A young Duelist gave up on the fun of Dueling. He had grown up, and his bad luck that had plagued him for his whole life ruined his experience as well. Dueling was all about luck of the draw, and who spent the most money on cards. Why even bother if you lost most games anyway? Then one day everything changes... He wakes up as a Slifer Student in Duel Academy. With his bad luck still plaguing him... He can only be lucky once!!
This Idea Came from an Author on Webnovel. 0_Jordinio_0's 'Stacking the Deck'. There may be a few similarities so go check him out if you want another story like this! Also I do not own Yugioh or the thumbnail. Full credit to person or people responsible.
It is really good for a fan-fiction based on a kids show... my only demerit is too many card harem members that require extra screen time. Needs more plot and less fluff? [ie dont need to focus on there cuddletime as much] But otherwise its pretty fun.
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Meh, I have no major complaints, it just does nothing well.
The deck theme is okay. There is a minor dependance on cards that didn't exist until after GX. Not as bad as some yugioh fanfics are in that regard.
There is essentially no real plot. They're literally just running through the anime episodes and making the self insert deal with most of them himself. It just feels shallow though.
The harem is a mix bag. It takes up an increasingly large amount of time as we go on. It's not bad, but I'd rather have a plot. The state of affairs is usually, one chapter of battle, then one chapter of various female duel spirits and possibly one of the female protagonists sleeping in the protagonists bed. No actual s*x in the chapters I read.
The protagonist is bland. Nothing to turn me off, but nothing I wanted to continue reading for. The draw for the series seems to be the harem.
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