My life as a gacha-whaling NEET was cut short by a delivery truck. Now a self-proclaimed Goddess of Reincarnation has given me a chance to start again with my memories intact, in another world! But instead of giving me new life as a hero with broken skills, I'm a pair of sentient white tights?! With broken skills?! This outrageous isekai adventure doesn't come with a manual.
WARNING: This novel is R-18 and for ADULTS ONLY
All characters engaging in sexual conduct are over 18.
The story features very heavy, dark themes.
None of the conduct described is encouraged, it is written from the the perspective of evil-aligned characters to progress to the ultimate plot, and is not without consequences.
This was really, really good it wast just about to get interesting, sad to see ot such a long hiatus
Nevermind I just read the dates wrong
Update: now it is in a long hiatus, I refresh this novel almos everyday without luck : (
Update v2: it has resummed serialization!!!, rejoice.
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The story us f**king gruesome and Im loving it for that. Be warned though there's a LOT of f**ked up sh*t. For example, infanticid, rape, and other stuffs So if stuff like that (and other smut and gore) isn't your thing, plus VERY evil protagonist. You best leave now
Oh yeah, there's futa. MC identifies as a guy still, but let's his host (friend?) Use a d*ck to impregnate girls. Yeah it's f**ked
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