able to put a pass and continue reading, but I struggled a bit at times. It reminded me of watching a movie and seeing characters get plot armor for things that shouldn't have happened. I won't spoil but at this point in the story, there should be a full stop and a shift to another environment. The lacking of such a shift thus far made it difficult for me to continue.

    However, the plot itself is good. There is continuity and you can see the developing relationships between the characters.


    It's a treat to see Seto Kaiba's hard exterior sort of bend and begin to melt away as Joan creeps her way through that tough facade of his. Mokuba is just as much of a treat to watch, with him being like a puppy and struggling to keep pace with the changing life now that Joan is in it. The only issue is that there is a lacking of stable plot progression. It's fast-paced. There are a lot of jumps in terms of progression and it's sort of like a hasty plunge into the deep end of a pool. From the budding of the relationships to now, they're literally cohorts in potential company crippling problems.


    Life happens fast. But damn, that's fast. That pace, for me, felt more like an acceleration of the relationships that leaves the characters behind on the experience graph. It was a treat in that aspect because now they're in it together and they're going to struggle together.


    However, Seto for example is still chasing tail. As a CEO and facing a giant PR mess, you'd think he'd be on the phone. He's not.


    Seeing as there are plenty more chapters, I assume they get through it.

    -- Characters --

    Joan. She's a sweet woman. Adorable, really. The way she interacts with the men in her life, how she is capable of flowing through them and adjust herself like a chameleon to the man she is with is truly a skill. But, she lacks presence. Odd to say, but I find her to be more like a pinball. She is bounced around between the men in her life, going from one to the next, her personality switching with each man she's with. She is actually part of the reason I dislike these sorts of novels. There are hints of her past but her world is not her own. She simply lives in theirs and is passing through.

    Seto Kaiba. Not really as I remember the cartoon character. He's more immature than I would have thought him to be and seems more focused on getting his hands on Joan than the actual thing he lives for and truly enjoys, which is Yu-Gi-Oh. I understand this is a smut story, but Seto built his corporation for the love of the game. Not so he can spend his time chasing tail all day. The narrow focus he has on Joan and the lack of his attention elsewhere has me questioning. A lot. He's a CEO of a global company. He has little time for all this and there should be a team ensuring he remains on track. All he has is Roland.

    Mokuba Kaiba. Mokuba is one of the more true characters that I can believe and agree with. His lacking in experience in women is a treat to see, a puppy as I described before, and his interactions with Joan reflect that well. However, again- he's the head of the Kaiba Corp branch in the States. He was entrusted that branch by Seto for a reason. His attempt to smooth over the PR mess that happened was correct. How he did it, though, was not. I was ready for an actual smart move here for him to show his maturity as a leader in the corporation. Instead, I was shown why Seto is reluctant to give him any real position in the company.

    Roland. His character as the security guard is sound. His personality fits and the man has the proper presence I would expect of him. His choices, though, and how much Seto relies on him should actually call for a second character. He's a security guard, not a secretary. On top of that, he's a professional security guard. Where is his detail? No security guard moves alone, not on a VIP like Seto or Mokuba (speaking of which, where's Mokuba's guard? No way Seto leaves him alone).

    The characters together and moving the plot forward work. Individually, though, they are lacking. The holes in each of them can be filled in however they are your typical tropes and takes on characters but there are missing pieces which give characters that "real" feel to them. To me, they're boring. But, that makes the story easy to adapt to and read. You can easily see the roles they each fill and the choices they make in the situations they are in are perfect for those roles. They don't step on each others toes nor do they go against the rules set for them. It's a smooth flow between them and that carries the story.

    -- Overall --

    The story is an enjoyable read. From the beginning, you're dropped into a fun set of relationships and the story establishes what it is about. There's no hiding the direction it will take in terms of the core elements and it doesn't try to be anything else than what it is. That makes it fun. Much like how we give the excuse to movies, "it only happens in the movies", the same can be said with this novel. 

    The spin here drifts away a bit from the natural characters in the franchise but the take on them fits with the plot. It's an experience I highly recommend for people who enjoy a spiraling reverse harem story with more to it than just s*x and a woman who's an airhead. Joan has her feet under her and that's clear from the beginning. She just seems to get swept up off them quite a bit is all.

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    Status: c2

    Well...i really don't understand why you are asking for 1 star rating. Although I don't like smut novels, (cause I will feel unwell when I read that type).i had read a chapter and I already can see this one deserves more. The plot and character development are good. But, since you insist on it, I can only give it like that. Happy writing.?

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    I was wondering what the lowest rated thing on scribblehub was and when I saw this I died with laughter as I had not expected this. Here is your 1 star author, enjoy it.

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    Status: chapter 73: impromptu competition waiting room

    One star!

    Okay wow. I did not expect to be reading this nonstop for hours. It was spicy, and beautiful. I'm not currently done reading it, but I already finalized my review for it. Beautiful one star fanfic, and I highly recommend it. Once of things I found pleasing while reading was the thought and care that went into this fanfic. I mean, It goes on for 70+ chapters for crying out loud. Really amazing, so amazing I have to take a breather from reading it.

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    Status: trying to understand

    The novel with the lowest rating... And although it doesn't deserve it, it's getting a star ?‍?, I'm confused but I hope you give it the reading it deserves 

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