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Fragmented Blade
Fragmented Blade
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Characters (Main)
Noel Miller

Name: Noel Harmony Miller (Japanese Name: Mira Haru)

Age: 14

Birthday: December 19th

Likes: Nature, Track, Sweets, Cute Things

Dislikes: Seafood, People

The protagonist of Fragemted Blade. Noel is naive to the world around her as she has little experience with life outside of her hometown in America. However, she has experienced plenty of hardship and social persecution due to her family curse. This has left Noel with a deep-seated mistrust of people that goes beyond a conscious hatred. Still, she is protective of the few people she values, such as her younger brother, Danny. And hurting or insulting those people will bring out the parts of her personality that she keeps hidden.


Noel is torn between several ideologies and philosophies. From Darris's belief that choice is the highest form of power to Azrath's belief that people are happiest when they accept their role and put their faith in a higher power, to even her beloved papa's belief that truth is a relative concept and that people give meaning to things. She has to figure out her own form of strength as she is pulled in several directions by the people around her. 


Name: Azrath 

Age: 4,798 (In Eziron Years)

Birthday: (the equivalent of) March 9th

Likes: Urzuran, Reading, Exercise

Dislikes: Fighting, Injustice, Himself

A member of the species called Eziron. Azrath carries enormous guilt for the choices he has made in his life. As a result, he will try to do anything to make up for them, which only lands him in deeper trouble. He has good intentions but a lack of foresight for the consequences of his actions. That being said, he will fight for what he believes in despite his pacifist nature. He is a talented warrior, which is ironic. For some mysterious reason, Azrath's body has been transformed into a small, winged creature that lacks any strength. 

Darris the Indomitable
Name: Darris Leondras

Age: 1,034

Birthday: October 7th

Likes: Reading, Combat, Trashy Romance (but only ironically)

Dislikes: Waiting, Weakness, Fate

The main antagonist of Fragmented Blade. Born a giant in 10th century Britain, Darris stands at 9' 2" and has spent his life dedicated to becoming the strongest around. He envied the strong as he himself started life fragile and sickly. But through sheer will, Darris conquered his weakness and became known as Darris the Indomitable. A name that he earned throughout his time as a hero. 

At some point in life, Darris even managed to conquer death as he was crowned Hidaar-- leader of the Ahngreel-- and has spent ten millennia (Sohaud time) bored out of his skull. But now that he has found a potential equal in Noel, the spark of life has returned to his soul. 

Characters (Secondary)
Aunt Jillian

Name: Jillian Stillwater

Age: 33

Birthday: June 22

Likes: Japan, Makeup

Dislikes: Bugs, Her father

Noel's maternal aunt. She is a professor at a Tokyo university. She was also originally from Davenfield, under the control of an abusive father. She seized the opportunity to live in Japan on an exchange program, never to return. After the death of Noel's parents, Jillian took her and Danny away to live with them. Though she is plagued with self-doubt over her ability to care for her niece and nephew. She may seem nice and friendly, but Noel once overheard her call them a "family of weirdos."

Danny Miller

Noel's brother. He is almost ten years younger than her. When their parents died, Noel promised to be there for him, though she still finds him kind of annoying as any older sister does. 

Kusinawa Ushio

Noel's class representative. Upon first meeting, Noel detested her. She could tell Ushio was a rich girl just by her smug, icy attitude. Tries to get Noel to call her Senpai, despite being only a few days older. She sees Noel as a potential rival and goes above and beyond to make sure Noel is at her best. Though Noel's dislike of Ushio is mutual. 

Mr. Tamayoshi

Name: Tamayoshi Geki

Age: 23

Birthday: May 13th

Likes: History, Performing, Supporting his students

Dislikes: Giving up, Causing Trouble

Noel's homeroom teacher. He teaches history and is fairly young for a teacher. He is determined to keep his students safe and will often act rashly to accomplish this. He has a fondness for Noel as he acknowledges her adaptability. 


On his days off, Mr. Tamayoshi likes to perform as the lead in a children's stage show called Police Hero Squad where he plays the Red leader. It's a hobby that makes him feel like he's cool. Though Noel thinks he's cooler as her teacher, which means a lot to him.



The servant of the Hidaar. Not much is known about him other than his loyalty to Darris and the fact that he cannot die. 


This mysterious woman is keeping tabs on Darris through Noren. He refers to her as "Mistress." 

Characters (Ahngreel)

Name: Alén

Age: 15

Birthday: ???

Likes: Fighting, Quiet time, Kaas

Dislikes: Talking

An Ahngreel under Kaas's command. She is the youngest of his "soldiers," and was recruited at the age of 4. According to Kaas, her abilities are second to none, and is a pillar of their team. She is shy and anxious and rarely speaks, even in front of Kaas, though they can communicate fairly well without speaking. 

She has a rare blood condition that gives it a distinct red color rather than the brownish color of Ahngreel blood. 


Name: Aaska

Age: 17

Birthday: Same as Naaro's

Likes: Naaro, making mischief

Dislikes: Paying attention, being apart from Naaro

Aaska is a twin, a rare thing in Sohaud. As a result, Aaska refuses to go anywhere without Naaro. The two see themselves as one person split into two bodies. They mirror each other's movements, finish each other's sentences, and do everything together. Kaas has honed this behavior to create a fearsome fighting duo. Although, they also fight as one as their power is split between them.

Aaska and Naro have a difficult time paying attention to anything. It's like they live in their own little world. And they will often get themselves in trouble following their impulses. 


Name: Brinn (prefers Buster) 

Age: 15

Birthday: ???

Likes: Boxing, Oriander, Gentleman's code

Dislikes: Anything he perceives as injustice

Brinn (or Buster Brinn as he likes to call himself) is the self-appointed apprentice to Oriander. He tries his best to follow his master's teachings and code of ethics. He was given the designation of "Buster" by Oriander who named him after the "Ahngreel Warrior" Buster Douglas. AKA, the man who defeated Mike Tyson. 

Buster harbors a heart of justice which is skewed through the lens of Ahngreel morality. Despite this, he is kind and friendly, if not a bit naïve. Children love him, though he doesn't exactly know why. 


An Ahngreel who helped break the portal. He has been imprisoned and gone from Ahngreel thought for 10,000 years. Nobody but Darris knows why he was imprisoned, but now he has returned. He is evil to the point that even the Ahngreel are uncomfortable in his presence. And while his body may be frail from his imprisonment, his strength has not diminished in the slightest. 


Name: Hilqmaar (HILL-kah-mahr)

Age: 17

Likes: Girls, control

Dislikes: Rebellion, the word no. 

Ability: The Gravity of Love. 

Hilqamaar is unusal in that he has two distinct Talents. A pheramonal ability that dulls the senses and gives the target a sense of euphoria. This allows him to give suggestions that the victim will compulsively obey. He will then touch his victim with his blood, which can grow to weigh between 200-300 pounds. 

His abilities might be attributed to being a result of excellent breeding, but it doesn't take into account his unusual fascination with females. He prefers the smaller and more feminine human females instead of the bulkier Ahngreel women. It is strange for any Ahngreel to be interested in anything unrelated to battle. 

Hilqamaar's good looks hide his evil nature. Even other Ahngreel would find him unpleasant if they knew what he was like. 


Used to be the Saltabiiq of the Second until his latest death and Rising. Iosh is similar to Warrick in that he collects trophies. Though Iosh's trophies are the scars on his body, which he happily displays through nudity. He possesses a jovial nature, though he is quicker to get offended than Warrick as he feels he has a lot to prove. 


Name: Kaas

Age: 14, 293 (Ahngreel Years) 

Birthday: ???

Likes: Being in charge, his "soldiers"

Dislikes: Being disrespected, teenagers, betrayal

A former Hidaar past his prime. He seeks to rid Sohaud of the disgrace of being controlled by a human and has been biding his time, recruiting soldiers to create an opposing force to dethrone Darris. Through this process, he has become a dad in denial. Kaas has recruited many youths who have left him behind, but he is particularly fond of his current group. 


Name: Ludd

Age: 19

Birthday: ???

Likes: Painting, Tykus, Hiding

Dislikes: Confrontation, Fighting

Ludd is a special case in Kaas's team. Whereas Kaas usually recruits at a young age, he was so impressed by Ludd's stealth abilities that he asked him to join as a teenager. Ludd is the most intelligent of Kaas's group, which makes up for his lack of strength. No matter how hard Ludd worked, he is unable to gain any muscle. Luckily, he has Tykus who more than makes up for his shortcomings as Ludd does for him. 


Name: Naaro

Age: 17

Birthday: Same as Aaska's

Likes: Aaska, making mischief

Dislikes: Paying attention, being apart from Aaska

Naro is a twin, a rare thing in Sohaud. As a result, Naaro refuses to go anywhere without Aaska. The two see themselves as one person split into two bodies. They mirror each other's movements, finish each other's sentences, and do everything together. Kaas has honed this behavior to create a fearsome fighting duo. Although, they also fight as one as their power is split between them.

Naaro and Aaska have a difficult time paying attention to anything. It's like they live in their own little world. And they will often get themselves in trouble following their impulses. 


Name: Oriander

Age: 20,135 (Ahngreel years)

Birthday: ???

Likes: Boxing

Dislikes: Using weapons

An Ahngreel who seems to be the right-hand man of the Hidaar. The former champion Equituum, he is known as the "Boiling Brawler." Has a deep love of boxing and feels a worshipful connection to Tokyo Stadium.

The Saltabiiq of the Sixth. He possesses a simple and jovial demeanor. Like most Ahngeel, he loves to fight. While his victories are far fewer than his defeats, he takes pride in winning by collecting the fang of all he defeats and displaying them on his vest. He has a long-standing rivalry with the Ahngreel Iosh. They are similar in personality as they are half-brothers, but family relationship does not matter to Ahngreel, so it's never acknowledged by either. He is said to possess an incredible ability. 

An Ahngreel who appeared in disguise when she heard of the reordering tournament. She is a Roamer--Ahngreel that no longer live in Souhaud--and aims to dethrone Darris. She easily became Champion Equitum and has been acknowledged by Darris as the most powerful Ahngreel under himself. All who meet her notice that she has a fire in her eyes that most Ahngreel lack.

Her powers are mysterious but are tied to the suit of black armor that she usually wears. 


Name: Tykus

Age: 11, 002 (Ahngreel years)

Birthday: ???

Likes: Building Muscle, showing off

Dislikes: Lollygagging, people picking on his comrades

Kaas's second in command, he has stayed with his group the longest, being the first soldier recruited. He possesses immense raw strength, probably the physically strongest Ahngreel. However, his awful Talent holds him back. He will often pair with another team member to make up for it. His favorite of these is Ludd, whom he has a fondness for. 

His no-nonsense attitude helps keep the others in line when Kaas is at his wit's end or is not present. 

Characters (Eziron)

Azrath wife. They grew up together, with Emué acting as a somewhat older sister, despite being younger than her. Still, they fell in love and married the day Azrath returned from war. Azrath rarely mentions her, but when he does, it is always with great sadness. 


As it turns out, Azrath banished Emué out of Eziro to who knows where. He feels immense guilt for what he did and thinks it is better that Emué hates him for it. 

A master smith and Azrath's father. He created the sword for Uzruran to siphon his excess power through. He forged the sword, but he does not know how. He was tasked to guard the sword at the time of the divide and was joined by Azrath. For centuries, the two lived in an empty world until the day Ezurdas died. 

He left behind a journal explaining his thoughts and discoveries for his son to later discover. Has criticized Urzuran in the past, but he still loved and worshiped him. 


(Er-Zer-An) The God of Eziro. He created the world and has ruled it since its inception. He led His people to believe in nonviolence and worship the Cosmic Flow. He has actively prevented any wars in his Realm. When the Great War began between Realms, Uzuran felt it His duty to stop it. His first solution was to join the War as a neutral defender, but as that devolved into bloodshed, He instead chose to sacrifice His life to separate each Realm, only leaving a portal for each active once a year in hopes of peace and his sword which contains the last of His power. 

Characters (Miscellaneous)
Brian Miller

Noel's "Papa." His family line carries the curse. As a result, he has had a tough life despite not being cursed himself. He eventually ran away from his hometown at 22 with Noel's mom, who was 15 at the time. Though they eventually eloped and moved back to Davenfield to raise a family. He died in an accident alongside his wife. 

Jessica Miller

Noel's "Mama." She was a bright girl with a promising future but threw it all away to run off with Noel's father. She is Jillian's younger sister. She died in a tragic accident along with her husband. 

Kuboue Kiriko

Noel's next-door neighbor. She and her husband own the house that Noel is living in and have rented it to Aunt Jillian at a discounted rate. They were Jillian's host family when she studied abroad. For some reason, she insists on Noel calling her "Granny."

Kuboue Koshi

Noel's next-door neighbor. He and his wife own the house Noel is living in. He is an accomplished businessman and has good knowledge of Japanese history. 

Mifune Yui

One of Noel's friends. She was originally assigned to tutor Noel in Japanese writing but was kind enough to let her join her friend circle. 

Nagatsuma Mugi

One of Noel's friends. Also part of Yui's friend group. She has a fascination with America as she is a quarter American. 

Tojo Ai

One of Noel's friends. She is part of Yui's friend group. She likes anime and cosplaying. 

Sword of Uzuran

Created under mysterious circumstances by Azrath's father, the sword serves as a vessel for Eingh. It is capable of storing an innumerable amount of energy and contains the last of Urzuran's power. Upon discovering a threat to the planet Earth, Azrath, servant of Urzuan, broke the sword into eight pieces, each containing an equal amount of sealed power. They are currently scattered about Tokyo. 

Urzuran's Portal

A white stone arch left in every world but Eziro by Urzuran. The portal is normally closed, but for a few hours once a year Eziro time, the arch will fill with a white light. This can mean that some worlds have the portal open multiple times a year or once a century, depending. Though the time the portal is open is constant. The gods of each world respect Urzuran's wish of an "annual" peace conference, but it's mostly them figuring out how to break through the portal together.  Once the portal closes all who are not in their correct Realm will be pulled back.


(Deh-MOR-Sha) The city where the Ahngreel live. It was once a fortress-like structure carved from a mountain. However, time had worn away the exterior to where it resembles a formless mountain once more.


The city consists of 125 floors. 113 floors are guarded by floor masters (known as Saltabiiq), five floors belong to the Equituum, and the final seven floors belong to the Hidaar. There is also an underground floor known as the Zeroth.

The higher one climbs, the more the city reflects its former glory. 
Freelan Lake

Also known as the Golden Lake. It is the place where Ahngreel bodies and souls reside. After an Ahngreel is killed in battle, their corpse (along with the souls within them) are placed in the lake to await potential resurrection. While there, their bodies are rejuvenated by the water's healing properties. What happens in the lake is not spoken about, but there is a sorting system of a kind as once a year, only a select few may be pulled out of the water by the Hidaar. 


(Soh-Hawd) A world in ruin filled with desolate wastelands and craggy mountains. Notable characteristics and landmarks are the red and blue sky, the pillars of fire that randomly spurt from the ground, and a massive golden lake that kills when touched. It is the home of the Ahngreel, who reside in the city of Desmortia. 

The Miller Curse

A curse that has been in Noel's family forever. It is passed to every other generation. None know where it came from or why they have it, but it had led many family members to early graves, even the in-between generations like Noel's father. 

To Noel's knowledge, it makes things weird. Certain odd events ranging from making it rain indoors to changing a person's personality will randomly occur. There is no warning or consistency except that it starts in the morning and ends the next day. It may be three times a week or once a month; there is no way to tell. 

It's not all bad, though. Sometimes there are passive quirks like being able to speak and read an unfamiliar language, but that's hardly worth the paranoia and social ostracization. 


(Ahn-GREEL) A mysterious race and the inhabitants of Sohaud. 

Cosmic Flow

Also known as the Everflow. The Cosmic Flow is the manifestation of fate. It is the natural current of the universe that all souls join into to reach their afterlife. Some worship it, like Azrath. While others despise it, like Darris. 


An insult used by Ahngreel. It is the equivalent of a coward. As their death and ressurection are tied to the golden lake, an Ahngreel calling someone a diver is basically telling someone that they are so frightened that they are willing to jump in the lake themselves. 


(Ai-N-Gh) A form of power using a person's life energy. A person can channel it through their will. All living things carry Eingh and can wield it to a degree, but those who learn of its existence can learn to master it. With Eingh, a user has the ability to channel their will to change reality, but only that which they believe they can. For example, it can be used to enhance strength or bend a person's will. But it is an unstable power as the soul never lies. Over-exerting will lead to a person draining their soul until it runs empty, leaving only a husk behind.


The rank below the Hidaar. They are the Ahngreel's four most elite warriors and traditionally acted as the final challenge before the Hidaar. First Equituum is the lowest, followed by Second Equituum, then Third Equituum, and finally, the Champion Equituum, the pride of Sohaud. Darris had long since disbanded the Equituum, though has recently chosen to reinstate the rankings. 


A breeding ceremony implamented by Hidaar Freelan to ensure the Ahngreel maintain population and evolve in strength. Two Ahngreel of the opposite sex invoke the ritual by saying the montra: "Alone we are strong. Together we are stronger. And what we create will become the strongest. So that we may one day surpass it." 


Faljinsi was created by Hidaar Freelan when the Ahngreel nearly wiped themselves out. This was before they discovered the ability to pull the body and souls of "deceased" Ahngreeel from the lake. In fact, it was Hidaar Freelan who discovered this characteristic of the lake. This is why the lake was named after them.



(Hih-Dahr) This title signifies the leader of the Ahngreel. The current holder of this title is Darris the Indomitable. 


The Ahngreel equivalent to Eingh. Where Eigh is channeled through the soul and will, Rau is channeled through the blood and body. The potential ability Rau grants are called Talents, and the actual use of the ability are called Arts.  


It's a specific day in a Souhaud year when the Hidaar pulls the worthy from the lake. The chosen Ahngreel will stick their hands out of the water around the altar where the Hidaar stands so that he or she may pull them out. 


The 113 floor masters of Sohaud. One Saltabiiq per floor, though they are welcome to invite whoever they want to live on the floor with them. This rarely happened when the rankings were more rigid as Ahngreel are stubbornly individualistic. But with Darris as Hidaar, the use of teams have been on a steady incline. 

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    Status: c18

    The plot, the setting, the characters are all well written.

    If you are expecting an action series, I would not recommend reading this. This is primarily a character driven story. It also has a very slow pace, I have read 3 volumes, yet the story has barely progressed. The entire of the first volume is just a prologue and the first fight only happens on volume 2. The first real fight ends on volume 3.

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