44.9k Views 1292 Favorites 33 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 434 Readers 1 Reviews 57.1k Words Aug 15, 2020 hastalavista He was resting his face against his knees when a woman approached him, "Why don't you play along with the others?"
She said pointing at the playful faces in the playground.
"I'm tired."
The woman smiled, "You are lying right?" Then she pointed at the playing ground again, "You can see it right? The monster who is staring at the kids."
The boy widened his eyes and looked at her for the first time, "You can see him?"
"Yea, and I know he's powerful and scary," she smiled again, "But do you know why he isn't attacking the kids?"
The boy shook his head fiercely...
"Because he's scared... of you."
At that time he couldn't
... more>> believe the woman or why she was there he was just told to stay quiet and live a peaceful life. But words were easier said than done. After all, in no time the other orphans began hating him and he was outcasted, and that day where no one accepted him eventually came...
Getting kicked out of the orphanage and thrown into prostitution distract's alley he, who has forgotten his own name, waited for the orphanage keeper to take him in again. However, after days of waiting, an old man with a red illuminating eye tells him "Let this old demon rise you."
The boy takes the old demon's hand and later his ambition to create a place where demons and humans can live together. Will he succeed in creating the perfect utopia or change his mind along the way?
The cover picture isn't mine (I don't know the artist, if you know him/her please tell me).
Very Important Note: I'm still a beginner, I have a problem with setting the scenes. They might look hard to follow but with each chapter, the world will be easier to understand. I'm working on this problem, I'm already re-writing some chapters but till I get better I hope you consider this problem before reading the story. Thanks